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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Lung volumes and lung capacities. Lung volumes
  2. Muscle Contraction and ATP

    How cells obtain energy in mitochondria...??? 14.02 mins: Cells obtain energy
  3. Muscle Contraction and ATP

    Cellular Respiration - Energy in a Cell Manufacturing of body energy, ATP, by cellular respiration. A. 4:29 mins: Must see B. 10.30 mins: C. 28:55 mins video:
  4. Muscle Contraction and ATP

    Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction:
  5. Let's argue about something is more meaningful......alright...???
  6. Let say we all are believing in our own principles. There was really no good explanation about Chi Kung. Since I do practice it and have something to relate to, thus I will not let it go. Unless someone can come up with something more convincing or a better rebuttal. If someone kept on insisting that something is there but not really there or without a good explanation, then it is hard for me to accept. It is a crime is it.....???
  7. You don't have to follow what I say. Please keep an open mind and let this thread continue. You can shoot me at the end. Okay....???
  8. Hi, rainbowvein... So far, this is the most serious and intelligent answer which is leading close to the core of the discussion. All the scientific data were collected but still with no final conclusion. Based on the quote above, don't you think scientists should pay more attention and to investigate in "breathing" and "movements". Breathing is the key factor in Chi Kung. Should we investigate what are we really breathing into our lungs instead making erroneous assumption that were are breathing something else in the air which we cannot identify....??? The movements are the work done by our muscles. Shall we look what is going on inside our muscles because they are part of the body. They are cause all the effects inside the body. Why should we give all the credit to "Chi" because that was what the Chinese said that is what it is...??? Don't you think it is wise to reconsider what "Chi" is or redefine it....??? There are lot things that are comparable with Chi but we are just ignoring it and look nowhere else and come to a standing still....???
  9. Did you think that was something new.....??? :lol: How would I know that if you haven't really said anything...???
  10. ............................................ I still like you, Sinfest. Like I said, you got sense of humor.....
  11. Well, next time please don't try to sacrifice the true saying by not repeating the same word again.....
  12. Ahhh... Someone is suggesting that the answer is in the question and no one came forward but only with sarcastic remarks...... PS.... If someone is so irritated, then why even bother with an input.
  13. No, I want people to answer my question with a good reason rather than saying it was not to evade the question.
  14. turn... Abdominal breathing will flatten the diaphragm allowing the lungs to expand downward to increase in volume to hold more air and oxygen.
  15. Okay. I will settle that as one of the benefits. Is this as far as you will go from here....???
  16. "Polluted oxygen"....??? Oxygen is a pure element. Perhaps you mean polluted air. BTW It was a good metaphor for the messenger rather than the message. It was not just some people spend their whole lives breathing in the same ideas,.....; but all....
  17. That was only under abnormal conditions. We are not concerning with that at the moment.
  18. Bull eyes. Good guess...!!! Abdominal breathing is making more oxygen to be absorbed but not by clearing the small intestines. It has a lot to do abdominal breathing. Please give me a good reason how does that increase the oxygen content in the body....???
  19. That still did not answer my question....
  20. We are breathing the air into the nose right in front of us. How can we say it is not the air but assuming some unknown things in the air. What were you thinking....??? That is what I don't understand. Everybody breathes the same stuff in the air. By logic, everyone should have the same effect but only the Chi Kung practitioners are getting the benefits....??? Why......???
  21. The non Chi Kung practitioners and Chi Kung practitioners breathe the same air. It is true, the only difference is abdominal breathing or breathing into the dan tien. Why do you thinking that is only effecting the practitioner instead of the non-practitioner...??? Something must have happened somewhere along the line. There must be a good reason that can be explained.
  22. Why is Chi Kung Practitioners are healthier and stronger breathing the same air....? Here is the real question: When one does Chi Kung involves breathing the same air as others, why is the Chi Kung practitioner gets more benefit than the other...?? What had the practitioner done differently from the others...???
  23. How does Chi Kung help one to develop awareness of the autonomous system...??? What are some of particular things that a practitioner has to do....????
  24. Sorry, the original question wasn't stated clearly. Since it has been answered properly, I guess we have to leave it to the "some are" group to respond now.....