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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Not-Doing

    astralc... Thanks again for being a good listener, but please do check on me. I do make mistakes... Anyway, back to LoaTze's journey to the west. However, it was the end of that and nobody had heard of him ever since. He was a great philosopher rather than a practitioner of meditation. In the process I was trying to search more information about the last part of the history about him for you. Surprisingly, I have found something that might be very interesting. It was his philosophy on how to free oneself mentally for any external influence. Perhaps, I thought you might be interested and, also, I would like to share it with you. However, I need a little time to do the translation for you. I want you to read this and raise questions. Thanks... Qi and BEM Energy PS... Please read pages 15, 16 thru 22 and the last paragraph of p26 to see if you have any interesting questions.
  2. Scientific Approach to Practice

    A Seeker... I was used to the terms of action potential, ATP, nerve pulses. Now, I've realized that they are related to and known as Bio-electromagnetic field or energy. Look what I've found. Let's look into this and have some fun with it. I haven't read it yet but it would be very interesting. Qi and BEM Energy
  3. Scientific Approach to Practice

    A Seeker... No problem! Apology accepted.... Thank for your explanation in your own words. I will not going to fanatically accept nor deny it for now. However, we should have the matter cleared in the near future. BTW My argument was based on the following without going into the quantum physics aspect of it: People do use the term "electromagnetic field" quite loosely. What do you think about the statement above....??? What do you think the magnitude of the bodies electromagnetic field is...???
  4. Scientific Approach to Practice

    Right, it is only a matter of finding them and put into good utilization.
  5. Scientific Approach to Practice

    There are tons of things that can be represented by this acronym. It was not a matter of who is right or wrong. Somebody was at fault by not reading the post correctly and made an hasty assumption. Anyway, thank you for bringing this to our attention. It was really immaterial at this point now....
  6. Accessing Higher Dimensions

  7. Scientific Approach to Practice

    Perhaps you may be correct; but I had been working with the stuff for a living and I am glad somebody that is telling me that I am wrong. Please check this out before we jump to any conclusion. Alright...??? Ref: EMF Peace...
  8. Scientific Approach to Practice

    If you had read it carefully, I believe I had stated as "electromagnetic field(EMF)".
  9. Scientific Approach to Practice

    By the definition of QiGong(Chi Kung), it is the ultimate method of breathing. If we do Qigong, it will increase the amount of oxygen intake. As a result, a greater amount of biochemical energy will be generated since more oxygen was provided to react with the glucose stored in the muscle tissues. That is why a Chi Kung practitioner feel much stronger than before because of the extra energy was being generated. In addition, the body operation is more efficient was because of the extra energy being provided to do all other functions. If there was a lack of oxygen or hypoxia in the blood, then the internal organs will be fighting for oxygen to perform their functions. However, if there was a weak organ, then it may not function efficiently because it was not able to grab as much as oxygen as the other organs. Thus it will be worsen due to suffocation.
  10. Namaste..............:)

  11. Scientific Approach to Practice

    Your notion about that "there is a strong connection between contracted muscles and tissues" is correct but the rest are fallacies. It has no side effects. As a matter of fact, as long the muscles were slightly contracted, there will be energy continuously being generated. In the contrary, the generation of the biochemical energy(ATP) will be ceased as soon the muscles were relaxed.
  12. Scientific Approach to Practice

    There is no such thing as body electromagnetic field. FYI Any EMF collapses as long as there was no alternating current flow in a media. The body cells do not store any metabolic energy(ATP) neither. The biochemical energy, ATP, will be gone in seconds if it was not used. Thus the generation cycle of the biochemical energy restarts when the muscles contract again.
  13. Scientific Approach to Practice

    1 and 2. That was what I had been doing all the time. 3. Yes, I can explain Chi Kung in better terms but, first, we must clear all the fallacies in the air. There is no electromagnetic field(EMF) in the body, it is all chemical reactions. The human body is not a coil because only a coil can produce an EMF due to a change in electrical current such as an alternating current(AC). A direct current(DC) will not produce an EMF in a coil. Beside, the body cells only generate chemical-electrical pulses.
  14. Scientific Approach to Practice

    Now, I have more time and thoughts about these serious and interesting questions. I would like to go over them slowly, post by post, with each item scientifically.
  15. Not-Doing

    Thank you for your gushing compliments.... I don't mind at all. I'm glad that you are giving me another opportunity to review myself again. LaoTze is a mysterious figure because he kept himself in a low profile and lived in a simplest and humble lifestyle. He was secluded as a librarian to isolate himself from any political involvement. He was fed up with the politicians, at the time, who ruled in a tyranny form of government. His philosophy was to rule the people as simple as possible with less decrees. His philosophy was based on the idea that "the people should be ruled with Wu Wei". How did he come up with this amazing knowledge? No one knows, he only had all his knowledge written down in the Tao Te Ching. The Tao Te Ching was written using first person tense. It has to be authentic by him because there was no other literature in history which resembles his thoughts and wisdom. He took off and went west as an old man as LaoTze himself..... Finally, his legend still remains as a mystery.
  16. Zhuang Tze: Being born is the beginning of death. Death is the end of being born.
  17. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section A

    I would like to borrow these words, here, but it does matter this time.....
  18. Not-Doing

    I want you to beware that Wu Wei in the Tao Te Ching is atheistic. LaoTze had no intention for anyone to become an immortal; it was only a small group of people thought that the TTC was suggesting for them to be one. Therefore, they interpreted the TTC to their favor, as canon, and fund the Taoist religion. For simplicity, the member(s) in the Taoist religion, hereinafter, will be referred as Taoist(s) to isolate them from the philosophical group. Anyway, to answer your question in bold. His original intention was more emphasized on the people to live in harmony rather than the inner and outer life of one individual. However, it was vice versa for the Taoists. Based on the LaoTze's definition of Wu Wei, Taoists do not want to abuse their bodies but to preserve them. Then, they will find ways to have longevity by all means. Their philosophy was to integrate themselves with Nature as a whole. They were thinking by absorbing the natural energy from what was given by Nature will give them the ultimate state of homeostasis or beyond. All individual Taoist want to be an immortal, therefore, they want to have both the inner and outer life to be in harmony with nature. They practice Tai Ji and Chi Kung over Kung Fu as their preference for a better health to preserve the body. Hopefully, one day, the Taoist will become an immortal as an ultimate goal. During the process to become an immortal, they came up with the ideas of external and internal alchemy. External alchemy was involved with the elixir as oral medicine; and internal alchemy is a form of Chi Kung which is most effective for a better health. However, due to the lack of scientific knowledge at the time, many Taoist died due to poisoning from the external alchemy because lead and mercury were used in the alchemical process. It turns out to be more safe and effective in the internal alchemy practice. PS... Thank you for giving me this great opportunity to answer the most challenging question. It was a real pleasure of having such faith with one and other.
  19. Longevity Breathing

  20. Not-Doing

    Thank you for your respect of me being a student of LaoTze. I really appreciated that.... Well, "do nothing to harm society" was only one of the applications of Wu Wei. A lot of people have an idea about Wu Wei and was benefited from their own interpretations. When I study the Tao Te Ching, I really looked deep into the term Wu Wei. Some translations were done by using the daily linguistic meaning of the characters: 1. Do nothing to accomplish everything. 2. Everything had been done and left noting undone. Just based on these two statements, then I said to myself: "WOW, what kind of philosophy was that. Is that what LaoTze meant with his great wisdom beyond an ordinary person...??? Thus I did not buy that at all. I went to look for my answer to get the true philosophical meaning of the term. I was lucky and bought a book written by a knowledgeable native scholar. First of all, we must have a little understanding LaoTze's thinking. His thinking was different from an ordinary person. To interpret the term Wu Wei, we must get use to his way of thinking. If you interpret it your own way, then it is not his way of thinking. LaoTze like to look into things in the reverse manner and different from a normal human being. If one says "let's do something good"; but he wouldn't say it that way but he would say: "Let's not do something bad." He always like to put a positive view in a negative perspective but still turned out positive. In our thinking, we looked both the good and the bad. However, he only thinks about bad side with a reverse logic. One might think that he was thinking negatively, but actually was positive. When we talk about the walls of a room to make the room to be useful, he would say that was not the walls are being useful. With his extraordinary wisdom, he likes to say that the empty space in between the walls are being useful instead of the walls. Now, we understand his way of thinking. Let's look at his patented term of Wu Wei, so to speak. Its literal translation is "no action". If it was put into LaoTze's negative perspective, then it would be "no abusive action", 不妄為. His philosophy behind Wu Wei was by assuming that everything to be "natural" which is no interference whatsoever. In other words, let Nature take its course. What one is doing something good to Nature was not his main concern because there was no harm done. His only concern was to assure that no harm was done by any interference to Nature. To finalize the meaning of Wu Wei, it is being "natural"; free of interference or interruption; let Nature take its course. For example, if you force your son to be a doctor but he wants to be a philosopher, then you are not being Wu Wei. It is because you were interfering with someone's will. If you let him be what he wants to be with no interference. Then, by the no action, it was said to be that you were being Wu Wei because you took no action on your part.
  21. empty / full

    Yes, please don't forget, Marblehead is a Hard head. Nothing could hurt it. I tried many times. PS.... I kid with this HARD HEADED guy all the time to kill my time here. Otherwise, we'll be bored to death....
  22. Fast Tai Ji is learn to Fa Jin. Please feel free to question or comment.
  23. Tai Ji Fast Form -- Fa Jin Demo

    I have more to said about the two practitioners. Even though they both are doing Fa Jin, however, there is a nuance here. Have you notice that the whole body of Ba ji Chuan is doing Fa Jin; while the body of the Tai Ji Chuan is more relaxing....??? For those who practice Tai Ji, that is what 'sung' was all about. The Tai Ji practitioner is only Fa Jin, emphasized, in the arms and legs because it is the Yang style. For your interest, the BaJi Chuan is similar to the Chen Style Tai Ji. The Chen Tai Ji Fa Jin is within the whole body too. That was the uniqueness of the Chen Style. Next time if you happen to be watching the Chen style, please observe the extra wiggle in the body movements.
  24. Tai Ji Sparring

    Thank you for the addition. Changes made are inclusive and understood. I only use these three famous known families as a general idea to get my point across. BTW I have an original book written by a disciple of Yang Chengfu and learned the Yang style from a disciple downstream of the same author.
  25. Tai Ji Sparring

    Well, the original Tai Ji Chuan was always known as Tai Ji Chuan. Mr. Chen learned Tai Ji; Mr. Yang learned Tai Ji, and Mr. Wu learned Tai JI. Mr. Chen changed the form of Tai Ji to fit his taste for body Jin enhancement; Mr. Yang changed the form of Tai Ji to fit his taste for health; and also Mr. Wu changed the form of Tai Ji to fit his taste for combat. All these changed forms of Tai Ji are very unique and passed down in their families from generation to generation. Hence, all the unique styles of Tai Ji were given credit to the families. Now, we have three famous forms of Tai Ji. They are known as Chen Tai Ji Chuan, Yang Tai Ji Chuan, Wu Tai Ji Chuan,