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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Not-Doing

    That was only what you think his philosophy is. We cannot degrade LaoTze's wisdom. His thinking is much more complicated than our ordinary daily thinking. Pardon me, you are only interpreting Wu Wei based by the superficial linguistic meaning. In order to get to its true meaning, one must look more deeper into it philosophically.
  2. empty / full

    Yes, so is the chemist doesn't want the chemicals where a man doesn't. A physicist is different, he does the most physical thing first.....
  3. Not-Doing

    Please it is Confucian philosophy not Confusion. WU WEI = Wu Shuo Bu Wei Do you mean 無事不為....??? It is just an ordinary idiom. Sorry, that is not LaoTze's philosophy. @Astralc Please give me a little time to get into LaoTze's thinking on Wu Wei. Thank you for your interest.
  4. Stars

    Zhuang Tze said: "I live my own life to the satisfaction that I want and don't care what is out there. Therefore, what is inside me is my own universe."
  5. Tai Ji Fast Form -- Fa Jin Demo

    When it comes to Tai Ji, I have a lot to say. Yes, it is not arguable that Tai Ji is a slow Kung Fu but only in the first level. There was no doubt that the first level was internal development of Chi if you want to call it that. Actually, the proper term was called Jin(勁). After the development of Jin in the body, then go to the second level as Fast Tai Ji. This level is to enhance the Jin in the muscles by learning to Fa Jin. Fa Jin literally means let the Jin out or release the Jin. Letting the Jin out is one thing, letting out how much at a time is another. Controlling to release the amount of Jin is very important. One thing was to release the right amount only suffice to accomplish the task; so the Jin energy was not wasted. In a combat situation is how much damage does one wants to disable the opponent. A moderate amount will keep the opponent away. A more moderate amount can cause a little harm. Finally, a full thrust can be fatal and cause death to the opponent. This is straightly under the mental control of the practitioner. Indeed, I was warned by my teacher to be careful who I push after years of Tai Ji practice. I may not know my own strength. Especially, playing with children. Hence, controlling the releasing amount of Jin is very important.
  6. Tai Ji Fast Form -- Fa Jin Demo

    Yes, this man is doing the same fa jin as the tai chi player
  7. Tai Ji Sparring

    武德 I believe that was called the "virtue of martial arts" by the masters in the orient.
  8. Not-Doing

    Yes, the quote in bold is to do good to society. It is a Confucian philosophy perhaps. However, in LoaTze's philosophy, he was always concerned with the negative side aspect of thinking. Thus he wants to be certain that do nothing to harm society. This is what he meant by Wu Wei.
  9. empty / full

    Not even before they eat after visiting............???
  10. empty / full

    Here is what I was told by my engineering instructor... A chemist wash the hands before visiting the restroom. A physicist wash the hands after visiting the restroom.
  11. Tai Ji Sparring

    Guess what style are the two attackers using...???
  12. Tai Ji Fast Form -- Fa Jin Demo

    Astralc hehehe.....No, he is not my student. He wears a Shaolin uniform. I think he is taken lessons in China.
  13. Tai Ji Sparring

    I think I'm going to hear the same thing over and over again for the next few years......
  14. Tai Ji Sparring

    From a long time practitioner, the mind and the body will become one. It will be a natural relax which does not require thinking. Any movement can be detected by the corner of the eyes and send messages to the brain, the signal comes back from the brain was so quick. The reaction for the completion of a task which was so fast before even one realizes it was done.
  15. Tai Ji Sparring

    Good! I think we have something in common... In WingChun, Bruce Lee extended his right arm all the way out, then, he bends his arm back to strike or Fa Jin. If he had leant Tai Ji from his father, then he would have had been bending his right arm in the first place. Hence, that's all he has to do was straighten his arm to lunge the punch. In this case, he would have reserved all his energy in a Yin position before the lunge(a Yang state). Yes, I think, indirectly may be all of the above. What it amounts to was self taught...
  16. Tai Ji Sparring

    Informer... Where the hell have you been when I needed you the most. BTW How did you know all about this, from your teacher....??? BTW The one inch punch was from the WingChun philosophy. Bruce Lee's father wants him to learn Tai Ji, instead he practiced WingChun. Edited to add: You quite welcome and I thank you very much....
  17. Tai Ji Sparring

    ahhhhhhhh.........Taomeow The teacher thing again..... Okay, my body can never be sung without a teacher, that is really something new to me. Sometimes, playing with semantics will get nowhere in some communications. Let's not talk about it at all since we have all the experts here which cannot communicate with each other and someone has to speak for somebody else..... I guess a chicken talking to a duck replacing apples with oranges will lead us to the ceiling....
  18. Tai Ji Sparring

    In your thinking that, eventually, "hello stiffness" will take place during motion...!!! That's all I wanted to be assured from you....
  19. Tai Ji Sparring

    I have never heard what you said sung was, may I hear it from you what it is besides wet noodle...???
  20. Tai Ji Sparring

    umm.....Too much theory and still bias. All the developmental stuffs were done in the fundamental stage. During sparring, they are moving dynamically, how can one expect their muscles to be 'sung' unless their are standing still. Please don't give me the expression that one has to be sung at the moment of Fa Jin. Sung is a Yin state, there is time to be not being sung which is the Yang state. When Tai Ji is in motion, the Yin and Yang states are always present. The way you people are describing was to remain at the Yin state at all times. The sung state is very important for a novice but please don't get that stuck in your mind all the time. One should felt some Jin in the muscles even when one is at the sung state. Otherwise, one will collapse on the ground.
  21. Tai Ji Fast Form -- Fa Jin Demo

    Well, I am glad that you are at least familiar with one thing. The outfit overweight the practicing style. Did you know the legend about Cheng Shan Feng(張三豐)....??? Once he was started as a disciple in the Shaolin Temple. However, his thinking was revoking the martial art concepts in the Shaolin Temple. Finally, he was kicked out from Shaolin. After that, he went to the Wudong Mountain. While he was crying and saw a bird and a snake were fighting out of the window. Then, he was just realized the concept of Yin-Yang and found his own style was know as Tai Ji Chuan. Nowadays, Tai Ji is very popular internationally and Shalin becomes very commercialized. So they added Tai Ji to their list of martial arts to teach the world too.
  22. Religious Taoism & The Monkey King...

    This story indicates that Sun Wu Kong was originally in the Buddhist religion.
  23. Religious Taoism & The Monkey King...

    Walker... What the hell do I know...??? I am a atheist.... However, I know this much. At one time, a ruler was ordered the three religion to be combined together to avoid conflicts between the Taoism, Buddhism and Confucians. From then on, one religion worship the deities of the other.
  24. Not-Doing

    Do you see there is something really spectacular, in your opinion, about Wu Wei....??? Do you think that Lao Tze spent his whole life to come out with this simple idea was Wu Wei...
  25. empty / full

    Wow! We meet again.... I love to hear someone express this fine art explicitly in finest details. That will show the person has a full comprehension of the fundamental concepts. The only thing I would like to comment are the terms being used here. The terms of 'emptiness' and 'full' vs 'hollow' and 'solid'. In native terms, they are 虛實. 虛(xu1): hollow, which is the Yin attribute 實(shi2): solid, which is the Yang attribute. The amount of the weight touching the ground by the foot was expressed in hollowness and solidness.