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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Huang ting wei ching

    I would be delighted to respond to your questions as a scholastic challenge.....
  2. Breathing

    Don't you all understand that has a breathing problem by his description....??? What he was saying is that he cannot sink his Chi(breath) to the dan tian. In order to do that, he cannot jump the gun as you two had suggested. His problem must be corrected by being able to do abdominal breathing. That was the crux for practicing Chi Kung in the first place.
  3. Greetings

    It means he leans more toward Taoism than Buddhism.
  4. I am always hearing people say this is not that and it's different from this and that. However, nobody ever tells me the difference between this and that. I am getting impression that everybody always assuming that he/she understand because one has the book and anything I'd read is meaningless. So, did you ever tell me something that really has meaning...??? Why doesn't somebody say something that is discussable here to compare notes....??? Indeed, I can find any native source online without buying a translated book in another language to get some immanent information.
  5. Yin deficiency

    Here is how the Yin-Yang concept works. When Yin is low in the body, one should eat more Yang food to counterbalance it.
  6. Well....!!! What kind of scientific spirit was that.....???
  7. Does Qi ever itch/tingle?

    Let me make myself clear. How long have been doing Chi Kung....??? When I say Chi Kung, I expect that you had been doing some fundamental breathing exercise. Have you done any abdominal breathing exercise at all...???
  8. Meditation/ Internal Alchemy Side Effects

    What I meant was did you do the fundamental Chi Kung abdominal breathing.....???
  9. Does Qi ever itch/tingle?

    What were you doing or practicing before this happens.....???
  10. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    I think we have enough discussion in the the Tao Te Ching section. Like someone said, let's not repeat the same thing over and over, here, again.
  11. Meditation/ Internal Alchemy Side Effects

    If you did breathe during your mediation which I think you did; then, your body is going through a process of detoxification. It is not a side effect. After the detoxification, the symptom will go away.
  12. I do believe in all aspects of breathing but by putting an adjective in front of the word 'breathing' really does not change anything. The most fundamental in breathing is "abdominal breathing". Embryonic breathing is the same as moving the abdominal in and out while inhale and exhale. It makes no difference what one wants to call it. Anyway, anybody can write a book by calling it something else to pander to some believers is fine with me.
  13. Obstinate....!!! WOW....look who's talking......
  14. Any benefit in Circular Rubbing of Dan Tien?

    This massage is good for stopping diarrhea and the pains after over masturbation.
  15. Does it matter to you if your mind is already made up about someone....??? Theory has no meaning to you anyway if you don't believe in it. You only believe what you'd paid for......
  16. He practiced iron shirt, not iron mask......
  17. Yeah...!!! Try the iron mask for size....
  18. He sure made his money from his book.... PS... If one has to pay a high price for a lesson, one better believe everything whatever it says in the book or not..!!!
  19. How many Taoists are out there in the TTB....?

    Some people do just read Chapter one and ignored the rest of the Chapters. That was quite alright for someone to understand the TTC superficially......
  20. Taijiquan music ~ MP3 query?

    There are so many. Make your selection.... Tai Ji Music The first one is the 24 movements
  21. It is the Hemoglobin in the red blood cells that holds the iron, not the blood vessels themselves. The signals were sent through the nerve cells, not the blood vessels. Thus blood vessels do not have magnetic poles.
  22. Okay.... That sounds like the spirit of an ostrich. Let's quit here while nobody is ahead......
  23. Religious Taoism & The Monkey King...

    Sorry of my presence, I shall withdraw myself from this thread for causing all the aggravation....
  24. Hahaha........ When you stepped into the light and created a shadow, now you are the Yang and the shadow is Yin. As long the light shines on you, then Yin-Yang is a whole and cannot be separated. Thus, as long as you are there, your shadow is there. As long the shadow was there, then you were there. Can you run away from your shadow and vice versa...??? ......