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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. empty / full

    Marblehead, A Seeker, gatito and Zerostao... Now, you guys are talking like a philosopher and I am glad that you all are...
  2. Tai Ji Sparring

    Perhaps not long enough to know when to be relaxed or when is not.... Sorry, just couldn't help it not to put some humor into this one. No offense...
  3. Tai Ji Fast Form -- Fa Jin Demo

    Yes, you are right about that "there is no practice within the form of internal development that builds power inside the body"; but did you know that the internal development was done in the basic movements level. He has passed that basic level and he is now at the next higher level which is Fast Tai Ji. This is the level where he practices Fa Jin....
  4. Tai Ji Sparring

    How long have you been practicing Tai Ji Chuan....???
  5. Tai Ji Sparring

    The non-breaking of contact is the two masters are practicing high level of push hand(Tui Shou). Push hand was to prepare for sparring. Sparring initially was non-body contact. It would be like the opponent was charging at the partner from a distance. The partner will be using the push hand skill(stick-adhere-follow) to counteract the charging body or force. The first contact of impact was the 'stick', then the hold or stay in contact is the 'adhere', then 'follow' it through. Sparring was a preparation to counteract other martial art styles in a non-contact situation. PS... Sorry, couldn't finish watching the second old video. It hung up my computer.....
  6. The Native Source of Spontaneous Chi Kung (自發功)

    Deleted Dup. It seems this happens quite often lately.
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 4 ?

    Marblehead... Did you skip this one......???
  8. empty / full

    Another translation of Chapter 4..... Chapter 4 - The Fathomless Tao. 1. Tao is a vessel and its function seems inexhaustible. 2. Abyss, aha! It seems like the ancestry of all things. 3. Fathomless, aha! Unconscious or conscious. 4. I don't know whose son he is, 5. It seems like before the heavenly god.
  9. empty / full

    Let's see is this translation does you any good....??? Chapter 45 Serenity and Calmness are the norms Translation in terse English: 1. Most perfection seems lacking, 2. Its function is endless. 3. Most reality seems vacuous, 4. Its function is inexhaustible. 5. Most straightness seems crooked, 6. Most skillful seems inept. 7. Most eloquence seems stuttered. 8. Calmness beats testy. 9. Coldness beats heat. 10. Serenity and calmness are the norm for all people.
  10. Something about reincarnation...

    People are not that easily can be enlightened. If they have, then it wouldn't be just insist on having this temporal illusory experience... for a little while longer... I had noticed that the majority of the people do use the word 'enlightened", quite often, very loosely and unwisely.
  11. Religious Taoism & The Monkey King...

    The monkey king, Sun Wu kong, was based on a fictional Buddhist story. There was no anti-Taoism in the story. Su Wu Kong was assigned by Kuan Yin to assist a high Buddhist monk, Tang Shan Zang(唐三藏), to go to the western region(India) to obtain the Buddhist sutra. During the journey to the west, the Monkey King was supposed to help to get rid of all the obstacles. However, this monkey was portrayed by the author that he was very untamed. Therefore, there was a head band placed on his head to control him. Every time when he disobey his orders, then the monk recites an incantation to cause him to have a headache to remedy his disobedience. The Chinese do not worship the Monkey King as a deity. Perhaps some people outside of China do. It maybe in Thailand.
  12. Religious Taoism & The Monkey King...

    ...deleted dup.
  13. When a bird learnt to fly leaves its parents, what do you think when is the time to leave your sifu....???
  14. Liu I-Ming 18th century Taoist Adept

    By your meaning of "physical methods or techniques", may I assume that you are excluding all mechanical aids such as weights, dummies, or weapons but your physical self....???
  15. Do you need a Teacher for life.....?

    Isn't that a fact and was very nicely said...!!! Thank you for mentioning the significance of learning the fundamental principles. Very eloquently said in a metaphorical manner. How wonderful to have a gentleman and a philosopher among us..... Now, that is what we call a teacher for life.... Yes, we learnt to appreciate what was given to us at the time...
  16. Hello Tao Bums

    Welcome to the philosophical side of Taoism....
  17. The Native Source of Spontaneous Chi Kung (自發功)

    That was my initial attempt to lead me to the heart of the subject. I like to approach to my subject of interest slow and ease to get a general idea first. Reading some good materials are far more superior than having someone explained orally. Some teachers are not as thorough and eloquent in going to the finest points or have the know how. Some are too practical and not theoretical. Some were just telling and pretended knowing. Hence, I have learnt more from reading than listening. As you can see, here, some are getting so emotional and lost their cool even before the discussion begins. To me, in understanding any system, I felt that I must be able to explain each system in my own words to the finest details, regardless, I practice the systems or not. Thus that is what I call understanding. Anyway, thank you for your undivided attention and best to you too.
  18. The Native Source of Spontaneous Chi Kung (自發功)

    snowmonki.... Thanks! I already have read some of the materials about him and knowing the difference from here. All documentations about 胡耀貞(Hu Yaozhen)
  19. Let's have another brainstorm. In you own words, do not cite any reference, what is the difference between Stillness and Movement Chi Kung....???
  20. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    An open issue means I will look into it which I had already done so... Now, I know what it is all about. Thanks.
  21. Do you need a Teacher for life.....?

    ....but you're a wise man...!!! A wise man always knows his limitations.....
  22. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    I was going to leave this as an open issue. However, the way of the thinking, around here, evolves pretty chaotic and unpredictable. Therefore, I have decided not to proceed with the discussion any further.
  23. Do you need a Teacher for life.....?

    Thank you all for your precious responses. I see that there are quite a few true masters with empirical experiences, here, offered their deepest philosophical thoughts. These thoughts are very impressive and eloquently said. Thanks again. You have my most warmest welcome.....