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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. hmmmm..... This article is about the Stillness-Movement of ่ƒก่€€่ฒž(Hu Yaozhen). Are we talking about the same thing...???
  2. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    I want to clarify something before I am going to conclude this thread. Jing(้œ) is stillness; calmness; quietness; tranquility. Dong(ๅ‹•) is action; constantly in motion; The definition of Jing(้œ) is stillness which is more inclined toward the meaning of 'motionless' as the complement of Dong(ๅ‹•). We must abide by this definition in order for the presented concept to be valid. The presented concept is the Jing Kung. To avoid confusion, I will start a new thread on Stillness-Movement Kung(้œๅ‹•ๅŠŸ). Please beware that Jing(้œ) has a complete new definition.
  3. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    Friend... Yes...ๅฏฆไบ‹ๆฑ‚ๆ˜ฏ If there is a false pretense, then there must be a foreseeable truth.
  4. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    1. "Not require you to be able to verbalise it." That is your philosophy, not mine. Why do people write books...??? 2. It was not a good analogy to me. 3. I am using them a lot and also filtered them a lot.
  5. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    1. Exactly. I intended to "specific practices will apply the term in their own way to explain certain parts of that whole." 2. Exactly. I have no intention to go outside the scope of my explanation to avoid any ambiguity. 3. The roots of the word ้œ jing and Dong ๅ‹• to all fields in the Marital Arts industry. It was not limited to just Taoist only. As I had pointed out before, ้œ jing and Dong ๅ‹• are a dyadic Yin-Yang duality.
  6. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    How about understanding comes from doing something AND reading about it. Is it more complete...??? Doing it sometimes doesn't know why, but from the readings written by knowledge people may tell you why.
  7. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    Thank you... Is there something wrong with understanding the theory in advance before any practice....??? Based on the understanding of the basic concepts and applied efficiently may have the same result with less effort. Of cause this is only my experience and humble opinion. I do appreciate that... PS... I did not make all these up. I do have my sources to back me up. Unfortunately, the problem is nobody can read them for verification. It would be biased on my part if I translate them. Do you see my dilemma...??? Perhaps there is no need for the translation since they had been spoken and repeated here for many times already.
  8. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    Yes, please do not underestimate your counterpart....
  9. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    Yes, thank you for pointing this out. Please remember, this is Stillness(้œๅŠŸ) AND Movement Kung(ๅ‹•ๅŠŸ) are two different methods. I am not describing Stillness-Movement Kung(้œๅ‹•ๅŠŸ) yet...
  10. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    Where are the actions...??? Where are the actions...??? Well, besides the breathing activities, there are activities in the internal organs. While we are breathing the oxygen, the heart was very busy pumping the oxygenated blood to the body cells to produce the body energy. All other internal organs are performing their vital functions for the body holistically. The action or activities of the internal organs are not under control by will/intent. They are operated on their own by a monitoring system with lots of sensors. Hence, the mind doesn't handle that. Edited to add: The only things, here, by will/intent is breathing. The goal is to be able to perform abdominal breathing. It is the ultimate goal in Chi Kung and martial arts.
  11. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    Dong Kung(dynamic method) is to perform breathing exercise with slow body movements in a sitting, standing or lying position. However, it is more effective while standing with the legs moving from point to point such as Tai Ji Quan or other similar Chi Kung methods. While moving, all the muscle are slightly contracted, the speed of the metabolism rate will be increased. That means the body energy will be generated to a maximum much faster than normal. That is why you felt much stronger and with lots of endless potential energy that you cannot dissipate all at once. It is because the body energy was constantly being generated while you are doing the Dong Kung. At the same time, your body will be going through a healing process if there an area needs to be repaired. Otherwise, all the potential energy are being utilized to fine tune the body to its optimum state of homeostasis.
  12. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    The most basic concept again is the Yin-Yang concept. My definition of Chi Kung is the ultimate method of breathing. It can be done statically and dynamically. The static practice is called Jing Kung(้œๅŠŸ); and the dynamic practice is Dong Kung(ๅ‹•ๅŠŸ). The difference of the two is that the former is in stillness, the latter is in action. Jing(้œ) is stillness; calmness; quietness; tranquility. Dong(ๅ‹•) is action; constantly in motion; Jing Kung(static method) is to perform breathing exercise in a sitting, standing or lying position with no body part movement. Even though it is in stillness, but there are lots of activities inside the body. Stillness is not really stillness. The meaning of stillness was only simply implies no arms or legs movement. Thus this leads us back into the old Yin-Yang concept again. There is Yang within Yin which is analogous to "there is action within stillness". Where are the actions...??? Well, besides the breathing activities, there are activities in the internal organs. While we are breathing the oxygen, the heart was very busy pumping the oxygenated blood to the body cells to produce the body energy. All other internal organs are performing their vital functions for the body holistically. During Jing Kung, please keep in mind that the speed of the metabolism rate is at minimal. However, the speed of the metabolism rate will be increased at Dong Kung(dynamic method). Sometimes, you will hear people say after performing the Jing Kung that they felt much more refreshing. It is because the body cells had went through a cell respiration process which involves self repair and help all the other organs to fine tune their vital functional activities. It took a lot shorter time to do so as compared to the normal time it took to do all that in our sleep.
  13. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    Thank you very much for all your participation. I like to begin my study with the most basic fundamental concepts. This way it will give me a good foundation for a better understanding and more appreciative and effective in my practice. As long I have the basic concepts down pack, then there is no need for me to rely upon someone to give me instructions constantly. In addition, I can always compare with other practices to pick out the similarities and distinguish the differences. What all this amounts to is comprehension to understand all aspects of the matter. During the learning process, I must have the mental capacity to accept all the facts and eliminate any fallacies. Indeed, I must learn what it is instead of what others were telling me what it is. If I can put a most complicated concept as simply as possible in my own words, then I will know that I have grasp the gist of it. However, if I have found any error in the concept in the future, then I must correct myself instead of fanatically continue believing what I had learned before. I think this is the best police in learning. Don't you think...???
  14. Stillness and Movement Kung.

    hehehe..... Someone was being convicted before hearing the evidence. Everyone should have enough confidence to state "in your own words". This is the requirement of this thread. Why should anyone be offended...??? What are you afraid of....???? PS... Sinfest.. I like you, you have lots of sense of humor.....
  15. Too much energy in my head

    1. I agree with the former, but the latter then I don't know. 2. A coil has the least resistance in it. The proper unit for a coil is 'reluctance' which tends to oppose the alternating current(AC). In the contrary, resistance limits the electrical current to flow in a circuit. Our body is not like an electrical circuit because there was no energy or electrical current flowing through it. If it did and have some current flow through the heart, then most lightly we ended up dead. What you are saying here was: It is possible to have lightning strike with the electricity flowing through the body. Initially the body has the least resistance, but after it burns by the electricity, the resistance will be increased due to the carbon build up; but then it is too late for the body to survive. It is because the aiding resistance, came into the picture, took place in the aftermath.
  16. Do you need a Teacher for life.....?

    When the points are no longer needed, then they flew away to survive on their own.
  17. How effective are the Taoist practices that you do?

    I can stay on the ground for a long time without using my hands......
  18. Do you need a Teacher for life.....?

  19. Do you need a Teacher for life.....?

    Friend... Sorry, I gave you a bad analogy....
  20. Do you need a Teacher for life.....?

    Friend... Sorry, you need to know something about the birds, especially about eagles....
  21. [TTC Study] Chapter 39 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Ohhh... Sorry, I did not read the Chapter before I make my last comment. 1. Since those who gained unity: 2. Heaven gained unity became clear; 3. Earth gained unity became peaceful; 4. God gained unity became miraculous; 5. Valley gained unity became full; 6. All things gained unity became alive; 7. Rulers gained unity made world peace. In this chapter: The 'unity' is Tao itself. If I rephrase these lines, then it would read as: 1. Since those who gained Tao: 2. Heaven gained Tao became clear; 3. Earth gained Tao became peaceful; 4. God gained Tao became miraculous; 5. Valley gained Tao became full; 6. All things gained Tao became alive; 7. Rulers gained Tao made world peace.
  22. [TTC Study] Chapter 39 of the Tao Teh Ching

    To be its Oneness simply means to make oneself as part of the whole. For example, when it says: ๅคฉไบบๅˆไธ€๏ผˆheaven and human combined as ONE). It means human to live with Nature and blend oneself with Nature as part of the whole(One). PS... The confusion here was that the philosophy of the Tao Te Ching treats human, earth, heaven and Tao as separate entities. That means human has to cope with human, earth and heaven by following the principles of Tao. One of the principles is to have human deal with Nature(heaven) as part of a natrual way of life.
  23. Do you need a Teacher for life.....?

    hehehe..... You left one and look for another.... But why you leave the last one....???
  24. Help with LDT

    If you know how to do abdominal breathing, then you are almost there. Whatever you call it is immaterial.....