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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Hello, the meaning of the Tao

    What if someone said: Tao is Yin-Yang...??? Yin-Yang sit inside Tao....???
  2. May I ask what is your approach in checking this out....???
  3. Theory of Everything

    Yes, these two Chinese characters were always expressed as 陰陽(Yin Yang). Yin always before Yang, without a space in between, as duality and for the harmonic flow in the language. However, they can be broken up for expressing the difference in attribute. Due to the English sentence structure, it goes like this: The yin and the yang; Yin Yang Yinyang Yin-Yang
  4. Theory of Everything

    It is not quite true because the Yin-Yang concept is universal with no exception. Yang vs Yin is analogous to: Action vs Reaction. negative ion vs positive ion. Static vs dynamic. And almost anything that you can think of...
  5. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section A

    You are very generous. Sorry, Chuang Tzu didn't think of it that way. If one study their philosophies closely, one will distinguish that their philosophies are Yin and Yang which is 180 degree out of phase.
  6. Help with LDT

    Do you know what you are asking....??? (1) Do you what Lower Dan Tien is...??? It is your abdomen. (2) To increase your over energy level, you can practice almost any type of Chi Kung. Like Tai Ji, somebody already had suggested. Tai Ji is the best for anyone because it involves slow movements to enhance your body coordination with the mind. At the same time, your breathing also kicks in spontaneously which is a form of Chi Kung. It is a matter of time and patience to put into the practice diligently. Indeed, you will expect a rewarding experience and result...
  7. I almost never miss a fly with my Tai Ji hand. Smack a fly with my palm is a good way to test my Tai Ji skill level. The trick is not to let the fly see what is coming. It is more effective when my palm goes down directly above the fly. Even the fly can move in any direction, if the hand is quick enough, the fly may not escape in time within the palm area. The real trick was to hold the hand still in the air; do not move the hand up before the strike. That will give a less chance for the fly detect any movement around it. By the time it takes off, it was too late because it got hit at the same time during take off. Even it took off, but it still cannot escape within the palm area. When the fly is flying close to the wall, I use the 'follow' method to track its movement and smack it against the wall. This was happening when I was playing MJ with my friends and this fly was flying around within my territory. Without any hesitation, I just follow the fly with my palm spontaneously and smacked it. Needless to say, I did not born with this mental control and body coordination ability. However, I have to give credit to the long time practice of Tai Ji. Regarding to the mosquito, if you look at where the water droplet is on the mosquito, you might give it a second thought. From the picture, the droplet was on the tail end of the mosquito which indicates that the mosquito had planned that way... Edited to add: PS... A flyswatter with holes was for less air friction during the strike on the way down.
  8. 1. I didn't mean to assume that you are an "absolute beginner". I have to start somewhere to probe your mind. That was why I ask you to tell me something in advance. Without really talking to you, I won't know what is in your mind and what you are capable of. 2. Sorry, there is no such program that I am aware of. I have seen some self learning recorded language teaching tools in the stores. To learn a language, one is really needed to have someone to talk to with some tutoring guidance. We need to communicate more as we did in the last few posts. As a result, I am getting to find out how much you know without guessing on my part. Maybe we can learn more from each other in the near future. All these stuff that I know, I don't want to just have it in my mind. I like to talk to somebody that knows what I am talking about. I felt great that we have exposed ourselves in this thread and communicated well. Best of all, we come to a mutual understanding on the Stick-Adhere-Follow principle. Thus we can only learn from each other if we are able to communicate on a common ground.
  9. Did you miss this. Mosquito has its own sensory system. My link: mosquitos
  10. I see the problem that you were having was that no one have encouraged you to learn with enthusiasm. For phonetics, now a days, there is pinyin which is very easy for learning to speak. Since you are a Taoist, it would be more interesting if you start learning something relating to Taoism. I can start you with learning how to call yourself as a Taoist. 道(dao4): Tao 人(Ren2): a person; a human being; people; "ist' If you combine the two characters together, then you have: 道+人: Tao + person = Taoist. Now, you are a 道人(dao4 ran2) which is a Taoist. I am sure that you know about the pinyin system and the number after it. The number is the tone for the pronunciation. There four tones in the Chinese mandarin. The four tones in Chinese pronunciation. 1. / the tone goes up 2. - flat tone 3. ~ a waving tone 4. \ the tone goes down.
  11. Mosquito normally lands on you, then you can smack it with your hand. Their reaction is much slower then the fly. mosquitos
  12. hahahaha.... It was not the wind that trigger the fly. Flies have circular eyes; it was its eyes which can detect all the movements around it. When I swat a fly, I hold my hand still then run straight down to the fly. I used to be able to follow the fly to the wall and smacked it with my palm(Tai Ji hand). The key to kill a fly was not to let it see what is coming.... If you raise your hand first then hit, that was a dead give away for the fly.....
  13. May I ask how did you start learning it. Did you go to school? Or You have private lessens...?? What is your purpose, in any particular field, for learning it...??? Can you give me some idea, so, I will have something to go by...?? Thanks.
  14. Thank you. Now, I know what it was mean to be. It was a thing that I am not used to the expression because normally we don't relate Tao to Tai Ji but Yin-Yang. Even though Tai Ji is Yin-Yang and Yin-Yang is Tai Ji, however, this express was only utilized for explanations in Tai Ji Quan in my native language. I am still learning to correlate to terms used in the west. Please bear with me.....
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 33 of the Tao Teh Ching

    hehehe, then it won't be "seeming effortlessness".
  16. Yes, it make sense. Thank you for the precise explanation. It has to be Stick-Adhere-Follow, in order, to have zero force; so the mosquito can maintain in contact with the water droplet without any downward pressure. If mosquitoes are Tao, then anybody can be Tao. As far as "Tao in motion is Taiji"; I have to sit on this one for awhile....
  17. .....Deleted duplicate.
  18. Not-Doing

    No, he doesn't because he has no intent to do so and Wu Wei about it....
  19. Not-Doing

    Yeah, I'll stab a knife into your heart and call it's natural from my heart....
  20. Okay...let's give it one more try. Stick-Adhere-Follow is not a western idea but it is an English descriptive name for the two line pithy. The reason I have use the Yin-Yang concept to explain it. It is because that is the most basic and easiest to describe Tai Ji. There was no descriptive name given for the pithy in Chinese. Indeed, you are correct about the principle that was applied by the mosquito. However, the SAF method was applied by human hand-to-hand, solid vs solid. For the mosquito, it has less advantage because it is dealing with solid vs liquid. In this case, here is my rationale: The water droplet adheres to the mosquito(not by choice); then the mosquito follows the motion of the droplet, in order, for it to escape by detaching itself from the droplet at the end.
  21. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    ATP at TTB
  22. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    yes, I had practiced tui shou within the two years because that was the next level of practice after the 108 form. I had a big discussion about the ATP here in the forum when I first arrived at TTB. I think it was quite interesting to know about it. It describes how the body cells manufacture all the energy for the functions of the body. If you are really interested, I would like to review it again. Also, if there is no objection by other members.
  23. I don't think it was appropriate to say "the mosquito lure the water droplet" here. Anyway, it is the principle that counts even though there is a slight difference in the action. Besides, 引進落空 "guided into emptiness" is a better translation than "Lure him in to fall into emptiness1" Sorry, again I am opening my big mouth.
  24. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    That is true depends on each individual. Sometimes, the teachers are just in for the money and have his students teach you. However, I am happy with where I am as long I am putting my heart into it. I breathe well and have Jin in me. I push my wife to fly across the room with my Jin and she hates it......
  25. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    I just learn the whole set of the 108 movements about one to tow years. Then, I practiced on my own to improve my breathing problem and heath.