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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    I had a lady Taiji Teacher, thirty-seven years ago, her name is Mary Chu. She was sixty some years old and looks like she was in her forties. She teaches the 108 form Yang style.
  2. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Thank you very much for a friendly gesture for a change.... Well, I do not believe anything I read. I do compare them and select what makes sense to me. The knowledge was accumulated in my head throughout the years. It just come right out with no hesitation. If someone ask for reference, sorry, the best thing that I can do is to find what is current on the internet. You are right about the masters who have all the knowledge in one language but they were not able to express in another. Even in the same language, it was still not able to be communicated well. What I had been doing was reading the books written by some knowledge people and did the summary by filtering out the non essential or nonsense. Sorry, I do admit I had come in too strong due to my aggressive personality. Since, I had been here for sometime dealing with the internet public, I think I did some improvement with my personality. Of cause, I still have a long way to go by exposing myself to some adverse situations. In regarding in learning English, I have a list of word-a-day. I am listing the new words from all of you to add to my new vocabulary. So, I don't mind all the insults because I learn new words to express myself better to improve my communication skill. Perhaps, I should thank you all for that. Thank you all.....
  3. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    I really know noshing to communication in Englash. I am still trying and learning from all of you..... I know the first thing was not to get upset or hate what others were saying to begin with. PS... The key in communication is not to reject the words but to know what it meant to be said even it wasn't said correctly. I would consider what was in the content of the text rather than the media.
  4. In this case, the mosquito has no descending space. Thus the droplet will hit it at 20mph. The mosquito did not practice Tai Ji. I don't think it knows how to sung or relax.
  5. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Yes, this is so relevant to the point of interest. I will accept it as an indirect answer for saying that "I don't know" or "I don't care".
  6. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Please stop. I am sick of fighting. What do you about this and what is telling you...??? Glucose + oxygen = H2O + CO2 + heat + energy(ATP) Anybody can google what ATP is. This is not the first time that I talked about it. I feel that there is no need to repeat it every time when it comes up.
  7. Why are you getting all upset about this...??? There is no tolerance at all if something was said differently....??? What has this world is coming to. Everybody is so up tight about the choice of words. Stick-Adhere-Follow that is a western term, sorry there is no character equivalent for that. FYI if it wasn't the Yin-yang concept, the notion of "Stick-Adhere-Follow" would not have been existed. Please, do we have to keep going fighting like this...??? Can we just stick to the point of interest and talk about it without going into any emotional distress.
  8. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Ahhhh... Always checking on educational credentials. I was an electrical engineer but I do understand and can absorb knowledge from books. That was how I learn and completed my BSEE degree. I do understand this simple formula: Glucose + oxygen = H2O + CO2 + heat + energy(ATP) I also had seen this formula was used to explain the Chi Kung principle by a Chinese mechanical engineer in his video. Indeed, that gave me the assurance that I was on the right track. Please don't discard this piece of valuable information if one doesn't understand or believe it.
  9. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Sorry....Deleted duplicate.
  10. Yes, very good... The Yin subdues the Yang. It is also the principle of non resistance. Here is the detail I was hoping for in terms of the Yin-Yang concept: The falling force of water droplet was active which is Yang. The mosquito is passive which is Yin. The mosquito drops along at the speed when the droplet touch on its body so there is no resistance against the droplet. No resistance means no weight on its body. Since there is no weight to hold the mosquito in place, then the mosquito can fly away freely to escape the impact onto the ground. This is equivalent to push hand in Tai Ji. The droplet is pushing and the mosquito is pulling. The only difference, in this case, was done vertically in midair.
  11. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    I will stick with the bio-energy ATP. It is much closer to some reasonable scientific facts...
  12. 化勁(huajin)...not a chance because the mosquito is in the air. Besides, the water droplet is a liquid not a solid. Thus haujin cannot be done with a liquid. The secret was when the force of the water droplet is at the lowest resistance, the mosquito flies away horizontally. That's what I would do, if I am the mosquito. BTW Here is the Tai Ji principle was applied: But what is the principle...???
  13. Curious question about healing Tao

    Sorry, I got into this one. I cannot speak about that, here, because I am an atheist.
  14. Can someone explain this principle in one's own word....??? This is a nice place to give some more examples for the Tai Ji principle....??? It would be very interesting if we can hear them from some of the serious practitioners.
  15. Curious question about healing Tao

    There are an Early Day(heaven) BaGua and a Post Day(heaven) BaGua. There was no such thing as Yin BaGua or Yang BaGua.
  16. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    My own external force...??? External force means it is coming from outside of me, how can I obtain the external force within my body...???
  17. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    I guess there was not really who is right or wrong. All the statements people made were just speculations without scientific proofs. However, what we can do is just to evaluate them for the sake of a better understanding. Let's discuss this just for the point of interest. Some Chinese practitioners even said that jin was initiated from the bone. It didn't make any sense to me anyway. In regarding to the above quote about an external force is absorbed through the bone structure. If you don't mind, I would like to give it analysis. What it was saying that an external force must be applied, in order, for it to be absorbed. Assuming push hand will be in that condition. However, in some cases, there were no external force like pushing a table or a door at the department store. Therefore, the force has to be exerted internally then. What do you think about that...???
  18. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Let's stay within the subject of interest. May I ask does the internal force going through the muscles...??? This is how I understand it: The body strength of a non Tai Ji practitioner is li(力) through muscular action. The body strength of a Tai Ji practitioner is Jin(勁) which also through muscular action. The only difference between li and jin was that Jin is much stronger. Jin can only be developed from years of Tai Ji practice. Otherwise, the li will be stayed as li all the time. Another words, li become jin after Tai Ji practice; and li is no longer li.
  19. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    snowmonki.... Thank you for your honest opinion. Please ignore all the posts between me and this individual because I strongly feel that was totally unnecessary to have this kind of conversation in this forum. Like I had say, my basic concept was ignored and it was just offshoot elsewhere and suffocated this thread. I am here to explain the principle of Tai Ji with the Yin-Yang Concept. All the Tai Chi Quan are based on this concept regardless of what style. I have never criticized what style is better than the other. FYI The Yin-Yang concept was never outdated. All Tai Ji styles are hidden with this concept. Now-a-days, most people are neglecting to understand this principle because I have not heard anyone had mentioned or talked about. The most I heard was to be 'sung' all the time. However, the breathing was another significant feature in Tai Chi, and nobody had even mentioned in any of the discussions. When 'jin' was mentioned, I just felt that the right description did not come out from those whom had spoken of. I felt that there are lot of things were missing here and I thought that I might fill them in. Sometimes, I do feel weird and like a fool for sticking my head out like this in an unfriendly atmosphere. But hey, sometimes, I do pick up one or two listeners. Then, I felt "hey! I do get my point across once awhile". Some of the people want to learn and cultivate this fine art of Tai Ji. Cultivation of this fine art involves cultivating the mind. If people cannot keep their cool, then I have to assume that they have not attained the highest realm.
  20. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    I see that you are very convincing with the kind of terminology that you are using here.
  21. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Translated by whom....??? Wasn't that some kind of external influence was introduced to distort the original heritage....??? Who said anything wrong about any style....??? Where did you get this vague idea...??? Edited to add: oops.... Sorry, I forget about the western boxing that was included in your story about the authentic traditional Tai Ji Quan.
  22. Not-Doing

    manitou... We are all happy for you.... Stosh... I think you are long way from getting the gist about Wu Wei. We'll Wu Wei and see...
  23. Not-Doing

    Yes, Tao has no mercy. A natural fire burns causing no harm to the forest but good. It is because that was how Nature fertilize and enrich its land. However, when human set a fire was not natural because the fire burnt at the wrong place and the wrong time. Thus it causes more harm than good. Wu Wei is more concern about the intentional action which was causing the harm. Wu Wei has less concern about the intend of a good outcome but it cannot tolerate any bad intend, so to speak.
  24. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Now-a-days, there are things called Traditional Tai Ji and International Tai Ji. Traditional Tai Ji: The Tai Ji Practitioners speak no other languages to be influenced by outsiders. They learn it straightly in China with the old heritage from generation to generation. International Tai Ji The style was taught outside of China which influenced by the other people and styles. The original heritage were no longer there.
  25. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    I think so too....