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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Yes, let's stop this nonsense which leads us nowhere.
  2. Example Protocol to test Fa Jin ability

    His whole body was mobilized by his opponent. He cannot hold his center position because the opponent's Jin is in full control. By the way that the people are giving advices, here, about Tai Ji, it seems to me that some are just totally lack of the knowledge about Jin or Fa Jin.
  3. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Not yet, I am sure that there will be a wise guy is going to come up with it....
  4. Example Protocol to test Fa Jin ability

    It is the Jin that was developed from the years of Tai Ji practice. I had said this many times. I am not surprised that so many people had claimed that they had learnt Tai Ji from knowledgeable teachers. However, they are still in the mist about Fa Jin. Unfortunately, the sad part is that I was treated as a fool when it comes to the knowledge of Tai Ji...
  5. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Please watch the first video or the next two. I am not trying to prove anything. Just watch and listen. Tai Chi Kick below the belly button
  6. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    I wish there was more discussion about the principle was being presented than the personality warfare.... Does it matter who said it or where the principles came from if they are valid...?? Is it kind of narrow minded just to discredit some fundamentals due to some bias feelings. In the first place, everyone was ignoring the real issue, except one or two. All the rest were waiting to find a little minor issue to send this thread 10,000 miles off the track.
  7. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Thank you for keeping your cool. Let me express myself more clearly. I am not against any style or anybody here. I am just plainly stating the principles behind this fine art. Now-a-days, the fundamental philosophy of the art has been neglected by many. I know I am very crazy speaking aloud here with my nonsense as someone might see it that way. I see people only wants to hear what they want to hear. Then some people will tell them what they want to hear. I do agree that things do change as the time passes. It is not for me to say what is right or wrong, I just want to expose to the world that are some things are more refine and profound out there. It is not my duty to force anyone to accept them. I do see that there are more rejection than reception. Like they say, when there is Yang there is Yin and vise versa. Hopefully, there is Yang within Yin and Yin is within Yang to reach harmony along the way. PS... Sorry, I have kicked too high this time and violated my own conservative principle...
  8. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Well, most people do the practice first then learn the principles later to appreciate and cultivate this fine art. If one wants to learn Tai Ji the first thing is learn to kill, then one is either turn Tai Ji into Kung Fu or just learn Kung Fu.
  9. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Sorry, I left out this phrase: 传统太极拳要求腿不过腰 Traditional Tai Ji Chuan has a requirement that the leg should not kick above the waist. My link: Kicking in Tai Ji below the waist
  10. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    The opponent can lift up your leg and get you off balance.
  11. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Listen to what he says at 1:04 and 1:15.
  12. Qigong...demonic related?

    Yes, horse stance do help to build up the muscle tone in your leg muscles. That is the cultivation of Chi. Don't worry, Chi will never get stuck in you head. Yes, some people do get sick but not all get sick from chi kung practice, only if there were illnesses inside the body.
  13. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    No, I am not talking about that. Tai Ji practitioners only punch with the arm at 45 degrees and never kick above the waist neither.
  14. Not-Doing

    Well, interfere means the initiative was causing harm to Nature or the nature of thing. In some cases, if no initiative had been taken place, then there would be no harm done. If you were standing and get hit, you weren't the initiator. The philosophy behind Wu Wei was who initiated the interference, not the passive individual. Please get this straight. I am not suggesting that anyone should just stand there and get beat up and do nothing. The emphasis is on the initiator. I had talked about this long enough in the forum. Now I am getting better and better to explain what Wu Wei is....
  15. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    WOW....... I am glad that everyone has an interest in Tai Ji.... Why Tai Ji does not extend the arms and legs fully...??? This something has to do with the understanding of the Yin-Yang concept. That was based on the Yin-Yang concept: 陽中有陰: There is Yin within Yang. 陰中有陽: There is Yang within Yin. Yin and Yang are two extreme opposite states. Let's use the situations in Tai Ji. When an arm was fully extended, it was said to be it is in the extreme Yang state. When the arm was fully retracted, it was said to be in the extreme Yin state. However, that is not a desirable condition in sync the philosophy in Tai Ji. In the practice, it was recommended to have the arms and legs only bend at some point but not fully extended. There are two reasons for that is to enhance the flexibility for the body movements. One reason is to allow the arm to contract or retract in either direction. In the worse case, if the arm was fully extended, then there was only one limited condition to allow the arm to be retracted. Thus no more room for extension. The same reversal principle applies to the Yin concept. The second reason was not to exert the Jin at full throttle. It a better to reserve some of the Jin for back up usage. When an arm was at rest or in the sung(鬆) condition, there is always some potential Jin in ever-ready for exertion. 鬆(sung): loose 放鬆(fang4 sung): is to be loosen the muscles for relaxation. That was the reason behind this pithy: There is Yin within Yang. There is Yang within Yin. Analogous to: There is contraction within extension. There is extension within contraction. The arms and legs were never fully extended; and The arms and legs were never fully contracted. The concept below was for the second reason above. It has to do with Fa Jin which is a matter of controlling the amount of Jin to be exerted by the muscles. 剛中帶柔: There is 柔(rou4) hidden in 剛(gang1); and 柔中帶剛: There is 剛(gang1) hidden in 柔(rou4).
  16. Not-Doing

    The definition of Wu Wei is very simple. "Let Nature take its course with no interference." Another words, let it be the way it supposed to be. Did you see what manitou had done. She interrupted the course of harmony with her husband by interfering with everything to the way she wants it to be.
  17. Qigong...demonic related?

    1. Kungfu was considered to be an external practice; and external practice dissipates energy. Thus Kungfu does not build up chi. 2. Practicing Chi kung is primary for chi build up and Kungfu is secondary for working out the muscles vigorously. BTW Chi Kung is an internal art of practice. Internal practice is more superior than external. I think you can figure out which way to go from here.
  18. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Yes, we do have a lot more to be discussed. The concept of yin-yang has not been revealed yet. Anybody know why, in Tai Ji Chuan, the arms and legs were never extended fully....??? It was based on this Yin-Yang concept: 陽中有陰: There is Yin within Yang. 陰中有陽: There is Yang within Yin. The basic concept in Tai Ji Chuan: 剛中帶柔 柔中帶剛 柔(rou4): slow and graceful motion; motion moves like the leaves of a willow tree. 剛(gang1): hard, strong; course; vigorous 剛中帶柔: There is 柔(rou4) hidden in 剛(gang1); and 柔中帶剛: There is 剛(gang1) hidden in 柔(rou4). Is there anyone who is interested to give it a try to break this riddle by interpreting one or both of these two concepts.....??? The better one can explain them will reveal how much one understood the secret of Tai Ji Chuan.
  19. What is Tai Ji Chuan(太極拳) ...?

    Any force exerted by the muscles, of a long time Tai Ji practitioner, is Fa Jin.
  20. Curious question about healing Tao

    First of all, there are no such thing as two types of post-heaven Pakuas(Bagua). The yang and the yin are not called pakuas. Sorry, the terminology is not valid, no wonder the reader was confused as hell. I don't think this person even know what pakua is....
  21. The importance of Softness

    Does anybody know why is Tai Ji Chuan, 太極拳, called Tai Ji Chuan.....??? Or what is the concept behind Tai Ji Chuan...???
  22. Setting up a Taoist/Taiji Retreat!

    I was always thinking about doing something like setting up a retreat like that. It was my dream. You are lucky that you already have the land for that. You have won half the battle already, go for it....
  23. The importance of Softness

    Yes, it's all depend how you answer it...... I got you wondering. That is the kind of response I was expecting. Do you know something that you might want to share....???
  24. Not-Doing

    hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... I thought you knew what "Wu Wei" was........???...
  25. The importance of Softness

    If softness is wuji, then is hardness taiji.....???