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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Softness in 2 person practice

    Hehehe..... It was only a matter of Tai Ji talk. You don't have to toss your friend into the wall. Anyway, you still can do a little counteract to let your partner to get the message without verbal communication. It was the purpose of push hand by feeling the yin-yang force of partners. Pushing was being the yang; and pulling was being the yin. The yin will overcome the yang. It said so in the Tao Te Ching, remember...???
  2. Softness in 2 person practice

    You don't tell your partner anything. It was time for you to make your offensive move by getting your partner off balance.
  3. Alchemy and the 5 Elements

    Osalina.... I am curious what have you learned about the Five Element System. Can you start a new thread, in the discussion section, and talk about the system and how was it applied in the TCM....??? Thanks...
  4. Loading up with nutrients/chemicals

    I believe it is not the hormones which gave the energy to the body. The production of hormone will only take place is when there was a lack of something in the internal organs. A particular hormone will be produced be one organ to signal another organ to manufacture the missing substance. A teenager is so energetic because he was going through a growing development stage.
  5. Loading up with nutrients/chemicals

    Hehehe....... I think it is the other way around. The reproduction of sperm is all chemical or call it alchemy if you want. It was the physical part of ejaculation which takes up a whole lot of energy. However, the sperms can be reproduced and the energy can be restored in no time by Zazen with Chi Kung breathing(NAB).
  6. Qigong...demonic related?

    Your teacher already had given you the answer. What else are you asking for...??? I saw few posts of yours asking about the same thing over and over. You are just not so sure how to put things together. What you need to do is to have faith in yourself and keep thinking positively. Avoid reading any biased religious materials which might be misleading you to evade from the truth.
  7. Not-Doing

    無為(Wu Wei) is "no need to do anything" rather than "Not-doing". What LaoTze had in mind was that Nature will follow its course. There is no need for intervention with Nature; Nature will do her thing and everything will be turned out Okay.
  8. ChiDragon can you help?

    1. Pictogram is rather primitive at this stage. 2. Huh..............???
  9. ChiDragon can you help?

    Translation by the meaning of the characters: 獨: Solely. 占: to seize; to be taken by will or force 鳌頭: the head of a big sea turtle. 獨占鳌頭: I'm the one to be solely taken the turtle head. Which implies that: I am the only champion.
  10. A few questions

    Most martial artists use RAB, I guess a warrior falls in the martial arts side. Scholars are after good health and not much concern with fighting, I guess NAB is their basic need. You should learn the basic fundamental concepts about Chi Kung and try not to pay too much attention to those numerous confusing names that people came up with.
  11. Zhan Zhuang (站樁)

    It was recommended, in Zhan Zhuang for beginners, not to have the knees pass the toes. It's better to stay in between the toes and the ankle. It is best to have the lower leg perpendicular to the ankle. The reason for that was when the knee bends, only stress was placed on the upper part of the knee cap and less stress on the lower. Therefore, the practitioner will feel less pain. The most painful situation was when the knees were passed the toes mark. Hence, the upper and lower parts of the knees are pulling each other causing a very stressful pain.
  12. ChiDragon can you help?

    It is a direction translation but a poor one for a non-native without knowing the story behind this phrase. So, does it make any sense to you...??? I had been thinking how to put my thoughts together overnight. Well, these two creatures are the good luck symbols of longevity. The turtle with a dragon head which means long live the king. Since the dragon was the highest animal in the Chinese history. Only the emperor uses it to symbolize his supreme authority. Therefore, the dragon head symbolize the head of something, number one in rank, or a trophy of championship. In competitions, everybody want to win the dragon head as a trophy of championship. The crane standing on top of the turtle with one leg which symbolizes that "I am the only one standing high on top to get the highest honor of championship." The final meaning behind this phrase is "to be the champion", "to be the first", or "to be number one".
  13. [TTC Study] Chapter 33 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Stosh... Welcome aboard. You are a gentleman and a scholar....
  14. [TTC Study] Chapter 33 of the Tao Teh Ching

    As I'd mentioned before, LaoTze was not really concern about the positive stuff, he was more concern with the adversity from the negative outcome. I will let you digest this and see if you will come up with this again....
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 33 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Stosh, welcome to the club... 'Will' was not advocated by LaoTze. If there is will, then there is desire. It is not Wu Wei. Chapter 3 1. Dejectedly soliciting intelligentsia, 2. Discourage people from striving. 3. Not to value hard to obtained goods, 4. Prevent people from being thieves. 5. Not being seen desirable, 6. People won't become perturbed. 7. With sagacious ruling, 8. Emptied one's heart, 9. Solidified one's belly, 10. Weaken one's volition, 11. Strengthen one's bone, 12. Always keeping the people innocent without desire, 13. Presumptuous people cannot commit their acts. 14. Trailing to a natural path, 15. Thus nothing that couldn't be handled. I think lines 10 thru 12 of Chapter 3 reflect LaoTze's thinking. PS... @informer I meant to throw this at you too, finally, here is my chance...
  16. Zhan Zhuang (站樁)

    Green Tiger.... May I ask you when you slide your back down against the wall and get into deeper knee bends, did you move your feet forward too, so, the lower legs do not bend...??? In other words, are your ankles perpendicular to your feet...???
  17. qigonging with broken ribs?

    I would recommend you to do Zazen with breathing to speed up the recovery for the ribs. Since your ribs are broken, you should only breathe to a point that you don't feel any pain and avoid any strenuous exercises. Circle walking with your hands is not a desirable thing to do at this time.
  18. Please translate 實事求是

    Please translate this phrase: 實事求是 I was visiting a thousand year old university in Wunan(湖南) China last week. The phrase was handwritten by the principal of the university and carved on a plaque. I was told that even Chairman Mao had attended the university.
  19. Please translate 實事求是

    informer.... You really standout to your own name. That was very informative. Thank you. Yes, that phrase was an advice for us not to distort the actual fact. Stick to the idea of what it is by not adding nor removing any parts of the whole which might be leading to a misconception.
  20. ChiDragon can you help?

    Yes, certainly. It is a Chinese idiom: 獨占鰲頭: To be in first place.
  21. Zhan Zhuang (站樁)

    Green Tiger... I am sorry, I did not make myself clear. When I say do ZZ with the knees bend at 15 degree, it has to be done for weeks or months before the next increment to 20 degree and so far. That was what I meant by progressive sequence. You see we stand on our feet with the knees in a straight position all the time. They cannot take the stress if we bend our knees all the sudden. In order for the knees to take the stress, we must work them in slowly by standing with the knees bend at the lowest degree without hurting or damaging the tissues of the knees. The purpose of Zhan Zhuang is to strengthen the leg muscles and the knee caps. The knee caps hold all the upper body weight while the lower legs are acting like a tree root to lock them to the ground to hold the body in place. I would like to go into more details about Zhan Zhuang in the following posts. However, I still love to hear more of your interesting ideas and questions to test my basic knowledge about ZZ. PS... I know you are taken up Tai Ji. Did your teacher tell you to bend your knees all the time while you're do the movements. Actually, when you bend your knees while moving, you were doing dynamic ZZ instead of static ZZ.
  22. Zhan Zhuang (站樁)

    No, I did not invent it. The 90 degree ZZ attainment is not for an ordinary person. It is for someone who can do full time practice like a Buddhist monk or a Taoist priest. For health purposes, 45 degree bend for the knees is sufficed. Here is an good example of the 90 degree ZZ at 3:35. Ref:
  23. Heart As Qi Circulation Focus

    Does anybody know the concept of the five elements and how do they interact with each other. It is like one element is aiding or opposing another. Did you know that the fire element represents the heart instead of the heart stores the fire element. Actually, each of the five elements represents a different internal organ. Is there anyone know how to read the five-elements chart...??? Five elements From the chart, the WOOD produces FIRE which says that the LIVER is effecting the HEART. In other words, in TCM, the function of the heart depends on the liver. The liver has to deliver nourishment to the heart. That was how the concept of the five elements were used to relate the internal organs. When the Chinese doctor said that the fire of the heart is weak; it simply means that the heart is very weak and needs attention. Since the liver is providing the nourishment to the heart, therefore, the liver had to be treated instead of the heart. The WATER puts out the FIRE, then it is the KIDNEY needs attention but not the HEART.
  24. [TTC Study] Chapter 33 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I think that John Wu had squeezed "the path of Tao" into his thought. The line is about personal behavior not about Tao.
  25. [TTC Study] Chapter 33 of the Tao Teh Ching

    6. 強行者有志。 6. The one who forced forces upon oneself to do something has inspiration. I see that you are still thinking about the other translation. However, 強行者(the one who does thing forcefully or unwillingly) in the phrase does not contain the meaning of 'perseverance'.