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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Estimating Tai Chi

    dwai... Thank you. I am just curious to know for purpose of dropping the shoulders...??? May I hear your valuable opinion....???
  2. Analysis of the Translation of the Three Treasures.

    That's not what I am saying. Can you justify your statement...???
  3. immortal body

    太乙金華宗旨(The secret of the Golden Flower) 2. Guarding the "reflected light"(迴光守中) "Reflected light" is a kind of reverse thinking called the "heart of heaven(天心)". The author will let 「天心」 analogous to a room, and let to light be the master of the room. With a master, the room will become lively, then there will be "light". This light has a golden brown color, it is similar to a gold flower. In reality, it is the 真炁(real chi). Even though the character 炁(chi without fire) is in a different form from the character 氣(chi with rice). However, in the usage of the two but there is a difference. 「炁」, chi without fire, is the prenatal chi; and 「氣」, chi with rice, is the postnatal chi. The prenatal chi,「炁」, has no form but most cleared. The postnatal chi 「氣」, has form but most turbid. Hence, 真炁(real chi) was called the "Ultimate One" or the "Prenatal Ultimate One". This book called 「太乙金華」 is because that the "真炁(real chi)" seems like the "light of a golden flower". Human had the 真炁(real chi) of the "prenatal ultimate One(先天太一)", then human has life, otherwise he will die. A Taoist, 慧真子, said: "The Heavenly One engender water(天一生水), actually, it simply means the 真炁(real chi) of is the "prenatal ultimate One(先天太一)". Those who obtained it will be alive; those who lose it will be dead. Thus human depends on the 炁(chi) to live but doesn't see 炁; fish depend on water to live but doesn't see the water. Human without 炁(chi) will die, fish away from the water will die also. Therefore, the immortals taught human to "embrace the 元(yuan, primary) and guard the 'One'(抱元守一)"; it simply means "guarding the reflected lights(迴光守中)". One guarding the 真炁(real chi) which can be extended one's life. One need to find a way to practice to create an immortal body then. Human obtained 真炁(real chi) then lives, lose 真炁(real chi) then dies. Somehow, 真炁(real chi) is invisible. It is analogous to a fish which relies on water to survive, but it doesn't see the water. In deed, an ordinary person cannot see the 真炁(real chi) nor can it be actively predominated. In order to save and keep the 真炁(real chi), it can only be going thought the cultivation of internal alchemy. The fundamental cultivation of internal alchemy is to embrace the 元(yuan, primary) and guard the 'One'(抱元守一) and "guarding the reflected light(迴光守中)" It also means that save safe keeping the 真炁(real chi) and controlling it, only this way that one can be able to attain longevity and beneficial to prolong life and immortalized without aging. Glossary: 迴光(Reflected light): 指太陽剛落山時,由於光線反射而發生的天空中短時發亮的現象。比喻人死前精神突然興奮。也比喻事物滅亡前夕的表面興旺。 Editor's note: Please see explanation at the following post.
  4. immortal body

    Link: Source 太乙金華宗旨(The secret of the Golden Flower) 二、迴光守中 「迴光」是一種逆向注想「天心」的方法。 作者把「天心」比喻成房子,把「光」比喻為房子的主人。 有了主人,房子才有生氣,才有「光」。 這個光是金黃色的,好比金花,實際上就是人的真炁。 「炁」雖是「氣」的異體字,但兩者相對使用時,卻有一定的差別。 「炁」是先天之氣,「氣」是後天之氣。 先天之「炁」無形、至清,後天之「氣」有形、至濁。 因此,真炁又稱為「太乙」、「太一」、「天一」或「先天太一」。 本書題為「太乙金華」就是指人的先天真炁如同金花之光。 人有了先天太一的真炁,就有了生命,否則就會死亡。 慧真子注:「天一生水,即太乙之真炁。人得一則生,失一則死。然人仗炁而生,人不見炁;魚仗水而活,魚不見水。人無炁則死,魚離水則亡。故仙人教人抱元守一者,即迴光守中。守此真炁則可以延年也。然後用法鍛煉,則造成不死之軀(immortal body)矣。」人得真炁則生,失真炁則死。 然而真炁是看不見的,如同魚依賴水而生存,卻看不見水。 普通的人既看不到真炁,又不能主動支配真炁,而要存養真炁,只有通過丹道修煉。 丹道修煉的根本,就是「抱元守一」、「迴光守中」。 也就是存養真炁,駕馭真炁,這樣才能延年益壽,長生不衰。 Editor note: Sorry, it took me a while to find the Chinese source. It's kinda late now. I will translate it soon. Thanks.
  5. Estimating Tai Chi

    Please comment...
  6. properly circulating built up sexual energy?

    Are we talking about the same thing...... ???....
  7. properly circulating built up sexual energy?

    resonant111... Why did you resonate with the wrong thing to begin with...??? IMHO Anything is sexually related, in Chi Kung, was considered to be 旁門左道(illegitimate practice). You should start with a method that is not sexually oriented; don't even bother thinking about the stuff that will do you any good...
  8. Nihao from China

    You welcome, Ansijia, it happens to be that my Chinese name is 思正(think correctly). The character 思(si) has two radicals, 田(tian2) and 心(xin1). The radical 田(tian2) is a field which symbolizes broad in Chinese thinking. The 心(heart), once thought, is the center of the human body which does all the thinking. Hence, 思(si) is thinking with a broad field as one's thinking with a vast and open mind.
  9. Analysis of the Translation of the Three Treasures.

    In summary, as far as Jing, Chi and Shen are concern, Shen is the final product of Jing and Chi. The Jing and Chi are in a recycle loop; and Shen is not in the loop. Shen is only a physical appearance of the human body. Thus it cannot be refined as a substance. Another words, the healthier the Prenatal Jing with the proper provision of the abundance of Postnatal Jing, the appearance of the human body will indicate that the body is in a state of homeostasis by Shen.
  10. The central point

    You welcome, tianhui. As far as Jing, Chi and Shen are concern, Shen is the final product of Jing and Chi. The Jing and Chi are in a recycle loop; and Shen is not in the loop. As I had indicated, Shen is only a physical appearance of the human body. Thus it cannot be refined as a substance as you had suggested. Another words, the healthier the Prenatal Jing with the proper provision of the abundance of Postnatal Jing, the appearance of the human body will indicate that the body is in a state of homeostasis by Shen.
  11. The central point

    In case your are interested further.... My explanation about Jing, Chi and Shen
  12. Do the math

    The magic square was known as the "Nine Palace Square(九宮格)" in Chinese. The Flying Star System in Feng Shui was based on it to the determine the position of the first star of each year. The Nine Palace Square. 4 9 2 3 5 7 8 1 6 In case, just one didn't know, the forbidden city was built based on this lay-out. The number 5 and 9 are very important in the Chinese culture. It is because 5 is the central number and 9 is the highest in the nine number system. These two particular numbers were used to address the emperor as 九五之尊(The dignity of the nine and five). The "5" position is where the emperor resides. Actually, the whole area of the "5" position was known as the "forbidden city(紫禁城)". Since it was the residence of the emperor, it was forbidden for anyone to enter. The entrance of the forbidden city is facing south(on top). The height of the door is nine feet nine inches in Chinese measuring units. There are nine gates for the entrances to the forbidden city. There are nine thousand and ninety-nine buildings in the forbidden city. The proper translation for 紫禁城 is the "Purple Forbidden Castle". It was a castle intended for the emperor to reside. However, the character 城 can be translated as "castle" or "city". Actually the forbidden castle is within the forbidden city. Somehow, the westerners thought that the residential palace of the emperor was the whole Bei Jing Palace as the "forbidden city". The color purple is the color for the number "nine". It is the highest color in the Chinese mythology. Therefore, the color was used to implicate that the emperor has the supreme power of authority.
  13. Nihao from China

    Ansijia 安思佳 (my Chinese name) 安思佳(Peaceful and think well), a lovely name, it is very poetic and meaningful.
  14. The central point

    Yes, Nei Kung just particularly efficient at building health. It gives one stronger muscles and better mental power for faster reflexes to react and keep the body in balance internally and externally.
  15. The central point

    In that case, Nei Kung will make one healthy and strong without getting sick and can overcome any obstacle. One can handle something that he's normally cannot. One can defend against any intruder. Thus it builds up the confidence in oneself.
  16. The central point

    If not to become an immortal, one can have a tremendous internal strength from the practice of NeiKung. If one knows the definition of mediation, one will perform Chi Kung with some breathing methods to accomplish Nei Kung. Thus that's what was working for.
  17. Feng Shui

    Actually, in the Fly Star System, the Star flies around the house each year. It has nothing to do with the birthday of the house. Thus that's why the furniture has to move around the house every year.
  18. Do the math

    Explanation of Origin Magic Square
  19. jing

    We still don't know what his problem is, do we....??? Why are we trying to fix an unknown or non-existing problem....??? This gentleman was abstained for two years which tells everyone that his reproductive system was not active for a long time. All the sudden, he is decided to start to ejaculate. BTW We don't know how often he does it. Anyhow, let's assume that he does it quiet often, then his inactive reproductive system became very active all the sudden. I don't know can his reproductive system handle the high demand in reproducing sperms in a hurry. After ejaculation, the human body had consumed a tremendous amount of energy. It is not advisable to do reverse breathing to rejuvenate the body. It is because reverse breathing requires more energy consumption than normal breathing due to the more muscle contractions involved. Under any healing circumstances, normal breathing should be performed rather than the reverse breathing. I don't know what was his reason for doing RB after ejaculation.
  20. Indeed proceed

    Read my translations in the Tao Te Ching section....
  21. Analysis of the Translation of the Three Treasures.

    What is Shen(神)...??? Shen(神) is the ultimate command-in-chief for the human body which in charge of the spirit, mind, senses, and all the activities. The activities for the human body are the soul(魂), skeleton(魄), intend(意), volition(志), thoughts(思), worries(慮) and wisdom(智). These criteria will reveal the moods and health conditions of the human body. Hence, it can be said that Shen(神) is the physical appearance of the body. The ancients are very concerned with the Shen(神) of the body. Once, it was said: "if there is Shen(神), then one is well; if not, then one is ill or dead." If the human body is full of Shen(神), then it was said to be that the body is healthy. In the contrary, if the Shen(神) appeared to be feeble, then it was said that the body is weak or unhealthy.
  22. If anyone can help this person please do

    Here is here... He is confused like hell about the LDT being cracked. I think he did more damages in masturbation than his Chi Kung practice. Chi Kung can fix his problem that he is having now if he puts the time and effort into it instead of fantasizing that his LDT was cracked. There is no such thing as a cracked LDT. He may have problem with his kidneys or other internal organs which can be caused by over masturbation. He did not describe the symptoms that he's having. Therefore, how people could help him...??? He has already convicted himself by claiming that his LDT has been cracked.
  23. Would someone please translate. Thank you. 關於氣的討論,大多可分以下幾種: 1. 以「氣」當作形上學的根本實體,也就是一種原質、太初的問題在內。 2. 以「氣」看做外在物理世界的物質,換句話說,這個世界裡流動的某些東西,它不是固體,也非液體,而是能散佈的一種材料。 3. 以「氣」成為呼吸。這種「氣」偶爾與靈魂相關,而且是人體中某種與呼吸相關的現象。 4. 以「氣」來說明人體與人事,人的行值和人與人之間的關聯所產生的樣態。 這種粗劣的分別當然是相互涉及的,這只是方便說而已。簡單來說,四種分類各自代表了「氣論」四個不同面相:「本體論」、「宇宙論」、「人體論」、「性情論」。 Link: Chi(氣)
  24. Translation about the four types of Chi(氣)

    In the discussion about Chi, mostly we have the following types: 1. Using 'Chi' as a solid body in metaphysics, it's also an primordial substance which beyond the history of human. 2. Using 'Chi' as a material in the external physical world, another words, there is something that is a fluid-like substance; it is not a solid body; it is not a liquid neither, but it is a kind of substance which can be broadcasted everywhere. Doesn't that sounds like gaseous substance...??? 3. Using 'Chi' as in breathing, it was occasionally spiritually related; and also related to a certain breathing phenomenon of the human body. 4. Using 'Chi' in describing the human body and human affairs, it is a body image or appearance expressed by the activities and social contacts between the human relationship. 這種粗劣的分別當然是相互涉及的,這只是方便說而已。簡單來說,四種分類各自代表了「氣論」四個不同面相:「本體論」、「宇宙論」、「人體論」、「性情論」。 With these kinds of crude differences, they are definitely and mutually related with each other. That was only for the convenience of speaking. Simply speaking, these four categories are represented the 'Chi-ology', individually, in four different ways: 'Ontology', 'Cosmology', 'Physiology', and 'Psychology'.
  25. hello

    I think he means LDT = Lower Dan Tien