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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. 1. Yes, ejaculation does not deplete nutrients, hormones or anything of that nature but it requires nutrients and hormones to tell the body subssystems to remanufacture the sperms and semen and the tremendous energy that was loss during the ecstatic blissful experience of ejaculating. My emphasis was on "to replace the tremendous body energy that was loss during the ecstatic blissful experience of ejaculating."
  2. 1. Yes, ejaculation does not deplete nutrients, hormones or anything of that nature but it requires nutrients and hormones to remanufacture the sperms and semen and the tremendous energy was loss during the ecstatic blissful experience of ejaculating. 2. It requires energy to set off the receptors and neurotransmitters. 3. Again, it requires energy for sending out the hormones to tell the reproductive system to recharge the capacitor.
  3. Jing is not a thing that reproduce sperms or semen only. Jing comprises all of the substances which makes up the human body. It requires the external nourishment and external chi to sustain its life. Sustain its life which means make it function by generating the internal chi(functional energy) to perform its normal task. However, reproducing sperms and semen was only one of the functions, Jing also produce other hormones and other body fluids as well.
  4. Wuxing Tongbei Quan

    Let's go over the concepts between Tong Bei Quan(通背拳) and Tai Ji Quan(太極拳). In Tong Bei Quan, the practice is emphasized in the arms. The movement are fast and hard. The strength was initiated from the back through the arms. This kind of style was considered to be external practice(外功, Wai4 Kung) or attributed to the yang concept. In Tai Ji Quan, the practice is emphasized on the hips. The movements are slow and soft. The body strength, in general, was initiated from the hips. All the motions are moved with a smooth flow with the arms and legs holistically. In addition, at a higher level, the movements will be practiced at a faster speed and breathing was paid close attention. This kind of style was considered to be internal practice(內功, Nei Kung). Hence, Tai Ji Quan goes through many different stages, it would be attributed to the yin-yang concept. After the practicing the fundamental movements of Tai Ji, the next higher level will be fast Tai Ji. It seems to me that the term "fast Tai Ji" was never introduced to the West. It is a form of Tai Ji with the arms and legs were moved at a short distance and at a faster pace. It is a lot quicker and stronger then the basic fundamental movements. It is kind of moving toward the yang state so to speak. This is the stage where semi Fa Jin takes place. In the highest level is called Tai Ji Chi Kung which involves heavily in breathing and Fa Jin with the movements at a moderated speed. Based on the difference in concept, Tong Bei starts with the fast and hard movements as opposed to the slow and soft movements in Tai Ji and the emphasis in breathing, I may conclude that Tai Ji Quan is much more complicated than Tong Bqi Quan. I don't see that one was influenced by the other.
  5. Wuxing Tongbei Quan

    I will only agree with you is because the teacher who showed you the style already has a Nei Kung background or he has reached a high level of practice or initially has the innate physical strength. However, people without a Nei Kung background cannot perform the fast movements for a long period of time without getting fatigue in a hurry. If people has initially practiced Tai Ji, burgua or Xin Yi Quan, they will have the Nei Kung to sustain the body strength for the prolong fast movements for this style. The girl in the second video, as you can see, that her movements are very weak with no Jin(勁) which indicates that she has no Nei Kung background. In the third video, the man's movements are firm and full of inner strength is a good indication that he has Nei Kung background.
  6. shaolin monk vs mma fighter cool fight

    Yi Long is a Shaolin monk, this was his first fight outside of China.
  7. Wuxing Tongbei Quan

    Translation.... The extension of the arms was to initiate the strength from the back going through the shoulder, elbow, reaching the fingers. The goal was to have the back, shoulder and elbow to be in harmony for extending the physical strength. PS... I did some readings from the source below. The style has two names, 通背拳(through the back fist) or 通臂拳(through the arms fist). The release of the most powerful strength was emphasized by using the arms supported by the back. Another words, all the body strength in the arms was issued from the back. Native source of reference:
  8. shaolin monk vs mma fighter cool fight

    By his physical build, the way he takes the punishment and fights, especially, he knocks the opponent down with one punch at 0:58. I think he has the strength of a Shaolin monk. Yes, he is a real monk IMO.
  9. Wuxing Tongbei Quan

    You welcome! By observation, this style seems to be for someone with an initial physical fitness in consuming lots of body energy during practice. IMO It was designed for combat with swift motions to anticipate the opponent. Is this something that you want and to be a good fighter....???
  10. 炁(Chi with no fire): the prenatal Chi; primordial essence from the parents before birth. "No fire" which indicates that something has not been touched by fire; and was considered to be the most natural essential substance.
  11. FYI... 1. 氣(Chi) in TCM means functional activity of the organs. 2. 氣(Chi) in Chi Kung means breathing the air(the Chi of nature). People have never understand the distinction between the two and they never will.
  12. Wuxing Tongbei Quan

    Basic moves.... Demo.....
  13. In TCM, the so-call "energy blockage" is simply means that the functional activity of certain organ was not functioning. The malfunction organ was effecting or stopping other organs from functioning properly. In order to clear the blockage, it was by making the malfunction organ to be functional again. Hence, it was said to be that the blockage has been cleared.
  14. If you believe all what you had read and cannot filter out the unwanted fallacies, then you will be confused as hell. It had to be one way or the other but not all.
  15. Yes, "One Chi" maybe considered as "Yuan Chi"; but Jin is the body strength and Jing is the primal essence which makes up the body. Jing can be considered as your body cells, blood, body fluids and other essential substances which are to be sustained for the vitality of the human body.
  16. It would more appropriate to Change "Jing(精)" to "Jin(勁)". "Jin(勁)" is what you are building up from Nei Kung.
  17. In your thinking, is Tao a being or a figure that emits energy for you to absorb...???
  18. Kung Fu is external and Chi Kung is internal. Internal(Nei Kung) is aiding the external while the external has a cancelling effect for the Internal for beginners. It is wise to practice the internal first for few years to have the body to build up the jin for external practice. There is no rush for the external practice unless you are preparing to fight somebody in a hurry. It is a rule of thumb not to practice both a the same time.
  19. Isn't there a big difference between castration and vasectomy....??? Castration does not and cannot reproduce any sperms as opposed to vasectomy. Anyone can practice alchemy if the notion about the reproduction of sperms was removed. It was a fallacy by some ancient Taoists once thought that the Jing were sperms. The idea is still misleading in the present. Thus that's why we are having this argument in this thread. As I indicated before, Jing(精) is not sperm but 精子 is. The ancient Taoist confused themselves with the terminology Jing(精) from Jing, chi, shen(精氣神) with sperm(精子). Ever since, this confusion has never been cleared.
  20. General Information

    Zhuang Tzu Famous quote: 1。吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。以有涯随无涯,殆已;已而为知者,殆而已矣。 我们的生命是有限的,而知识却是无限的。要想用有限的生命去追求无限的知识,便会感到很疲倦;既然如此还要不停地去追求知识,便会弄得更加疲困不堪! Our lives are limited; but we knew that knowledge has no limit. However, letting the limited life to pursue the unlimited knowledge, it would make one very fatigue. Hence, people are still not willing to stop pursue knowledge will make themselves even more fatigue....!!!
  21. 1. I see this is a personal problem has to be resolved by yourself. 2. There something that you should be aware of which is that Kung Fu is an external practice; and Qi Gong is an internal. It seems to me you had indicated that you had done them in the reverse order. Since Qi Gong builds up energy and Kung Fu consumes energy, therefore, you should practice Qi Gong first then do the Kung Fu practice. My suggestion to you is just do the Qi Gong for awhile without doing the Kung Fu. It is because it will help you to heal the internal problems if there are any. You need to build up more energy in the body instead of consuming it. Indeed, Qi Gong with slow movements is a very good combination of exercising your breathing(internal) and physical body(external). Another words, it is equivalent to both Qi Gong and Kung Fu at the same time. That will kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. 3. I think you knew your problem is in the gaba receptors. It is a biological problem. I don't know if any external treatment would help it or not. However, Qi Gong is very effective in internal healing. If you continue with the practice, it might help you with other organs in the body and balance everything out holistically....
  22. It all depends how serious whatever you have in your body system. You said that you are having some drugs in your system which are giving you some side effects. Hopefully, all the drugs will be cleared out of your system soon.
  23. 1. You might call it the healing crisis or the worse nightmare at the beginning of Chi Kung practice due to the cleansing process. The frequency of the occurrence depends upon the health conditions of your body. If your body has something else, then there will be other symptoms. 2. Indeed, not bad at all. 3. It is wise not to force yourself to breathe too deep but breathe slowly as deep as you can. Eventually, from your daily practice, you breath will reach down to your dan tian(abdomen) progressively. There is no need to worry about every little detail but concentrate on your breathing. Breathing is the key to Chi Kung practice. Remember, just breathe slowly and deeply as your natural breathing routine.
  24. Is pre cum okay during sexual retention?

    Practice Chi Kung alone doesn't get where one wants to go...!!! One must have some basic knowledge about the biological body. After ejaculation, the body system takes three days for the replenished sperms to reach maturity. Therefore, it would be ideal to practice Chi Kung daily and approach a girl every other four days or more. Pre cum is not very healthy mentally and biologically. Let's not start something if one cannot finish it to be more natural.