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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. deleted

    As I stated before, you are gentleman and a scholar.👍
  2. deleted

    Yes,I do have an opinion for this. It is just for kids to do such thing.
  3. Perhaps. It may be. It is not my idea. My translation was going by the knowledgeable native scholar. It may not be 100% correct but may be 80%. PS I thought I might share with those who are interested. I guess not.
  4. "Spirit" in the DDJ

    Spirits means diety, ghost, devil or any spiritual thing that is not human. I recognize what chi 气 is but not in a matter of belief. I believe there are/were dragons existed.
  5. It is just common sense. PS If I keep getting this kind of response and attitude, I have just lost my interest in further posting.
  6. "Spirit" in the DDJ

    I thought that means I don't believe in spirits. If I say I don't believe in spirits, would that change in meaning?
  7. Legit.

    The muscles are at rest when the arms and legs are fully extended. Thus, it has no effect on the muscles. Biologically, the body cells are activated by the slight contraction of the muscles. The contraction of the muscle will cause the cells to produce an "action potential". An action potential is the energy that keeps the muscle to continue to contract. As soon the muscle releases, the action potential will be gone, and puts the muscle back into the resting state again. That is why one will see the Taiji practitioners with their arms and legs bent. Especially, the Yang style Taiji. It is the best style to practice for health. PS Keeping the muscle cells active is part of the cultivation of the body.
  8. Chapter 14 The invisible Tao 1. 視之不見,名曰夷。 2. 聽之不聞,名曰希。 3. 摶之不得,名曰微。 4. 此三者不可致詰, 5. 故混而為一。 6. 其上不皦, 7. 其下不昧, 8. 繩繩不可名, 9. 復歸於無物。 10.是謂無狀之狀, 11.無物之象, 12.是謂惚恍。 13.迎之不見其首, 14.隨之不見其後。 15.執古之道以御今之有。 16.能知古始, 17.是謂道紀。 Translated in terse English... 1. View it couldn't see, name, and call it Colorless. 2. Listen to it couldn't hear, name and call it Soundless. 3. Touch it couldn't feel, name it, and call it Formless. 4. These three are inseparable 5. These three objects blended in one. 6. Its top is not brilliant. 7. Its bottom is not dim. 8. Its continuance is unnameable. 9. Returned to being formless(state of invisibility), 10. Is called a form of no form. 11. An image of formless, 12. Is called obscure. 13. Greet it cannot see its head. 14. Follow it cannot see its back. 15. Grasp the presence of Tao to see all existing things, 16. Able to understand the ancient origin, 17. It's called the Principles of Tao. Editing Note: 1. Still needs to be refined. 2. As of 9-28-23, the refinement has been completed.
  9. What are the benefits as we accumulate more and more energy? I think the real question lies here. The benefits are makes one breathe better with more oxygen intake. Increase the energy level. As a result, increases the immune system. Less chance of getting a cold. Resist colder temperatures in a winter environment. Overall, makes one a healthier and better person. Traditional people say the energy was accumulated without any scientific knowledge. The body generates energy and the energy cannot be stored or accumulated. The energy is generated by the mitochondria in the body cells by cell respiration. The greater number of mitochondria in the cells will generate more energy. The number of mitochondria will increase from the slight contraction of the muscle from the Qi Goong exercise. Lots of people do not realize why Qi Gong practitioners raise and lower their hands slowly for that purpose. The most important thing is breathing in Qi Gong. Qi Gong breathing has to be done slowly, long, and deeply. Without it, then, it wouldn't be considered Qi Gong.
  10. Yes, I agree. Having more and more energy will not solve all the issues in life. However, it will solve all the health problems in the body. How people want to use their energy is a different story.
  11. FYI Practiced different types of energy work on and off for 2 years and never stayed consistent in their practice. That is not the way to practice Qi Gong or martial arts. Yes, one should practice Qi Gong daily for a large amount of time before benefits present themselves in their life. One can notice the energy level higher and higher by lifting weights from time to time. It is because the body's strength will be increased from diligent practice. One managed to do Qigong every other day--for a month would have no biological effect on the body. The benefits of doing it every day over a long period of time will increase the energy level of the body. The body will be healthier and stronger. Practice one type of Qi Qong is sufficient. It is not the more the better with more benefits. The body works the same way; no matter what method one practices. However, one must understand what Qi Gong is all about to be appreciated. Practicing Qi Gong Without knowing how it works will never gain health benefits, even after ten years.
  12. You and Wu in Chapter One

    Chapter 1 Case 1. 3. 無,名天地之始。 4. 有,名萬物之母。 7. 此兩者同出而異名, 7. These two come from one origin but differ in name, Case 2. 3. 無名,天地之始。 4. 有名,萬物之母。 7. 此兩者同出而異名, 7. These two come from one origin but differ in name, How would you prefer to read Lines 3 and 4? I would pay close attention to Line 7 to make my decision.
  13. deleted

    That would be out of context with the TTC.
  14. deleted

    hmmm...... Can you give an example that you think is a religious statement?
  15. deleted

    Please use it as a good source of reference before going into Kroll.
  16. You and Wu in Chapter One

    It enhances the tone of the meaning but definitely does not change the meaning of the sentence.
  17. You and Wu in Chapter One

    I believe that 老子註譯及評介 is more reliable. Period.
  18. You and Wu in Chapter One

    同感! 同感!
  19. You and Wu in Chapter One

    坐井觀天 and 井底之蛙 Now, you may rest without spending any more time looking into the TTC.
  20. My take on Chinese classical martial-arts

    Balancing oneself on one leg.
  21. You and Wu in Chapter One

    You are only looking at one star in the universe. Without reading the whole book is like the blinds touching one part of the elephant and coming to a conclusion. I am sure you have heard of the idiom: 坐井觀天 or 井底之蛙 PS Don't you think it is kind of naive for Laotze to write a book with five thousand characters for nothing? Again, the "five-year-old child" phrase still stands. Peace.
  22. Let's Talk About Enlightenment(s)

    Enlightenment(頓悟) is being realized all of a sudden about something that was always puzzling without an answer before. The Enlightenment has cleared any ambiguity in the perturbed mind. 頓悟是正在突然意识到一些以前没有答案总是令人费解的事情。 启蒙已经清除了不安心灵中的任何模棱两可。
  23. Xiao Mi Cao 小米草 Medicinal Uses: Swollen nasal passages, allergies, hay fever, colds, bronchitis, sinusitis, coughs, conjunctivitis, earaches, headaches, epilepsy, inflammation, ...
  24. You and Wu in Chapter One

    It is getting interesting. How wrong could one be? I just rechecked my source. Correction: In Chapter 2: 有and無 are not the same as in Chapter 1. 有means something that has already existed. 無is something that does not exist. Please disregard Chapter 2 as example.