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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Semen Consistancy/color

    The latter maybe due to exposed in the air, for sometime, caused the semen to change color due to oxidation. I think....
  2. internal alchemy

    I would like to rephrase it. First, let's take a look at EXTERNAL ALCHEMY to begin with, then consider how it is applied internally...
  3. Why "Pure Yang?"

    No problem. Your question gives me a notion that you have a brilliant mind. Your question is very pure and precisely to the point of what you are asking. The term "yang" was referring to something that is pure, positive, best but not contaminated by any external influences, whatsoever, physically or mentally. The term a "pure yang body" was, only an expression, referring to a body that was not introduced to any abusive substances such as bad foods like fat meat, alcohol, sex, or anything that was harmful to the body. In general, it was an indication that one wants to maintain the body in a good and healthy condition to prolong life. PS... This is, purely, the reflection of the point of view of a true ancient Chinese Taoist.
  4. internal alchemy

    Internal alchemy only has one type. Somehow, people see it with many types which raises to a question: "Does everybody know what "Internal Alchemy" really is....???
  5. The notion about "chi get stuck in your head" was only a myth, IMO. QiGong will overcome anything in the body if one practice it diligently...
  6. QiGong does miracle. If the practitioner has a problem inside the body, QiGong will go through a cleansing process to help you to get rid of all the impurities. After the cleansing process, it will resume your body back to normalcy. However, during the cleansing process, your body will be going through some changes. Hence, you will had all kinds of different strange feelings that you've never had before. It is completely normal; and it was an indication that QiGong is working for you. So, don't worry but just continue with your practice....
  7. On Pain and Suffering

    What is the Tui Na(推拿)...??? Tui Na(推拿) involves two techniques, the Tui(推) and Na(拿). 1. Tui(推) is push the acupoints with pressure, back and forth, along a meridian. 2. Na(拿) is to squeeze the accpoints along a meridian with the thumb and the bent index fingers. The purpose of the Tui Na(推拿) technique was to innervate the acupoints by pressure instead of using needles as in acupuncture or heat treatment as in Moxibustion.
  8. Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu

    In Reverse breathing(RB), one was just do the opposite of natural abdominal breathing(NB). In RB one suck in the abdomen while inhale and expand the abdomen while exhale. The purpose of RB is to exchange the breath at a faster rate for a high level martial artist to Fa Jin(發勁). Therefore, in RB, one does not have to expand the abdomen all the way out before the next breath, as in NB, to keep up the body to generate the body strength. Thus RB is quite mechanical IMO.
  9. On Pain and Suffering

    Acupressure was known as 點穴(dian3 xue2) by touching the acu-point with pressure. At the end of this video, a chicken was paralyzed by 點穴(dian3 xue2) at 5:00; and also unparalyzed. If the chicken was not unparalyzed, then it will die in three hours.
  10. On Pain and Suffering

    Thanks for the recommendation of the book. As I had learned, acupressure was known by the Chinese long time ago but acupuncture was vast used in TCM. However, acupressure does use in TCM as an anesthesia, anyway, in some fiction stories. Most of the time, acupressure was used by the ancient martial artists to disable his opponent by applying a jing jin(勁) pressure to an acu-point.
  11. this forum is awesome.

    Just don't believe everything that you read and filter some out of it.
  12. On Pain and Suffering

    I am glad that you do allow some infinitesimal room for finding the truth....
  13. On Pain and Suffering

    You know what I think...??? Pain is just like a light bulb. It can be turned on and off. What cause pain in the body...??? I think it was caused by the nerves. We have sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. They are the complement of each other. One turns the pain on and the other turn it off. IMO Despite to the Chi clog theory, I think that is how it works. I have two examples in my situation to substantiate my claim. 1. I had this neck pain, on the right, for two years from knife throwing. It was very painful when I had a backpack on my back and climbing the Great Wall of China. At the time, on top of the Great Wall, I told myself that I will get rid of this pain when I go back home. When I got back home, I bought some books about Acupuncture, Physiology, Human Anatomy and the Gray's Anatomy. From the books, I had discovered that the nerves on my neck were connected to the brachial plexus. In TCM, it was customary not to treat the area in pain but the reflected acu-point. In my case, I have found the reflected acu-points are around my shoulder blade, scapula, in the back. Since these points are in the back, I need to get a hook-like tool to reach those acu-points. With the aid of this hook to apply some pressure to those points, I felt some small soreness on those acu-points. After a few treatment, my pain was almost gone completely. Of course, the pain cannot be completely gone but at least 95 to 99.99% was gone. The mysterious thing about that was the soreness on the scapula are gone too. 2. Another case, when I was sitting too long, my left leg gets numb or have a little pain sometimes. I had found two acu-points, on my lower and upper leg, to get rid of the pain and numbness.
  14. Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu

    靈寳通智能內功術 Ling Bao Tong Zhi Neng Nei Gong Shu The internal practice method of the efficacious treasure through mental intelligence. I finally figured out what it says in Chinese....
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 18 of the Tao Teh Ching

    "The ultimate happiness is no vexation and no happiness; a perfect appraisal is not to be appraised."
  16. Qinway Qigong

    I think what he meant was "having your known past going down into history is immortal".
  17. [TTC Study] Chapter 18 of the Tao Teh Ching

    The last two paragraphs of Chapter 18 say..... Come to think of it, is there really any "good"? Nowaday, people reckon the so-called happiness, I don't know is really happiness or not? I'd observed that people reckoned as happiness, they all do not hesitate to pursue this happiness. It seems they were determined and affirmatively cannot stop, thus they thought that was happiness. However, I reckon that there was nothing to be enjoyable. Also, there is nothing that is not enjoyable. Was there really any happiness or not? I reckon that there is no need to verify what is enjoyable, but people in the world think that would be an extreme torment. Thus I would say: "The ultimate happiness is no vexation and no happiness; a perfect appraisal is not to be appraised." The rumors in the world were proven that they are not true. Hence, one can determine what is a rumor does not require any physical strength. The ultimate happiness and survival that almost can be accomplished is only by being Wu Wei(无为). Let's try to analyze it: Heaven can be clear and vacuous was because of Wu Wei, Earth can be in serenity was because of Wu Wei. Therefore, both Heaven and Earth are integrated by Wu Wei. All things become vitalized and existed. It was obscure and didn't know where they came from. It was obscured without a definite image or form. There are reproduction of all things with many kinds; they all came from Wu Wei. Thus it can be said: "Heaven and Earth are Wu Wei and there was nothing that they cannot be accomplished. Who can understand the principles of Wu Wei and follow after it...!!!
  18. It's Sun Conure........
  19. It seems that way for a wild sea bird; but my bird was raised by human from a hatched egg.
  20. [TTC Study] Chapter 18 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Yes, and the bees too...
  21. Both of us. Mainly is for his safety at night and when I have to leave him alone.
  22. This bird has a cage with the door open all the time. His mating box is place on top of the cage. He goes into the box to sleep and goes into the cage for food and water. He is on my shoulder when I take him for walk. I put him on the lemon tree when we were outside. Sometimes, he flies to my shoulder. FYI He is free as a bird. I become the caretaker of the bird because his original owner is ill. Does it seek some conversation? Believe me, he does. @marblehead... You are right about the poop, but my bird stay around the cage most of the time. However, he only flew over the my sofa and did it once and returned back to the cage.
  23. Advance Energy Techniques

  24. A Zhan Zhuang video taoist point of view

    Thank you! I am glad to go over the longevity issue with you scientifically. First of all, what do we need to survive? We need food and breath. Someone can survive more than a month without food. However, anyone will die in few minutes without oxygen. The more oxygen that we can provide to the body, the body will be more healthier. If the body is healthy, then we can prolong our lives. Hence, breathing is very important for longevity. The matter is how well can someone breathe, in order, to provide the oxygen to the fullest capacity for the human lungs. The ability of the body to perform its function depends on how much oxygen that one can be provided. Indeed, the body will perform its function all by itself if there was enough fuels were given to it. Another words, if one only breathes in half the capacity of air into the lungs, then the body will only perform it function to 50% of its full capacity. The ancient Taoist knew that breathing is very important for longevity. So, they learned how to breathe and developed the ultimate method of breathing and called Chi Kung.