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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Feng Shui

    I see where the confusion was. The Chinese do not use number for the year to begin with. They use the combination of the Heavenly Stems and the Earthly Branches to keep track of the years. Every sixty years was considered to be one cycle(元甲,Yuan2 Jia3 ). It happens to be that the lunar year of 丁酉(Ding1 You3) falls in the year of 1957. The Chinese use 丁酉(Ding1 You3) to look up the Ming Gua on a predetermined chart. 丁酉(Ding1 You3) is already limited itself to the lunar calender. It was just a coincidence that the number was happened to be very suitable for the calculation of the Ming Gua. If the year was 1956, then 丙申(Bing1 Shen1)would have had been used to look up in the chart. BTY The the Ming Gua was also known as a Year Gua since the year was used to calculate the Ming Gua.
  2. Feng Shui

    So far. I have only mentioned birth year to determine the Ming Gua. Now, you have introduced birthday in your understanding which raised a question for me to ask. How would you determine the Ming Gua with the birthday in the system which you had learned....???
  3. What is Enlightenment?

    Enlightenment is something that was not understood for a long time; however, one just become realized what it was all the sudden. It doesn't matter how simple or complicated it was. Indeed, that is enlightenment.
  4. Feng Shui

    I am just using it as a reference for the directions and the names of the Ba Gua and ignored the rest. Unless you can come out with a better one.
  5. Feng Shui

    1957 is a calender year. In the way, doing all this calculation was converting to the lunar year without your realization.... Yes, the final result is called the Ming Gua(命卦).
  6. What is Enlightenment?

    Yes, it is so simple to be enlightened. I could just take a drink of water and become enlightened....
  7. Feng Shui

    2. The simple method to convert the Western Calender Year(WCY) to Lunar Year(LY). 1957, we add up all the digits of the WCY: 1 + 9 + 5 + 7 = 22, then 2 + 2 = 4 For male, subtract the number from 11: 11 - 4 = 7 For female, add 4 to the number: 4 + 4 = 8 Again, look up those numbers on the Luo Shu and the Later Day Ba Gua.
  8. Feng Shui

    How is the number calculated from the birth year...??? Let's use one of the example in one of my sources. The head of house was born in 1957. There are few ways to calculate the number for determining what the direction of the front door of the house should be facing. I will illustrate two of them. 1. The remainder method. We take the last two digits of the birth year of the male and subtracted from 100 then divide it by 9. The remainder is the number that we want to use to locate on the Luo Shu Nine Palace Chart. If the head of household is a male: 100 - 57 = 43 43/9, the remainder is 7. The calculated number, 7, is located on the West of the Luo Shu. It means that the front door should be facing East and the back of the house is on the West side. It was said to be the house of Dui(兌, Swamp). If the HOH is a female: 57 - 4 = 53 53/9, the remainder is 8. The calculated number, 8, is located on the Northeast corner of the Luo Shu. It means that the front door should be facing Southwest and the back of the house is on the Northeast side. It was said to be the house of Gen(艮, Mountain). The Nine Palace Chart(Luo Shu, 河圖) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Later Day(Heaven) Ba Gua (後天八卦)
  9. Bagua: Configurations of Trigrams

    1. The top and bottom lines of the Swamp and Thunder trigrams exchanged positions, in the Early Day Ba Gua, and become the Wind and Mountain in the Later Day Ba Gua. 2. The top two lines of Wind trigram and the bottom two lines of the Mountain exchanged positions, in the Early Day Ba Gua, and become Earth and Heaven trigrams in the Later Day Ba Gua.
  10. Feng Shui

    When we are talking about Feng Shui, normally(I repeat normally) applies to a residence which affects the head of the household(HOH). The direction which way the house should be facing is very important to the HOH. When one is going to buy a house, his birth year was used to determine which way his house will be facing. Using the birth year of the HOH to calculate a number, then look up the number on the Nine Palace(Luo Shu) Chart and the Later Day Ba Gua to determine the facing direction of the house and what kind of ming(命) the owner has.
  11. Bagua: Configurations of Trigrams

    Moved to Feng Shui thread....
  12. Feng Shui

    Clarity... I think your nickname says all....
  13. The diaphragm in reverse breathing

    "The major problems are" What is that suppose to be meant....???
  14. The diaphragm in reverse breathing

    Why should it be a problem...???? Wasn't that the whole idea is to keep the diaphragm upward while doing reverse breathing(inhalation)...???
  15. The diaphragm in reverse breathing

    It seems to me we have three scenarios here. 1. The relative movement of the diaphragm is the dependent of the abdomen. 2. The relative movement of the diaphragm is the dependent of the breathing. 3. The movement of diaphragm is independent of the breathing and abdomen. Which one is it....???
  16. Feng Shui

    Taomeow... Based on what you did for your husband, it sounded like you did a divination for his job finding. It did not sound like a Feng Shui evaluation. Thus you got me wondering about what your definition of Feng shui really is....!!!
  17. Feng Shui

    Taomeow... What is the purpose of Feng Shui in the first place....??? What would you tell someone who has no knowledge about Fen Shui...???
  18. Feng Shui

    Chinese Calender with Animals related to each Year
  19. Feng Shui

    HE I don't know where you get your story from. Tibetans are Buddhism, they do not practice the Taoist religion beliefs. Tibetan Burials
  20. Feng Shui

    1. I have many resources written in Chinese, I will search something similar in English for you if there is any online. If not, I can translate my source just for your interest and curiosity. 2. There tons of charts in Chinese. I am sure there maybe some in English. Again, I will do a search for you. Edited to add: The animals for the years are very common. You can do a search on "Chinese zodiac calendar".
  21. Feng Shui

    The idea way for "Yang Dwelling" is to have the door facing South. In the other hand, for "Yin Dwelling" is to have the front of the tomb facing West. However, not all houses can be facing South. The houses facing in different directions will affect the life of the owner based on one's birthday. That is why a Feng Shui master was called to investigate to make improvements to correct the geomancy condition for the owner. The Flying Stars method is another method, but not the only method of Feng Shui, used to rearrange the furnitures every year for a particular owner based on one's birthday.
  22. Feng Shui

    Yes, Fire trigram is at the South, but one must locate the Ba Gua in its proper direction first. One has to find South and place the Fire trigram of the Later Day Ba Gua there. One cannot just place it anywhere and assume that is South. Do you know what I mean...???
  23. Feng Shui

    That doesn't mean that the back wall of any house is South.
  24. Feng Shui

    If you find North with the compass, then South is in the opposite direction. How can you just using the back wall as South...???
  25. What is Enlightenment?

    When a boy has to look up a word in the dictionary, he always just flipping the pages back and forth until he finds the word. At the age about sixteen, he came out from the basement with a smile on his face because he has been enlightened. He had discovered that the dictionary was alphabetized page by page.