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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. How does it work?

    Whatever his name is. He is the one that knows what he is talking about! Those who want to know what Qigong is all about? Sink chi to the dantian(LDT). This is how it was done. It doesn't matter what kind of Qigong one is practicing, this is the fundamental breathing routine that everyone must go through. Without this breathing routine, nothing could be accomplished in any method.
  2. Kung Fu

    No errors here!πŸ™‚
  3. Hello, I am a solo cultivator

    A Meridian point is just a small dot. Dantian is a much bigger area.
  4. Kung Fu

    I see lots of martial arts mistakes in these pictures. Apparently, the artiest who drew the pictures has no kung fu experience. In the first picture. His right foot should be at an angle of 45 degree. He just locked himself up in a very vulnerable position. In the third picture. It is very poor stance for a Kung Fu fighter. He would never be able to lift himself up in that position. Perhaps someone would like to point it out why! In the fifth picture, an experience fighter would not put a sharp object behind the back. Again, the legs are locked in a 雙重(double weight) position. In the sixth picture and the seventh, there is something doesn't look like in each. What would that be? It would be very interesting to hear your comments. Note: A locked position is a posture that puts one in an awkward position to free oneself from going to the next move.
  5. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

    May I pat you on the back?
  6. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

  7. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

    You were so useful and made someone who asked the Adm to delete his account.
  8. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

  9. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

    Yes, there are the plenty of pots without useful spaces!
  10. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

  11. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

    I would think that even if you had, it would make no difference. Whatever he claims, the system was never existed. It was only in the eyes of the beholder.
  12. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

    It was because you had cracked the vessel. There is no more useful space in the pot! It was a bad analogy. Understand?
  13. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

    I think you had missed the whole point of this chapter. It is not the usefulness of all things. Rather, it is the usefulness of the space in the things.
  14. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

    It didn't go through me. I had no feeling of it. It did me no good nor harm! Did it affect anyone of you?
  15. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

    Deleting posts is a very bad habit. It will lose the continuity of thoughts. Please stop this bad habit!
  16. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

    I glad you have found that out sooner than never! Please go with something that is legitimate!
  17. FUCK my technique has HUGE downsides

    How can we stop it? We don't even know what it was!
  18. Hello everyone!

    So, I see! You are look for internal mental strength other than physical.
  19. Hello everyone!

    Hello welcome, neigong is internal strength.
  20. This is nothing new. It is better than before.
  21. It seems to me that your body just recuperate after a strenuous exercise. I don't see how one can become stronger immediately after three days. Can you justify what took place in your body biologically or something else after three days?
  22. Hello, and where do I start?

    You might want to get some ideas from here: I am glad to answer your questions if you have any!
  23. How do you practise?

    The word "sick" came out from you. It has to be your description. I understand that you have CODP. Yes, this is the "tell me how". This will do for the description of Qigong. Other times, you get sick and I know the reason why. It is because of your COPD. That is why you have to breathe through your nose and exhale through the mouth. For that reason, there is not enough oxygen in your body system. Your immune system is very poor due the hypoxia(lack of oxygen). However, you are doing the Qigong practice is the right thing for COPD. I had a breathing problem in my early age and corrected by practicing Qigong. I have a good description in my PPD. If you are interested, then, you might want to look into it. 1. How do I know that I am healthy from practicing Qigong. 2. The Ultimate Method of Breathing. 3. Modern definition of Qigong/Chi Kung( 氣功 ) Ref: Hope you are well!
  24. Can jing be replenished?

    Can jing be replenished? Why is this question being asked. If it doesn't, then, we would have been dead!
  25. IMO Any cultivation, initially, cause exhaustion and strains the soul and energy would not be a legit system(旁門左道). Especially, we don't know what the system is all about.