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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. If one understands the five elements: 金(metal), 木(wood), 水(water), 火(fire), and 土(earth), then the conclusion would not be saliva. "Metallic fluid" is the correct translation for 金液.
  2. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    I would like to verify those words; but I need someone to point them out to me.
  3. Anyone Need Translations of Daoist Texts?

    A book of his translation on baguazhang. baguazhang 八卦掌(Ba Gua Palm) PS... There is a BaGuaQuan,八卦拳(Ba Gua Fist). Some people translated as Ba Gua Boxing. I preferred the former.
  4. Anyone Need Translations of Daoist Texts?

    Rainy_Day If you have decided to go on with your intended purpose, here, can you translate Chapter 1 of the DDJ just for my curiosity. Thanks...
  5. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    It seems that way, isn't it....???
  6. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    The intention of the DDJ was not for Shamanism, however, people can interpret it anyway they wanted to. I cannot find a chapter that has mentioned Shaman or alchemy. I believe the DDJ has laid out the Taoist philosophy as atheistic. At least, that was the consensus of the highly respectable Chinese scholars.
  7. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    馬步(ma bu) HORSE STEP = HORSE SATNCE :lol: How do you know all these....???
  8. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Yes, I do understand the DDJ. I did begin to study it with an open mind. Indeed, I have reached a conclusion which was reflected by my translations in this section.
  9. Anyone Need Translations of Daoist Texts?

    You have good intents here. Let's try it and see how it works or it works out or not...
  10. Anyone Need Translations of Daoist Texts?

    Do you mean "8 trigrams" as 八卦(BaGua) in BaGuaQuan(八卦拳), the martial arts rather than the 8 trigrams(BaGua) in the Yi Jing.
  11. The Dao De Jhing is a shamanistic treatise

    Please...!!! Is this thread necessary...??? Didn't we have the translation done in the Tao Te Ching Section...???
  12. Did you know the less number is more dominant in Chinese thinking...??? Yin is more dominant here....:)

  13. Chuang Tzu Chapter 6, Section C

    “道”是真实而又确凿可信的,然而它又是无为和无形的;“道”可以感知却不可以口授,可以领悟却不可以面见;“道”自身就是本、就是根,还未出现天地的远古时代“道”就已经存在;它引出鬼帝,产生天地;它在太极之上却并不算高,它在六极之下不算深,它先于天地存在还不算久,它长于上古还不算老。狶韦氏得到它,用来统驭天地;伏羲氏得到它,用来调合元气;北斗星得到它,永远不会改变方位;太阳和月亮得到它,永远不停息地运行;堪坏得到它,用来入主昆仑山;冯夷得到它,用来巡游大江大河;肩吾得到它,用来驻守泰山;黄帝得到它,用来登上云天;颛顼得到它,用来居处玄宫;禹强得到它,用来立足北极;西王母得到它,用来坐阵少广山。没有人能知道它的开始,也没有人能知道它的终结。彭祖得到它,从远古的有虞时代一直活到五伯时代;傅说得到它,用来辅佐武丁,统辖整个天下,乘驾东维星,骑坐箕宿和尾宿,而永远排列在星神的行列里。 "Tao" is real and it is definitely believable. Also, it is Wu Wei and formless. "Tao" only can be sensed by intuition but not by the words of mouth, it can be grokked but not face to face. "Tao", itself, is the origin; it is the toot. At the time even before heaven and earth, "Tao" was already existed. It induced the ghosts and gods; and produced heaven and earth. Even it is on top of the ultimate extreme, but it was still not considered to be so high. Though it was six levels below, and it was not so deep. It existed before heaven and earth, though it was not considered too long. It grew before the history of mankind; and still not too old. 狶韦氏 obtained it and ruled heaven and earth; 伏羲氏 obtained it and regulated original Chi; The Big dipper obtained it and its position will never be changed; The sun and the moon obtained it and their motion will never stop; 堪坏 obtained it and took over the Mountain KunLun. 冯夷 obtained it and used it to sail along the great gorges and big rivers. 肩吾 obtained it and used it to guard Mountain TaiShan. 黄帝(Huang Di) obtained it and used it to ride on the heavenly clouds. 颛顼 obtained it and used it to live in the mysterious palace. 禹强 obtained it and used it to stand on the North Pole. 西王母(God Mother of the West) obtained it and used it to guard Mountain 少广. No one knows its beginning, also nobody knows its ending. Note: Translation was not done in the last few phrases are shown in BOLD.
  14. Chuang Tzu Chapter 6, Section C

    Original Classic 【原文】 死生,命也①,其有夜旦之常②,天也。人之有所不得与③,皆物之情也。彼特以天为父,而身犹爱之,而况其卓乎④!人特以有君为愈乎己⑤,而身犹死之⑥,而况其真乎⑦! 泉涸⑧,鱼相与处于陆,相呴以湿⑨,相以沫⑩,不如相忘于江湖。与其誉尧而非桀也,不如两忘而化其道(11)。夫大块载我以形(12),劳我以生,佚我以老(13),息我以死。故善吾生者,乃所以善死也。 夫藏舟于壑(14),藏山于泽(15),谓之固矣。然而夜半有力者负之而走,昧者不知也(16)。藏小大有宜(17),犹有所遯(18)。若夫藏天下于天下而不得所遯,是恒物之大情也(19)。特犯人之形而犹喜之(20),若人之形者,万化而未始有极也,其为乐可胜计邪(21)?故圣人将游于物之所不得遯而皆存。善妖善老(22),善始善终,人犹效之,又况万物之所系而一化之所待乎(23)! 夫道,有情有信(24),无为无形;可传而不可受(25),可得而不可见(26);自本自根,未有天地,自古以固存;神鬼神帝(27),生天生地;在太极之先而不为高(28),在六极之下而不为深(29),先天地生而不为久,长于上古而不为老。狶韦氏得之(30),以挈天地(31);伏戏氏得之(32),以袭气母(33);维斗得之(34),终古不忒(35);日月得之,终古不息;堪坏得之(36),以袭昆仑;冯夷得之(37),以游大川;肩吾得之(38),以处大山;黄帝得之(39),以登云天;颛顼得之(40),以处玄宫;禺强得之(41),立乎北极;西王母得之(42),坐乎少广。莫知其始,莫知其终。彭祖得之,上及有虞,下及五伯(43);傅说得之(44),以相武丁,奄有天下(45),乘东维(46),骑箕尾(47),而比于列星。 Glossary 【注释】 ①命:这里指不可避免的、非人为的作用。 ②常:常规,恒久不易或变化的规律。 ③与:参与,干预。 ④卓:特立,高超;这里实指“道”。 ⑤愈:胜,超过。⑥死之:这里讲作“为之而死”,即为国君而献身。 ⑦真:这里指的是“道”。一说即上段之“真人”。姑备参考。 ⑧涸(hé):水干。 ⑨呴(xū):张口出气。 ⑩(rǔ):同“濡”,一本亦作“濡”,沾湿的意思。沫:唾沫,即口水。 (11)化:这里是熔解、混同的意思。 (12)大块:大地;这里可以理解为大自然。 (13)佚(yì):通作“逸”,闲逸的意思。 (14)壑(hè):深深的山谷。 (15)山(shàn):通作“汕”,捕鱼的用具。旧注就字面讲。 (16)昧:通作“寐”,睡着的意思。一说“昧”当如字面讲,昧者”即愚昧的人。 (17)藏小大:即“藏小于大”。宜:合适,适宜。 (18)遯(dùn):“遁”字的异体,逃脱、丢失的意思。 (19)恒:常有、固有的意思。 (20)犯:承受。一说通作“范”,模子的意思。 (21)胜(shēng):禁得起。 (22)妖:或作“夭”,根据上下文意判断,这里应是少小的意思,与“老”字互文。 (23)系:关联、连缀。一:全;“一化”即所有的变化。待:依靠、凭借。“所系”、“所待”这里都是指所谓“道”,庄子认为一切事物、一切变化都离不开“道”,因而人们应当效法它,“宗”之为“师”。 (24)情、信:真实、确凿可信。 (25)传:传递、感染、感受的意思。 (26)得:这里是体会、领悟的意思。 (27)神:这里是引出、产生的意思。 (28)太极:派生万物的本原,即宇宙的初始。先:据上下文理和用词对应的情况看,“先”字当作“上”字,这样“太极之上”对应下句“六极之下”,且不与“先天地”一句重复。 (29)六极:即六合。 (30)狶(xī)韦氏:传说中的远古时代的帝王。 (31)挈(qiè):提挈,含有统领、驾驭的含意。 (32)伏戏氏:即伏羲氏,传说中的古代帝王。 (33) 袭:入。一说讲作“合”。气母:元气之母,即古人心目中宇宙万物初始的物质。 (34)维斗:北斗星。 (35)忒(tè):差错。 (36)堪坏(pēi):传说中人面兽身的昆仑山神。 (37)冯夷:传说中的河神。 (38)肩吾:传说中的泰山之神。 (39)黄帝:即轩辕氏,传说中的古代帝王,中原各族的始祖。 (40)颛顼(zhuānxū):传说为黄帝之孙,即帝高阳。玄:黑。颛顼又称玄帝,即北方之帝,“玄”为黑色,为北方之色,所以下句说“处玄宫”。 (41)禺强:传说中人面鸟身的北海之神。 (42)西王母:古代神话中的女神,居于少广山。 (43)“五伯”旧指夏伯昆吾、殷伯大彭、豕韦,周伯齐桓、晋文。 (44)傅说(yuè):殷商时代的贤才,辅佐高宗武丁,成为武丁的相。传说傅说死后成了星精,故下句有“乘东维、骑箕尾”之说。 (45)奄:覆盖、包括。 (16)东维:星名,在箕星、尾星之间。 (47)箕、尾:星名,为二十八宿中的两个星座。 Modern Interpretation 【译文】 死和生均非人为之力所能安排,犹如黑夜和白天交替那样永恒地变化,完全出于自然。有些事情人是不可能参与和干预的,这都是事物自身变化的实情。人们总是把天看作生命之父,而且终身爱戴它,何况那特立高超的“道”呢!人们还总认为国君是一定超越自己的,而且终身愿为国君效死,又何况应该宗为大师的“道”呢? 泉水干涸了,鱼儿困在陆地上相互依偎,互相大口出气来取得一点湿气,以唾沫相互润湿,不如将过去江湖里的生活彻底忘记。与其赞誉唐尧的圣明而非议夏桀的暴虐,不如把他们都忘掉而融化混同于“道”。大地把我的形体托载,并且用生存来劳苦我,用衰老来闲适我,用死亡来安息我。所以,把我的存在看作好事的,也就因此而可以把我的死亡看作是好事。 将船儿藏在大山沟里,将渔具藏在深水里,可以说是十分牢靠了。然而半夜里有个大力士把它们连同山谷和河泽一块儿背着跑了,睡梦中的人们还一点儿也不知道。将小东西藏在大东西里是适宜的,不过还是会有丢失。假如把天下藏在天下里而不会丢失,这就是事物固有的真实之情。人们只要承受了人的形体便十分欣喜,至于像人的形体的情况,在万千变化中从不曾有过穷尽,那快乐之情难道还能够加以计算吗?所以圣人将生活在各种事物都不会丢失的环境里而与万物共存亡。以少为善以老为善,以始为善以终为善,人们尚且加以效法,又何况那万物所联缀、各种变化所依托的“道”呢! “道”是真实而又确凿可信的,然而它又是无为和无形的;“道”可以感知却不可以口授,可以领悟却不可以面见;“道”自身就是本、就是根,还未出现天地的远古时代“道”就已经存在;它引出鬼帝,产生天地;它在太极之上却并不算高,它在六极之下不算深,它先于天地存在还不算久,它长于上古还不算老。狶韦氏得到它,用来统驭天地;伏羲氏得到它,用来调合元气;北斗星得到它,永远不会改变方位;太阳和月亮得到它,永远不停息地运行;堪坏得到它,用来入主昆仑山;冯夷得到它,用来巡游大江大河;肩吾得到它,用来驻守泰山;黄帝得到它,用来登上云天;颛顼得到它,用来居处玄宫;禹强得到它,用来立足北极;西王母得到它,用来坐阵少广山。没有人能知道它的开始,也没有人能知道它的终结。彭祖得到它,从远古的有虞时代一直活到五伯时代;傅说得到它,用来辅佐武丁,统辖整个天下,乘驾东维星,骑坐箕宿和尾宿,而永远排列在星神的行列里。
  15. Chuang Tzu Chapter 6, Section D

    Classic Original 【原文】 南伯子葵问乎女偊曰①:“子之年长矣,而色若孺子②,何也?”曰:“吾闻道矣。”南伯子葵曰:“道可得学邪?”曰:“恶③!恶可!子非其人也。夫卜梁倚有圣人之才而无圣人之道④,我有圣人之道而无圣人之才,吾欲以教之,庶几其果为圣人乎⑤!不然,以圣人之道告圣人之才,亦易矣。吾犹守而告之⑥,参日而后能外天下⑦;已外天下矣,吾又守之,七日而后能外物;已外物矣,吾又守之,九日而后能外生;已外生矣,而后能朝彻⑧;朝彻,而后能见独⑨;见独,而后能无古今;无古今,而后能入于不死不生。杀生者不死⑩,生生者不生。其为物,无不将也(11),无不迎也;无不毁也,无不成也。其名为撄宁(12)。撄宁也者,撄而后成者也。” 南伯子葵曰:“子独恶乎闻之?”曰:“闻诸副墨之子,副墨之子闻诸洛诵之孙,洛诵之孙闻之瞻明,瞻明闻之聂许,聂许闻之需役,需役闻之於讴,於讴闻之玄冥,玄冥闻之参寥,参寥闻之疑始(13)。” Glossary 【注释】 ①南伯子葵、女偊(yǔ):均为人名。旧注曾疑“南伯子葵”即“南郭子綦”。 ②孺子:幼儿,孩童。 ③恶(wū)这里是批驳、否定对方的言词,义同“不”。 ④卜梁倚:人名:圣人之道:指虚淡内凝的心境。圣人之才:指明敏的、外用的才质。 ⑤庶几:也许、大概。 ⑥守:持守,修守,这里指内心凝寂,善于自持而不容懈怠。 ⑦参:三。外:遗忘。“外”是相对于“内”的,思想上、精神上既然能凝寂虚空,身外之物,包括天地、死生都好像虚妄而不存在,故有以天下为外,以物为外,以生为外的说法。 ⑧朝彻:“朝”指朝阳,“彻”指明彻,这里用早晨太阳初升时的清新明彻,喻指物我皆忘的凝寂空灵的心境。 ⑨独:庄子哲学体系中的又一重要概念,指不受任何事物影响,也不对任何事物有所依待。能够独立而无所依待的就只有所谓的“道”,故这句中的“独”实际指的就是“道”。 ⑩杀:灭除,含有摒弃、忘却之意。“杀生者”与下句“生生者”相对为文,分别指忘却生存和眷恋人世的人。 (11)将:送。 (12) 撄(yīng):扰乱,“撄宁”意思是不受外界事物的纷扰,保持心境的宁静。这是庄子所倡导的极高的修养境界,能够做到这一点也就得到了“道”,所以下一句说“撄而后成”。 (13)“副墨”、“洛诵”、“瞻明”、“聂许”、“需役”、“於(wū)讴(ōu)”、“玄冥”、“参寥”、“疑始”等,均为假托的寓言人物之名。曾有人就这些人名的用字作过推敲,揣度其间还含有某些特殊的寓意,但均不能确考。大体是,“副墨”指文字,“洛诵”指背诵,“瞻明”指目视明晰,“聂许”指附耳私语,“需役”指勤行不怠,“於讴”指吟咏领会,“玄冥”指深远虚寂,“参寥”指高旷寥远,“疑始”指迷茫而无所本。 Modern Interpretation 【译文】 南伯子葵向女偊问道:“你的岁数已经很大了,可是你的容颜却像孩童,这是什么缘故呢?”女偊回答:“我得‘道’了。”南伯子葵说:“‘道’可以学习吗?”女偊回答说:“不!怎么可以呢!你不是可以学习‘道’的人。卜梁倚有圣人明敏的才气却没有圣人虚淡的心境,我有圣人虚淡的心境却没有圣人明敏的才气,我想用虚淡的心境来教导他,恐怕他果真能成为圣人哩!然而却不是这样,把圣人虚淡的心境传告具有圣人才气的人,应是很容易的。我还是持守着并告诉他,三天之后便能遗忘天下,既已遗忘天下,我又凝寂持守,七天之后能遗忘万物;既已遗忘外物,我又凝寂持守,九天之后便能遗忘自身的存在;既已遗忘存在的生命,而后心境便能如朝阳一般清新明彻;能够心境如朝阳般清新明彻,而后就能够感受那绝无所待的‘道’了;既已感受了‘道’,而后就能超越古今的时限;既已能够超越古今的时限,而后便进入无所谓生、无所谓死的境界。摒除了生也就没有死,留恋于生也就不存在生。作为事物,‘道’无不有所送,也无不有所迎;无不有所毁,也无不有所成,这就叫做‘撄宁’。撄宁,意思就是不受外界事物的纷扰,而后保持心境的宁静。” 南伯子葵又问:“你偏偏是怎么得‘道’的呢?”女偊又回答说:“我从副墨(文字)的儿子那里听到的,副墨的儿子从洛诵(背诵)的孙子那里听到的,洛诵的孙子从瞻明(目视明晰)那里听到的,瞻明从聂许(附耳私语)那里听到的,聂许从需役(勤行不怠)那里听到的,需役从於讴(吟咏领会)那里听到的,於讴从玄冥(深远虚寂)那里听到的,玄冥从参寥(高旷寥远)那里听到的,参寥从疑始(迷茫而无所本)那里听到的。”
  16. Grand Master Wang Liping Ten day Private Intensive

    Where does it say one has to be a beggar...??? It says in bold: First, you have to get rid of the unknown vexation. Second, don't be greedy with the materialistic world: drinking, sex, and wealth.
  17. Our respiratory system is the best natural breathing system there is. Breathing through the nostrils is the most natural way to breathe. The ideal condition is to breathe deep down toward the abdomen which is called the abdominal breathing. At the beginning of practice breathing, regardless of what kind of breathing problem that one has, by following the Chi Kung breathing method will correct the problem itself. First of all, do not follow any special procedures that you had learned before. Start breathing at your normal pace, and deep down to where you can as your baseline. Your goal is to breathe pass the baseline progressively in time. Before your breath has reached the abdominal, it was considered to be the Micro-orbit. Eventually, your breath will reach the abdomen which was considered that the Chi has been reached down to the dan tian. When the Chi has been reached down to the dan tian, in the Chinese Taoist technical term, it was considered that your channel between the Conception Vessel and Governor Vessel has been cleared. Now, each time an abdominal breathing was performed, the Chi is going through the channel between the two Vessels, it was considered that the Macro-orbit was being performed.
  18. Total Rejuvenation

    Firstly, don't take those drugs anymore. Apparently, they are giving you some side effects. Secondly, your expectations are too high which causing you to be out of balance mentally.
  19. Weak Knee

    Apparently, sitting for 1 hour is the cause of the effect. How about doing some isometric Chi Kung...??? Zhan Zhuang is good for weak knees but you must get over the painful hurdle in the first few weeks.
  20. From my sense of intuition, there are four groups of people who understand Chi Kung differently. 1. Beliefs: People just know the general knowledge based on what they were told to believe. 2. Intermediate: People who know that Chi Kung is the ultimate method of breathing. 3. Advance: People who like to understand more by linking modern science to Chi Kung. 4. People who advance modern science/arts through qi-gong. Please give your honest opinion. Thanks...
  21. I knew exactly what you meant. So, that was what I had been told and read.... However, it is still not my belief.
  22. 1. As soon as one looses interest and patience. 2. Chi Kung practitioners do not breathe like shit; but they do breathe slowly and well-circulated the breath(Chi) deep down toward the dan tian to lengthen their lives.
  23. 1. Yes, some people claimed that they don't even need to breathe at that level. Unless, you are an immortal, otherwise you will be dead in no time. Please read some scientific facts about hypoxia, the lack of oxygen. 2. IMMHO You had put yourself into Group 1.