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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Your thinking is correct but the approach was slightly off. The "Kung" in "Chi Kung" is different from the result as the way you have described. The character 功(kung) that we are talking about, here, has three meanings. 1. 氣功: Chi Kung 2. 功能: kung neng2: Function 3. 功效: kung xiao4: Efficacy 1. 氣功(Chi Kung), the whole term is a noun; practicing the ultimate method of breathing is the action 2. Chi Kung enhances the function(功能) of the internal organs which is the result of the action. 3. Enhancing the function(功能) of the internal organs is the efficacy(功效) of Chi Kung(氣功). There is a fallacy in this thought: "Sort of like hard-work both requires energy and intent and (probably a bunch of other stuff) produces AND produces results." Let me rephrase: The sort of like hard-work requires intent to practice Chi Kung to produce energy as a result.
  2. 2. Intermediate: People who know that Chi Kung is the ultimate method of breathing. I was told when I practice Chi Kung, I was breathing in the Chi in the air. Then, the Chi run inside my body which will make me healthy. I can just believe that and start practicing Chi Kung. If I don't understand what it is, then I would be just practicing it blindly. I was always wondering what "Chi" meant. Period. So, I've made a research to find all the possible meanings. To get the true meaning, I must unlearn what I had learnt in the past and kept an open mind and investigate all the possible meanings objectively. The true meanings of Chi must be considered within context, otherwise, its meaning would be ten thousand miles away due to a misinterpretation. My source says, the character 氣(Chi) outside the body is "air"; and inside the body is the "functional activities" of the internal organs. Chi in 氣功(Chi Kung) means "breathing"; and Chi Kung is the Ultimate Method of Breathing. Based on modern science, it would make more sense to me if I interpret it this way. I breathe the air into my body to provide oxygen for the body cells to function. It is because the body cells need oxygen to decompose the glucose to produce the bio-energy, ATP, for the body to function holistically. If one want to think Chi as energy, ATP is it. If people would like to think Chi as energy, it is true only if one think of it indirectly it was from the air. There is a changing process inside the body to convert Chi(air) into Chi(energy). Thus the modern science has a very good explanation about cell respiration showing how the Chi(bio-energy) was produced. Do you see how Chi was interpreted in the context...??? If only one definition was assigned to Chi as energy, then everything was interpreting with that meaning would be a chaos. Therefore, to avoid being believing and practice something blindly, I must understand and use the correct terminology for my explanation. If I know that oxygen was provided by breathing for a better health, it makes lots of sense to me that by practicing Chi Kung will enhance the function of my body. From my experience and believing in Tai Chi and Chi Kung, indeed, they do.
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    Actually, 帝 means ancestor in heaven way back in history. The people were worshiping their ancestors after they die assuming they were in heaven. According to the explanation in my native source, 帝 was referred as their ancestors at the time. Since 帝 is in heaven, people started to think that is "god" or "gods". Modern definition of the character 帝 is the "king", but not "emperor". It is because the 帝 rules the whole kingdom already which there was no need to seize lands as an emperor would have done so.
  4. That may be the case, but practicing requires patience to withstand the endurance. One without patience will produce stress or discouragement. Thus, it is the impatience that might cause the expected result that doesn't arrive. One must have a goal in doing something. Otherwise, how does one know what kind of result that one might be expected...???
  5. Yes, it is possible. Then, it raises many questions. Questions based on the scenario: 1. Is the person believe that Chi Kung might work? 2. Is the person just want to try it without believing it because someone said that Chi Kung works? 3. Is the person believed in the person who said that Chi Kung works but still doubtful? In anyone of these cases, the person would be practiced blindly and get less effective results. IMO If a person put his/her heart into it, then the practice would be more beneficial and effective. I think people may not understand it fully, but have faith in the practice would get good results. Indeed, that is what I have in mind about Group 1.
  6. Beginner looking for some advice on the path

    Was that a suggestion to meditate on the floor....???
  7. Sorry that I asked about the health condition of somebody and causing a big twist in the thread. However, it's OK and let Nature take its course....
  8. 品名论道

    品名论道 "Exploring the names and discussing the principles" are very good idea and wise. You are welcome here; 歡迎您來...!!!
  9. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    Zhuang Tze did not mention there was neither god or not. LaoTze implied that there was no god. Chapters 1, 4, 25 and 42 contradicted that Tao was the desire of God.
  10. Most of the time, when a person has some kind of illness, this person start finding ways to cure it. It is the eager to heal was the convincing part.
  11. Yes, your are correct about that. Qigong is physical and Wu Wei is philosophical. Thus they must be applied accordingly. However, QiGong does more good than harm to the body which has no conflict with the definition of Wu Wei.
  12. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    Chapter 4 did mention that Tao was before God. Ref: Tao is before God
  13. hmmm.... In order for one to practice Chi Kung, one has to be convinced that Chi Kung is good for the health. By believing in that it might work, so, one will practice it and to experience it. Another words, without having any kind of beliefs, I don't think anyone would just start practicing it. Therefore, without knowing how and why Chi Kung works, one's faith was strictly relied upon what one has been told by the instructor.
  14. I believe I have left room for that in Group no. 1..... The beliefs do not require convincing. Juts believe them blindly.
  15. I became enlightened

    In that case, you a pseudo-Buddha. However, if you have noticed, then you have been enlightened and became a Buddha......
  16. "4. People who advance modern science/arts through qi-gong." If I read it correctly, the number 4 was placed there is a hint of the author to be added it as the four option. Based on your input, I think you had placed yourself into groups 2 and 3 in my absurd list. I take it you knew it but not practicing it. It seems to me cultivation of the mind should be in your next agenda. Please note that I'm abide by the principle of Wu Wei, this is just merely a suggestion and nothing was imposed on you. BTW How is your spine. Did you have it cure in China.....???
  17. What is Wu Wei?

    Please do but narrower....
  18. I try to follow the principles defined in the Tao Te Ching. The whole philosophy is to be as natural or "Wu Wei" as one can be. I tried to at least to a minimal or not to interfere, interrupt, contest, quarrel, or fight, etc. I like to deal with facts and realities and get the truth to the matter. I will attempt to find information based on first hand reliable sources. I believe in understanding Chi Kung with explanation in modern scientific terms. I do not practice blindly nor cultivate fanatically. In cultivating the mind, for me, I have to start with all the legitimate reasons to substantiate all the principles for a clear mind. A mind with reasons and comprehension of the truth to all matters will prevail any misguided fallacy.
  19. Feeling heat in my palms.

    Heat on the palm is another "Chi Sensation" indicating that your practice is making progress. Your body is more healthier; and body energy is more potent then before. It seems to me that you had been doing the right thing in your practice.
  20. Zhan Zhuang

    This is the basic fundamental closing procedure to all practices. As soon you have released your last breath slowly, at closing, that is the end of the whole practice session.
  21. As I recall, Lao Tzu had posted something to that effect: One should not practice blindly nor cultivate fanatically.
  22. Yes, woof! Someone got somebody's attention alright...
  23. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    enuf is better then expecting to say more which people may not understand.
  24. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Sorry, I don't understand your request.
  25. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Well, if one sitting down to meditate with breathing is a different story. It helps to heal the body if there is an illness. It no illness, it refresh the body. It massages the internal organs and enhance their functions like fine tuning an automobile. The advantage of moving around will build up the muscle tone.