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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    It seems to me he was just making some general statements which have no relationship to any reliable source that I am aware of. Most Chinese do have a tendency to make statements like this without anything to substantiate them. That is the way they talk as a bad habit. The way the Chinese understood about meditation, in the west, is exactly how Marblehead described. There is no way the ancient Chinese knew it was this way. As I was saying before, the Chinese Taoist meditation requires breathing. BTW All Chinese Chi Kung require breathing in all levels. The higher the level, the deeper the practitioner has to breathe.
  2. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    He didn't say much about it. He said the term was new to him and just learned its various meanings from the westerners here.
  3. Using Sexual Energy (Jing) to Heal Body

    One was thinking about saving by not using the excess of Jing to heal sick area of the body or clear blocks in meridians, IMO, is a fallacy. Normally, the body performs many functions. While your body is healing one area, it was ideal not to divert your energy to another area, so the body will have all the energy concentrated in one area. e.g., If the body had sex while during the healing period, it will take some of the energy away, to recuperate, to cause a delay in the healing process. It may lead you to believe that you are using the excess Jing but it was not. Actually, the Jing was not needed to be regenerated if no sex was performed. Therefore, all the energies were directly used in the healing. What do you think.....???
  4. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Message was well taken....
  5. hmm.... How does QiGong help one to understand the world...???
  6. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Yes, picking one's mind to find out what one is trying to say is more fun than accusing someone that doesn't know what he is talking about. I think we can handle it without the help of a moderator. Let's all be "Wu Wei" about it....
  7. I'm interested to participate in your project... All the rest of you have to be believed in something, in order, for you to practice.
  8. too much yang food=cold sores?

    Chinese would tend to think HOT food means fried food or roasted peanuts....
  9. Hot Nirvana Judo Trend Icon........ "First and foremost: BREATHE. Then, just be Harmless, not helpful." Why is not helpful....???
  10. I think I've lost it

    All Qigong masters do aware of these kinds of thing. They should warn their students about this. This is part of the change in the body due to the body cleansing process. This is the worse part in the practice of Chi Kung. However, this is only a transient. This is known as "Chi sensation". What is happening was that your body was going though a healing process and effecting your nerves causing you to have the worse feeling and nightmare in your life. That's why it was recommended to have a teacher by you as a beginner.
  11. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Hi Marblehead... The term meditation is just too broad in people's mind. When a non-English speakers like Lao Tze and I do have trouble grasp the multi-definition in the West. I can understanding why this thread was so perturbed by some of the readers. It was because there is no definite definition of the term and it's different with each individual. That is why our friend having difficulty in communicating with all of us. He was thinking about something else in his mind while during all the talking. May I hear how do you do your personal meditation, that you're fond of, in your own words. Please don't cite a site with lengthy explanations. I just want to hear from you in your own words and experience. Thanks.
  12. Heart Rate during Qigong

    Yes, it make sense. That was what I expected to hear from you...
  13. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    Something about Chen Tuan The video is showing 六合八法(the six harmonies and eight methods) was invented by him.
  14. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    No, he invented this.
  15. What is Wu Wei?

    I do see that all the three links do suggesting "let nature take its course". The "assist" in the links was described as part of the natural process to let all things develop. LaoTze's concept of Wu Wei was to assure that no action of any kind which might cause adversity, mainly, to man by intervention. LaoTze was always suggesting that rulers "rule with Wu Wei" as you had pointed out in Chapters 2 and 64.
  16. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    I still don't understand what you are trying to say here.
  17. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    I would like to understand what that means, first, before I can agree... I don't see how focusing mind on certain body points could cause problems. I can see sitting on certain body points may have caused problems, but so far there was no complaint about sitting at a lotus position causing problems. I have read something like that the legs may become numb but they will be OK afterward when one is back on the feet again.
  18. What is Wu Wei?

    By the interpreted definition of Wu Wei: "Take no abusive action to interfere with Nature." Even though assist and interfere have a difference in meaning, for better or worse, don't you think it was still interfering...??? Assisting means that you are trying to make things better by interfering, in a way, from something which might not be as good as it could be...??? Another words, as soon as one gets involve with something was considered to be interfered or intervened. Your statement is valid because "to assist" is not an abusive action. However, in case the outcome of the situation became worsen as the result from the assistance, then the action may become slightly abusive, so to speak. Hence, it becomes not Wu Wei because some harm has done. Edited to add: BTW Here is a second thought. To assist may not be Wu Wei because one did not "let Nature take its course" even though it was not abusive.
  19. What is Wu Wei?

    Double posted.....
  20. Haiku Chain

    Surface layer ice. Became water run on earth Vapor to the sky.
  21. Debunking Fake QiGong Power

    In that case, in your thread, how did you arrive to this conclusion...??? "Many ancient sages said that meditation is a bad way for pursue Dao." Ref: Meditation is not a good way for practicing
  22. Heart Rate during Qigong

    Where is your report....???
  23. What is Wu Wei?

    Man sure has to deal with Nature and caused lots of error...
  24. What is Wu Wei?

    Wu Wei is natural, 自然(Zi Ren). Natural is anything that can happen which man cannot intervene.
  25. What is Wu Wei?

    LoaTze was only worried about the bad intentions. The good ones are always turned out to be good. Therefore, there was no need for one to worry about it...