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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. The understanding of 運氣, Yun Chi (Yun Qi)

    There is one most important procedure in Yun Chi is to hold the breath and move it up and down inside the trachea to prevent suffocation. It is a life saver when someone fell on the back causing to have a gap in between breathing. If one knows this technique will save one's life. I remember that I was fell off the exercise bar that was attached to my door jamb just by the spring action inside the bar. The bar doesn't hold the body weight too well, hence, I fell on my back and cannot catch my breath. Lucky I knew how to Yun Chi and saved my life. In another situation, not long after I fell off the exercise bar, a girl rolled down the hill when we were hiking and cannot catch her breath. I told her not to say anything but hold my finger if she is still alive. Then, I told her how to Yun Chi and saved her life.
  2. The understanding of 運氣, Yun Chi (Yun Qi)

    Well, without the Yi, any Chi Kung practice cannot be stopped. The Yi actually is the cultivation of the mind. Only the intend of the mind that can control the breathing and movements. When one breathes deep into the dan tien, it was said to be Yun Chi. One can imagine "Yun Chi" as transporting your Chi from the outside to the dan tien inside the body. So, the the maximum of Chi will be distributed throughout inside the body. If Chi can move by itself or with the universal Chi, then why do we need to practice Chi Kung breathing in the first place...???
  3. The understanding of 運氣, Yun Chi (Yun Qi)

    I did not want to introduce the secondary meaning of "Yun Chi". Thanks to our newcomer. The secondary meaning is "luck". The definition in Chi Kung only: Yun, 運: to circulate; to transport; to move; to manipulate; to manage; to maneuver. Chi, 氣: air; breath; energy. There are three four groups of people who understand Chi Kung diffenently. 1. Beliefs: People just know the general knowledge based on what they were told to believe. 2. Intermediate: People who know that Chi Kung is the ultimate method of breathing. 3. Advance: People who like to understand more by linking modern science to Chi Kung. 4. People who advance modern science/arts through qi-gong. Edited to add item 4.
  4. The understanding of 運氣, Yun Chi (Yun Qi)

    The Yi, 意, is the intent of the mind. If there was no Yi or the intent of the mind, what else is going to initiate the flow of Chi and movements...??? The Yi is YOU, yourself. If YOU have no Yi, you are a dead body.... 意 出 做 (yi chu zuo) Which I translate simplistically as "mind produces movement/action" The phrase is not proper Chinese or translation to convey its meaning. 做(zuo) means "to do something". It doesn't mean "movement/action".
  5. Umezuke; You are experiencing "Spontaneous QiGong(自發功)". It is very dangerous if you cannot control it or stop it. Lots of Chinese in Taiwan practice it, but don't know how to end it and ended in the hospital. The doctors did not know how to treat this symptom. The least thing they can do was treat them as a patient with mental problem. Sometimes, they have to call a qigong specialist from Hong Kong to help them. I had read some advices, if this happens, one should try to stop it immediately to prevent from further occurrence if possible. I think it was mentioned in my Translation of the Dragon Gate Zhan Zhuang post. (四)若出現自發動功(現功)現象時,宜克制勿使其現功。 If the spontaneous chi kung occurs, it should be restrained from happening. Ref: Dragon Gate Zhan Zhuang
  6. Heart Rate during Qigong

    Your breathing is correct. How fast are your movements...??? If you do it too fast, your heart rate will go up. If your movements were synchronized with your slow breathing, your heart rate will not go up.
  7. Heart Rate during Qigong

    When you do the qigong(in motion) and the 8 brocades, how was your breathing...??? What I meant was how did you breathe...??? Did you get a little sweat on your forehead after the 8 brocades practice...???
  8. What is Wu Wei?

    Mountain as mountain as she stands. There is a sunny side on the south side and a shady side in the north side. The ancients called the former as "Yang" and the latter as "Yin". The mountain cannot be invisible again as soon she becomes visible; so, the concept of Yin-Yang was retained to manifest the existence of Tao.
  9. hello

    You are not Lao Tzu, are you......???
  10. The understanding of 運氣, Yun Chi (Yun Qi)

    Yes, the Yi(意) initiates the movement of Qi. Without the flow of Qi, the movements in Taijiquan cannot be activated. Another words, the Qi and the Tai ji movements have to flow together which are in synchronize with the Yi. The Qi must be sufficient in the body to support all body movements. The process of sending the Qi allover the body is called Yun Qi. The next question is what is Yun Qi(運氣) and how...???
  11. The understanding of 運氣, Yun Chi (Yun Qi)

    Yes, that is only one of the results of the action but not the description of the action(Yun Qi) itself.
  12. The Characteristics of the Sage

    1. It doesn't matter where the sage is. However, in people's mind, he is always in the front. 2. Exactly, wise statement. I had noticed that was what you had been doing....
  13. The understanding of 運氣, Yun Chi (Yun Qi)

    Hahahaha.I see, you want me to display my ignorance?........
  14. Healing Arts

    The body heals itself, Chi Kung was only to enhance the healing process. Is this fair to say in this modern scientific world...???
  15. dream meditation bench

    I had made a round one(23.75" dia.) with four legs about 7.5 inches above the floor. The way it was arranged that I must step on the center to get on, otherwise, it will fall off to increase my awareness. It forces me to sit in the center to assure balance. I made it round, so, I can sit in any direction without moving the platform.
  16. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    I think that was called cultivation of the mind and your patience.
  17. MCO - references in other modern systems?

    运氣 yunqi is moving the Chi by guiding with your 意(yi). In the way, it was not by force completely but with a little help from your yi to guide the chi properly to go different places inside the body....

    Yes, the word "enlightenment" must be used carefully. It is not that easy for one to be enlightened. In order to be enlightened, one has to be thought of something that no one has thought of or understanding something all the sudden that one never knew before. That is what enlightenment was all about. Thus I wouldn't use the word lightly.
  19. hua hu ching real fake?

    Hua Hu Ching, 化胡經, was written by Wang Fu, 王浮, to record the history of LaoTze after he left China and gone west. Hua Hu Ching was suppose to be recorded LaoTze's trip to India and became a Buddhist monk and educated the non-Chinese(non Han Tribe) about Buddhism. People had make revisions one after another and it turns out to be ten volumes. The Hua Hu Ching created a big conflicts between Buddhism and Taoist Religion. Hence, the two emperors in the Tang Dynasty had ordered them to stop their disputes. After the Mongolian took over China and ordered to burn the pseudo Taoist Classic in 1285. Since then, the original copy of the Hua Hu Ching has been lost. However, there are still broken pieces of Hua Hu Ching in English and French but that was not the original copy which written by Wang Fu's copy. Ref: Hua Hu Ching, 化胡經
  20. Heart Rate during Qigong

    Have you been practicing the basic movements...??? The demo shown in the VID is an advance level. The "build up the energy for a sudden powerful release" is called "Fa Jin". A practitioner must have been practiced the basic for sometime in order to Fa Jin. If you haven't done so, maybe that is why your heart rate goes up to 180. If that was the case, it would be like that you were doing strenuous exercise without passing the basics.
  21. Heart Rate during Qigong

    There is one way of breathing is through the respiratory system. The only things that are affecting the heart rate were the change in blood pressure and the amount of oxygen in the oxygenated blood.
  22. MCO - references in other modern systems?

    Here is a independent source for you. Independent source of MCO
  23. 谁能帮忙翻译这个?谢谢。

    Let me try again to put it in a simplest way and think like a Buddhist. 1. 无性随缘是智, Do not use your own thoughts, in the first place, to make things happen. Let them happen spontaneously and that was called intelligence. 2. 随缘无性是慧。 Let things happen spontaneously, in the first place, without getting involve with oneself and that was called wisdom. Another words: Do not use your own wisdom but fate and that is intelligence. Believe in fate without your own intelligence and that is wisdom. The last thing comes to my mind was equivalent to LaoTze's term "Wu Wei" I don't know does this make any sense to you...
  24. Dragon Gate Zhan Zhuang

    Traditional Chinese 三、練功方法 Practice method。 (一)姿勢站姿 Standing position (二)方位(朝向): Position(facing direction) 男性——面朝南方。 Male - facing south. 女性——面朝北方。 Female - facing north. (三)呼吸自然呼吸。 Breathe naturally 1. 預備: 兩腳分立,與肩同寬,身形中正,雙手自然下垂,放於體側,舌舐上顎,目視前方,全身放鬆,排除雜念,凝神定意,如此站立約30秒鐘。 1. Initialization: Standing with the feet separated at shoulder width; hing the hands to the sides of the body; Tip of the tongue touching the palate. Relax the whole body; remove all thoughts; concentrate on the Yi. Stand in this position for 30 seconds. 2. 動作: Motions ①然後兩手抬至腰際插腰,手指自然張開,食、中、無名、小指等四指置於前腰, 兩手中指(全真道稱為黃龍指)指腹約放置於大橫穴,兩手拇指約放置於志室穴。 This is the crucial part about where the thumbs and middle fingers should be placed on what acupoints around the waist. ②再依練功者量度之長短腳情形,以腰部為準度(軸心)緩慢而柔和地旋轉。 左腳短者,腰部左旋轉——逆時針方向轉動。 右腳短者,腰部右旋轉——順時針方向轉動。 左右腳等長者,腰部先向左旋轉,再向右旋轉——先逆時針方向轉動,再順時針方向轉動。 以上順逆時針轉動方向,以目視之鐘錶方向為準。 It depends on the length of the legs of the practitioner, using the waist as a standard(axis) and turn slowly. The one with a shorter left leg, turn the waist toward the left - counterclockwise. The one with a shorter right leg, turn the waist toward the right - clockwise. Those who are having both legs with the same length, first turn the waist toward the left then right - first counterclockwise the clockwise. Using the specified directions, have the eyes follow in those directions. ③回(次)數:左腳短者,腰部左旋轉九回為1次。 右腳短者,腰部右旋轉九回為1次。 左右腳等長者,腰部左旋轉九回,再右旋轉九回為1次。 Times and cycle: The one with shorter left leg turn toward the left back and forth nine times as one cycle. The one with shorter right leg turn toward the right back and froth nice times as one cycle. Those with legs in equal length, turn toward the left nine times then toward the right nine times as one complete cycle. (五)時間與練程 Practice time and routine 1. 一般來說早晚各練功一遍,每遍至少9次,即旋轉81回。 也可依長短腳與骨盤歪斜的嚴重程度與身心狀況,酌情增加練功次數與回數,但每日練功不得超過三遍。 In general, practice once in the morning and the evening, one practice is nine cycle, equal to 81 times. 2. 輕度長短腳與骨盤歪斜者,其練程為: 練功三日後,休練一日,並檢測記錄長短腳與骨盤情形,再進行下一個練程。 Those with slightly off in leg length or slanted pelvis, the practice routine should be as follows: After practicing for three days, measure and record the difference in leg length or the slanted pelvis conditions to see was there any improvement. Again, proceed with the next practice routine. 重度長短腳與骨盤歪斜者,其練程為: 練功七日後,休練一日,並檢測記錄長短腳與骨盤情形,再進行下一個練程。 長短腳與骨盤歪斜輕重度區分,一般以兩腳相差1.5厘米以上或左右兩骨盤差距5厘米以上者,屬於重度,但也需一併考量胖瘦問題。 Those with huge difference in leg length or slanted pelvis, the practice routine should be as follows: After seven days of practice, and rest for one day, then measure and record the difference in leg length or pelvis conditions, again proceed with the next practice routine. To determine the difference in leg length and slanted pelvis, normally difference of the legs is greater than 1.5 millimeter or the pelvic from left to right greater than 5 millimeters are considered to be severe. In addition, the body weight is one of the factors which should be considered. 3. 若兩腳本已等長或練功調理後已等長,可維持一般性練功,即腰部先左旋轉,再右旋轉,並將其列為終生築基練功方法,以預防長短腳與骨盤歪斜 If initially both legs with equal length or corrected by practicing, it may be considered as a normal practice. Turn the waist to the left first, then to the right. Also, list the practice as one's fundamental method for life to prevent the same symptom may reoccur. 四、注意事項 (一)調理長短腳均等後,仍需依原法持續一至兩週,以鞏固療效。 After the leg length problem had been corrected, the practice should be continued for one to two weeks to assure the curing effect. (二)旋腰時,以圓形運動為度。 When turning the waist, use circular motion. (三)旋腰時,以緩慢柔和為度,幅度不宜太大。 When turning the waist, it should be done slowly and softly, the magnitude should not be too big. (四)若出現自發動功(現功)現象時,宜克制勿使其現功。 If the spontaneous chi kung occurs, it should be restrained from happening. (五)其他宜遵守一般練功常規注意事項。 Observe all other ordinary practice standard routines. Ref: Dragon Gate Zhan Zhuang