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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Beautiful song

    Enjoy...... Sukiyaki sung by a Chinese girl singer in English and Chinese
  2. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    He says: Chi Kung is some kind of method that manipulates the three treasures, Jing, Chi, Shen, let the Jing and Chi be abundant to attain the efficacy of healing and longevity. What is this "some kind of method".....??? He didn't say what it was but making another general statement as usual in all his posts.
  3. Yes, if you understand what he says. Actually, he was only making a general statement and did not really say anything meaningful as usual.
  4. I still need your Chinese definition of 氣功 for my final thoughts to conclude this thread.
  5. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    That's right. The Lao Tze spirit never dies.....
  6. If the Popular type of meditation is not good, then most people who practiced should have some harm done to them already by now, no.....???
  7. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    ............................. Sorry. I have to decline your request. It is because that I may have the same problem with him in Chinese.
  8. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    What is 氣功 to you then....???
  9. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    If you can answer these two questions, then you might answer your own questions. At the present, I don't know what kind of knowledge you have on meditation.
  10. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Deep breathing is 深呼吸. What is your definition of meditation in Chinese....??? What is your definition of chi in Chinese....???
  11. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Lao Tzu.... Based what I had leaned from the sages as you say; if one meditate without going into deep breathing, I guess the chi inside the body won't be scrambled to cause any harm, 走火入魔(run fire enter the devil).
  12. Keeping one's practices secret

    Somebody might be right about that...!!! That may be somebody's hidden agenda, who knows......???
  13. Keeping one's practices secret

    It was not a matter of diminishing "potency" or efficiency. However, it was a matter of not to reveal a family or school secret. Also, it was because someone may use it to go against the originator. In the ancient, the teacher always reserved the last two steps to defend himself, in case, his students revolt against him. Hence, the original method has less steps as it passed down from generation to generation.
  14. I see. That is quite a philosophy that I need to be followed assuming if I'm practiced and benefited less than others.....
  15. If the two classics 黃帝內經(Huang De Nei Jing) and the 易肋經(Yi Jin Jing) haven't been written, where would we be right now...??? Please don't tell me not to learn it from them... "If you learn something, practice it and shut up." Did someone follow this practice without sharing his experience....???
  16. Really...??? Some of the members here don't think so....
  17. hm.... Did you say learn it from careful.....!!! Edited to add: @ The Way is Virtue Well said......
  18. I think most people believed to learn it from the famous rather from the talented.
  19. Kuan Yin from a Taoist Perspective

    Is somebody saying that 老子 is a Buddhist now....??? How confusing it becomes....!!!
  20. What is Zazen...?

    打 坐 的 要 領 --- 調 身 調 息 調 心 什麼是上座的次第要領,一上座我們先調身,然後調息,然後調心。調身呢,就是先把自己的坐姿坐好,可以散盤,可以單盤,可以雙盤 ;左腳在下,右腳在上,或者左腳在上,右腳在下,不拘。兩掌相疊,如果左腳在下就左手掌在下,如果右腳在下就右手掌在下,拇指銜接,形成一個橢圓形,左右食指上下相疊,左右手食指的第2節相疊,這樣子差不多就會形成一個橢圓形,這等於一種『太極』手印。如果是雙盤的話,可以一隻手的手背靠在腳跟上。 然後肩膀放鬆,頸部打直放鬆。用頭頂的正上方,也就是兩耳頂端連線的正中間,來做調整姿勢的基準點,可以想像那一點有一條線往上拉,用那一條線來調整身體的正中線,然後用頭的上方,正上方那一點,也就是兩耳上方連線的中點,吊一根線往上拉,這裏面的作意要領是:用頭來支撐頸部與肩膀,不是用頸部與肩膀來支撐頭。頭是空的,頸部是空的,肩膀是鬆的,走路、站著、坐姿,通通是是這樣子,用兩耳上方的連結線的中點,做為調整身體姿勢的基準點。頭部中空,頸部中空,頸部放鬆,肩膀放鬆,用骨架打坐,不用肌肉打坐。所謂不用肌肉打坐,就是我們儘量不要用到肌肉的力量,儘量的讓身體重心形成一個三角點。 調身,主要的重點就是這兩個作意要領,第一個是『用頭來支撐頸部與肩膀』,不是用頸部、脊柱來支撐頭,我們打坐是頭頂青天,簡稱為『頂天立地』,不只是坐姿這樣子,立姿也是這樣子。第二個作意要領『是用骨架平衡身體的姿勢,儘量不要用到肌肉』,骨架是用來平衡,不是用來支撐。感覺上,肌肉完全沒用到力。坐姿如是,站姿也如是,走路也如是。 接著講調息,一上座,輕輕鬆鬆地做幾個深呼吸,然後再放輕鬆,念頭跟著呼吸,呼氣的時候知道呼氣,吸氣的時候知道吸氣,整個呼氣的過程,念頭只有呼,整個吸氣的過程,念頭只有吸。如果呼吸是一匹馬的話,那念頭就是騎馬的人,當念頭跟呼吸一體的時候,就是人馬一體,讓念頭跟著呼吸。如果呼吸是人的形體的話,念頭就是燈光下、夜光下的影子,讓念頭跟著呼吸,如影隨形,亦步亦趨。讓念頭跟著呼吸一步一步,輕鬆地跟著,卻一點也不離開,如影隨形,形影不離,呼氣,呼氣的整個過程知道呼氣;吸氣,吸氣的整個過程知道吸氣。  接著是調心。這個階段,呼吸以外的念頭我們稱之為雜念,我們對雜念沒有抗拒,沒有不要,任何對雜念的抗拒和不要,我們稱之為大雜念。雜念來,不管它,只是回到呼吸,回到出入息。呼氣的時候知道呼氣,吸氣的時候知道吸氣。整個呼氣過程,念頭只有呼氣;整個吸氣過程,念頭只有吸氣。雜念來不管它,繼續回到『呼氣知道呼氣,吸氣知道吸氣』,不管是什麼樣的雜念,不管是可意的、不可意的,讓我們的身心放輕鬆,不要理它,不要排斥它,不要不要它,只是很單純地回來出入息,這樣子叫做調心。 Ref: 打坐(DaZuo) I don't see anything about DaZuo that is close to the description here in the West. I will not translate this to avoid being biased on my part....
  21. Kuan Yin from a Taoist Perspective

    According to your source. 慈航真人 originally was a Taoist then became a Buddhist. I will not go into deep discussion about this. Thanks.
  22. What is Zazen...?

    I see, I had been convicted as the guilty party that was not experienced in Daoist (or Zen) meditation and quoting from books. Oh, well...!!! How do you know what kind of books that I'm reading. FYI, all the literature that I read are consistent in what I am practicing. I understand it very well. It is immaterial who one learned from. However, I made my comparison based upon how one conveys the message of what he knows or learned.
  23. Kuan Yin from a Taoist Perspective

    This something I cannot buy. I need to see your source. My source says Buddhist calendar rather than Taoist. 農曆二月十九日為觀世音菩薩誕辰。 Buddhist Quan Yin
  24. [TTC Study] Chapter 6 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Well, I see you did some homework with no doubt in my mind that you understood the text.......
  25. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    It matters to get the fact straight. You are in the western public. Otherwise, you'll get stepped allover....