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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    DDJ(Dao De Jing) and TTC(Tao Te Ching) are 道德經. Welcome the confusing world of the west. Lao Tzu.....
  2. Kuan Yin from a Taoist Perspective

    FYI... The Buddhist and Taoist do not share the same gods. Kuan Yin belongs to Buddhism. She has no relationship with Taoism. The term "Pu Sa" is a Buddhist term which is a rank given to the Buddhist gods depends on their cultivated level.
  3. What is Zazen...?

    You might just read the dialogue between Steve and CD...!!!
  4. What is Zazen...?

    1. I want to know how the west was taught. 2. May I you the same question is painful to listen to what a Chinaman has to say....??? PS... I get lots of updated information from the internet in my native language. I can cite any eastern cite which is in contradiction with the counter part of the western thinking and practice methods.
  5. What is Zazen...?

    I am just comparing the literature in the Chinese society and the west here. The ideas just don't match from what I had read. Somehow, something just got lost in the transformation.
  6. Zhan Zhuang

    Shi Li is 使力, manipulating strength. The practitioner in the video is performing Yi Quan. He was using his Yi(intent of the mind), to control his muscles to manipulate his body strength. Another words, he is using his mind to command his body parts like his arms and fingers. His mind is telling his arms to exert a maximum body strength up to his finger tips. You can tell by the movements and the way he spreads his fingers.
  7. Zhan Zhuang

    Did you realize that when you are standing up with the knees bent you'll have more muscle tension on your legs than sitting...??? When you are standing, all the body weights were carried by your legs as opposed to sitting which it is not. That was the difference.....
  8. Zhan Zhuang

    The only thread is making you uncomfortable. However, as long as you are comfortable with any natural posture, then you should be OK.....!!!
  9. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Everybody has a definition about "meditation". Why can't LaoTzu have one of his own too...??? Even though he did express what his definition was. I think he indicated by: 金丹四百字(the Golden Pill in four hundred characters). Besides, his definition is completely different for the rest of you. He was not able to express himself due a language barrier. If one understood what is the meaning of Golden Alchemy from its origin instead of using one's own multi-definition, then this thread would be precious as gold and beneficial. If one was looking only at one side of the story with one eye opened, then it will cause further damage to one's vision even more.
  10. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    IMO Perhaps people are confused Neidan as meditation. It should be taught by a Taoist rather than a sage. P.S....... Lao Tzu, you should be more specific and use the right terminology in your presentations; so people will know exactly what you meant....
  11. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Anamatva... You are welcome, my open-minded friend........ The "it" was referred to "neidan" practiced by a Taoist, named 张紫阳(Zhang Zi Yang).
  12. What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    hmmmmmm....Too bad you had lose interest in Tao so soon. Perhaps, I shouldn't have gone for the family dinner.......
  13. What is Zazen...?

    Steve... Thank you for the informative discussion. Now, I know how the west was taught. Actually, the methods did not change but only in thinking. No harm was done. I am not insisting how things should be taught. My intention was to find out how the ideas had been changed drifting from one place to another...
  14. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    The risk that you were talking about is 走火入廆, "run fire enter the devil"...???
  15. What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    Actually LoaTze did not name Tao purposely, he only borrowed the Character to describe Tao for his convenience. It say so in at least one of the chapters. I don't have time to go into it now. I have to prepare to go to a family dinner. Some might called it a X'mas dinner.....
  16. What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    道 Tao is a Chinese character and was describe in a document originated from China. Whatever that means.....
  17. What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    If LaoTze did not introduce Tao in the TTC, then how would we that know the mystical Tao ever existed....???...
  18. What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    The reason I said that was based on the description as defined in the TTC. The character "Tao" always have been existed but the people did not use it to mean the same way as LoaTze had described. What I am saying was that Lao Tze used the character to describe his own definition of Tao. His meaning of Tao is completely different from the definition of the ordinary people.
  19. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Lao Tzu... You need to justify this to all of us why you say that the sages said that. Keep repeating this does not resolved anything.
  20. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    It was because of the busy life in the modern world. That's why one should take the time to meditate to become Wu Wei once awhile to easy the mind and soul. Human has to deal with nature which is the necessity of life.
  21. What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    Tao itself is not a philosophy concept but only the principles presented in the Tao Te Ching is philosophy. Tao is not even a mystical phenomena. LaoTze was the one who created Tao and made it mystical.
  22. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Lao Tzu.... Do you interpret the Tao Te Ching yourself or with the help of the native scholars....???
  23. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    What do you mean by "Wu Wei"....???
  24. Meditation is not a good way for practising

    Lao Tzu.... What your your definition of 無為(Wu Wei)....??? I would like to hear it from a native in mainland China....