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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    The philosophy involves politics and the religion doesn't....
  2. What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    How about reading the rest of the lines and all the chapters with a better translation... Shall we deny LaoTze's philosophy, at this point in time, by throwing his foot into his mouth...???
  3. What is Taoism (Daoism)?

    The core of the religion is part of LaoTze's philosophy. The religion just a server to a part of life.
  4. Zhan Zhuang

    Zhan Zhuang with breathing exercise class demo: Inhale expand abdomen, relax to exhale; repeat inhale..... Edited to add: One can skip the screaming as a novice.
  5. Zhan Zhuang think that's funny...??? You have seen nothing yet. Why don't you take a look at this ShaoLin monk at 3:30 and 5:00 in his Ba Duan Jin demo... Ref:
  6. Being Different

    A tree with many branches and offshoots....???
  7. ECIWO Acupuncture/Acupressure

    Thank you...!!! You have good intentions; that was a good deed on your part...... Edited to add: BTW That was exactly how I got rid of my body pains and sores in the past and recently....
  8. Seth is giving up Buddhism!

    Wisely said......
  9. Synthetic Materials and Yin Qi

    What is your definition of "Yin Qi"....???
  10. ECIWO Acupuncture/Acupressure

    Really...??? Take a look of this: Ref: Reflexology
  11. Being Different

    Very wisely said................
  12. [TTC Study] Chapter 6 of the Tao Teh Ching

    ...................... It was nice that you had a clean start....
  13. Zhan Zhuang

    The key to Zhan Zhuang is to bend the knees while standing. At the beginning is to bend the knees at a small angle with the vertical like 15 degrees. Do not let the knee caps pass your toes to prevent over stress on your leg muscles. Do it as long as you can until you cannot withstand the pains on your legs. Regardless, at the beginning, your legs will be sore for a while. Then, take it easy for few days until your legs can withstand the soreness again. Continue with the procedure until no more soreness or pains on your legs. During the stance, you may be sweating due to the excess of energy consumption in your legs muscles. You must learn to breathe as deep as you can and slowly. Remember deep as you can but not by force. Your goal is to breathe until your deep breath reaches the abdomen(lower dan tian). Most people do chest breathing, but the Chi Kung practitioners do abdominal breathing. Thus that is the key to Chi Kung. Breathing is what Chi Kung was all about. In Chi Kung, you are cultivating in breathing instead of energy cultivation. However, if you like to think that you are cultivating energy is fine but you must breathe in order to accomplish good result. Good luck in your practice. PS... Increase the bending angles of the knees with an increment of 5 degrees until you can do the stance at 90 degrees without falling to the floor or ground. BTW Most people cannot do it at 90 degrees, only a real master can. Just do your practice to the highest degree that you can....
  14. Does entering wuji = nonduality

    What is WuJi and non-duality.....??? How do you define WuJi...??? Isn't the counterpart of WuJi is TaiJi.
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 11 of the Tao Teh Ching

    有器之用。 yu chih wei li wu<<--Correction to remove the "wu". The "wu" character does not belong in the phrase. being thus makes gain 無之以為用。 wu chih yi wei yung non-being thus makes use I can see how you have derived to your conclusion. The phrases you have cited were only phrases as run on sentences in English sentence structure. The thought in the first part of each sentence was left out which made the thoughts incomplete.
  16. Five types of Qigong

    Sorry, I did not address directly to the question in your original post. My answer to your question is no. It was because Chi Kung by itself as a whole rather than distinguished separately as an individual element. However, the five channels are working holistically inside the body. Thus the body cannot function by itself without the combined functions of the five channels working together. I see why the question was brought up. It was because there is no such thing as the I Ching cycle of five energy dynamics. FYI the five elements in the YiJing(I Ching) was discovered by the ancients but later was used as categories in the TCM to classify each organ to each category. e.g. The liver was categorized as "wood", the heart as "fire", the spleen as "earth", the lung as "metal" and the kidney as "water". There are a lot to the five elements or categories. IMO They should be discussed in a new thread. The Tai Ji postures has nothing to do with the 64 hexagrams of YiJing. The reason we see the BaGua symbol all the time was because the diagram symbolize the Yin-Yang attributes. Indeed, Tai Ji was base on the Yin-Yang concept rather than the hexagrams. Tai Chi is a moving form of Qigong is totally correct. PS.... I am speaking strictly from a Chinese point of view relating to all my posts. It may not be correspond to the western thinking. May I beg for your tolerance and forgiveness if they don't fit the best to your understanding.
  17. The fallacy of energy and language.

    Well said, Mattimo.............. I tried to tell everyone that Chi does not mean 'energy'. It could meant something else too. However, the word "Chi" is just locked in people's mind which cannot be erased. In my understanding, Chi may have one of its meanings as "energy" but we cannot refer that "Chi" as "energy" all the time. It was because, sometimes, Chi does not have the meaning as energy based on the context.
  18. a rare chinese character - help?

    1. 晚: evening; late 2. it breaks down to bu4 不 + ri4 日 + yue4 月-- 不明: not bright like in the evening. This character seems not being used anymore.
  19. humbleone... How long have you been practicing and what else you are practicing....??? It seems to me if you were practicing Chi Kung in meditation. During the transient period from the beginning to the next level, it will cause a mental effect temporarily. Eventually, it will go away.
  20. This video shows a man always killing snakes and ate them. He turns into a snake like person. The Buddhist heard about it and helped him to cure his problem by performing Buddhist prying for him. In third part of the video(last), he was cured and became a Buddhist and promise not to kill a living thing again. Is this karma...??? Snake person: http://
  21. Help with translation please

    1. 福壽康寧 : happiness, longevity, health, peace 2. 如意吉祥 : good luck and auspicious 3. 吉祥如意 : auspicious and good luck 4. 福臨吉地 : good fortune arrives at the auspicious land 5. 春滿華堂 : A prosperous room full of spring atmosphere.
  22. Five types of Qigong

    What QiGong does is to enhance the body cells to be more active and speed up the metabolism process to replace the dead cells. If the dead skin cells do not replace quick enough that will make one look much older. If the dead skin cells are replaced a lot quicker, that will make the skin look softer and healthier which will make one look younger. The sexuality part has the same effect. What QiGong does is to speed up the hormone excretions more efficient due to the increase in the metabolism rate. Indeed, the body behaves more active and efficient than normal with the QiGong practitioners because the extra energy boost acquired from the practice.
  23. Five types of Qigong

    QiGong will accomplish all of the above. It is all-in-one. It doesn't correspond to five elements or five channels. However, QiGong does effect the five channels. QiGong will cure any illnesses in the body only if there are illnesses inside the body. If not, it will enhance the vitality and develop the internal force, promoting vitality and longevity. It also does help your mind. Finally, the spiritual part depends on your religious belief. Another word, all these will take place inside your body if you practice QiGong. You will not get only one of the benefits but all. Regardless whether you like it or not, you will get the whole package all in one....!!!
  24. [TTC Study] Chapter 6 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I didn't know you have a dirty spirit that need to be washed....
  25. [TTC Study] Chapter 11 of the Tao Teh Ching

    whitesilk... The lesson in Chapter 11 was suggesting us not to just look at matters superficially. e.g. Most people looked at a cup as a cup was being useful, but LoaTze would like to look at it differently. He sees the space in the cup was useful rather than the cup itself. He does not follow the traditional way of looking at things. He looks at the Yin to reflect the Yang. In other words, let's not see things as they are appeared which might be deceiving. Thus we must look at them closely and get to the bottom of things to find the truth.