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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section A

    Isn't the undeniable truth is one, and only one, picture....??? Most people do not like to stay with the facts or the truth due to external influence with various temptation for their irresistible desire to believe what they wanted to believe. The truth is the truth. What is the truth...??? The truth is something that is not arguable nor deniable beyond any reasonable doubt. Thus that was what ZZ meant by the undeniable truth.
  2. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section A

    Confucius said: "1. People cannot obtain an undeniable truth from constant changes like flowing water, but to be obtained from something that is not constantly changing like still water. One must insist upon the undeniable truth to convince oneself in order to convince others." 2. Those lives depend on Earth, only the pine trees can stand up straight' and they are green all winter and summer long(unchanged). We can see that there aren't many things that can be kept the normal conditions last too long. Those who were sent by heaven to govern, only Xun was maintained his righteousness and politically correct to keep the people in peace and harmony. 3. Fortunately, all things were assisted to developed normally was because of the righteousness. Therefore, if one looking at it microscopically, it was internal cultivation. From a practical point of view, it was bravery. It seems like a brave one charged into a battlefield to fight a thousand strong. Thus isn't one was seeking for fame...??? 4. TBC.......
  3. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section A

    The story, here, that is cultivation is self discipline. A high cultivated person is well known without advertisement. People will treat him with respect and follow him. This reminds me of "Teaching without words, the formless become formed within the heart(不言之教, 無形而心成)"
  4. Inner Alchemy

  5. Inner Alchemy

    What is the definition of inner alchemy....???
  6. Should Teachers Charge $$ For Teaching?

    Place a donation box at the entrance of the class room would be beneficial... The teacher has to pay the rent for the class room and the water for the restroom, too, you know.
  7. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section A

    English Translation: Chang Ji said: "It was a kind of self-cultivation. The reasoning was obtained through knowledge plus the cultivation from the effort of self discipline. Then, it becomes a common principle in treating others as well. However, It was still only a self-cultivated kind of thing; but why during Chang Ji's cultivation there were so many people came to his school and learn from him..???"
  8. When I itch my throat

    Was your mouth and throat dry........???
  9. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section A

    Yes, the meaning of "one unity", 齊一, by ZZ was that one should look at all things equally rather than as a whole. ZZ was suggesting if one is looking things in different direction, then there will be an distinction between them. In order to see things equally, one must be looking at things in the same direction so there will be no difference between them. The concept behind this is that will give one harmony within the heart. People were talking about cultivating the mind. The effect of cultivating the mind was originated from ZZ's idea here. In his thinking, to cultivate the mind, one must attain to a state of absolute harmony within the heart without any mental distraction. The openness of the mind must rely on the reasoning of the truth of the world. From the previous chapters, he stated that there should be no absolute difference between all things. However, people were viewing matters at a different angle; it was not necessary to insist their own point of view. Therefore, ZZ was suggesting that we shall be equal-heartedly in treating all the chaotic affairs in our society. This is how ZZ was recognized the basic fundamental principle in the world, it was also his point of view about the truth.
  10. Wu wei and shame and embaressment and taboo

    Greeting..... It seems to me that you have the right concept about Wu Wei, but its application was not quite as one might apply. First of all, Wu Wei requires no effort. It is because effort has an intend to accomplish something; and Wu Wei has no intend or desire to have something to be done. In your case as a runner, it was not a matter of faith. It seems that "the lack of faith" has an intend not to runner. Thus the intend defeated the purpose of running. Also, there was an intend in "faith" that the runner has a desire to run. Again, as long there was an intend, then it was not Wu Wei. By the true definition of Wu Wei, the runner should not even think about faith to run but just run and let nature take its course. IMO Therefore, the runner would have more confidence than faith. A runner with confidence, definitely, one can run. With faith, the runner only think that one can run.
  11. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section A

    Chang Ji said: "He is just a crippled person, but Mr. Wang is exceeded you. He is must far off better than the average people. If that is so, then, how did he use his effort for that?" Confucius said: "Life and death are a big issue, but it doesn't influence him, it won't destroy him along with that. He dwell in a place with no expectation, but he won't be effected along with the changes with all things. It was because he has been guarding the center of all things, and manipulating all the changes." Chang Ji said: "What was that mean?" Confucius said: "If you were looking from a different direction, you will see the distance between the liver and gallbladder. It would be far apart like the states between Chu and Viet. However, if you are looking in the same direction, then, you will see all things as one unity. If it is so, then one can ignore the function of the ears and eyes. It would be fine by just paying close attention to how the "Te" in harmony with all things within the heart. Because of the integral of all things as one unity, therefore, one won't see any mischief. Loosing one leg, it would seem like lost a little dirty dust. Ref:
  12. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section A

    oops.........double entry
  13. Taoism and Psychology

    The principle with Psychology are all spelled out in the Tao Te Ching. It is a matter of study it with comprehension. Then, one cultivate it with self discipline, the manners will be within ourselves spontaneously.
  14. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section A

    English translation: Confucius said: "The teacher(Wang Tai) is a sage. I was so regressive, I haven't paid a visit to him for advice yet. I will have him as my teacher, and those who are not equal to me! I will lead them to follow him, not just the people in the State of Lu." Commentary: It was know that Confucius was a sage. However, in the parable, ZZ portrayed that Confucius with a little humbleness but he sure putting Confucius down by saying the he was less sagacious than ZZ himself.
  15. Is honor bullshit?

    A Taoist does not want any honor. It was all stated in the Tao Te Ching as proof.
  16. what makes taoism unique?

    1. The interesting aspect of a Taoist is the self discipline in cultivation for a better health to the body and mind. 2. Wu Wei is the core concept. Let nature take its course is the ultimate goal of a Taoist. 3. A Taoist is a naturalist by following the course of Tao without any adverse action to nature. All actions taken by a Taoist are in accordance with Nature spontaneously.
  17. Taoism and Psychology

    Julianlaboy.... Why don't you start a new thread in the Taoist Discussion section and we go from there.... Thanks...!!!
  18. Yes, they were speaking Mandarin at the time.....
  19. White Crane Translation Please?

    白鶴牶乃「鶴」與「武術」經由象形而取意之仿生思維所融合而成的牶法。 The White Crane Fist is a style that was developed by combining the animated imitation of the "Crane" and the "martial arts" concepts. 本文依據中國武術功、法(形)的技擊本質,歸結出外顯可見與內斂不可見之形氣神的身體現象,研究架構如圖三所示: This text was based on the skilled sparring on the Chinese martial arts Kung(cultivation) and Fa(form) essential basics. Finalized something that one may see the body phenomena of the Form, Chi, and Shen externally but not internally. The research configuration is shown in Diagram 3. 1. 白鶴牶的運動哲學: The philosophy of the White Crane Fist movements. 象形取意的仿生思想: Ideas are mimic from pictographic forms of action(from animals)for the thoughts of animation. 武術技擊(martial art sparring)----------->白鶴牶(White Crane Fist)-------->(仙禽-鶴)immortal poultry-Crane 白鶴牶(White Crane Fist)------------->人(Human) 2. 武術功法:Martial art cultivations and methods--------> 四功(the four cultivations):吞(inhale),吐(exhale),浮(flow),and 沉(sink)功練氣(method in breathing) 四法(the four methods): 飛(fly),嗚(yell),宿(rest),and 食(eat)定精神(To set the inner soul) 3. 陰陽五行(Yin-Yang, the five elements)--------> 外顯可見的運動形態(The movement gestures may be seen externally)---> 內斂不可見的生命能量(The vital energy may not be seen internally) 4. 形氣神三位一體的身體觀(The body view of "Form, Chi, and Shen" three in one as an integral. 形: 運動的形態(The posture of movements).  氣: 吐納之術(The ultimate method of exhalation and inhalation). 神: 意識思維(The thinking of consciousness). 白鶴牶的身體哲理(The body philosophy of the White Crane Fist) Figure 3: The research configuration Chart.
  20. Taoism and Psychology

  21. Forgotten some of my chi gung

    Greeting.... It was not necessary to have any warm up for Tai Chi. Tai Chi itself is a warm up for everything. What ever you were thinking of it does no good nor harm.
  22. "Spirit" - what is it?

    No. 神人, shen ren(spirit of man) is an immortal. The term "spirit of man" was very misleading. IMO The "spirit of man" is the soul of an human being which does not attribute as an immortal. If 神人(shen ren) was translated as "spirit of man", it has a very poor meaning and misleading as opposed to "immortal". It just doesn't convey the idea as an immortal. Of course, that was contributed from a cultural miscommunication. Edited to add: 神仙(Xian Shi) is an immortal which lives in heaven, while a 神人(shen ren) is living on earth which is make preparation to live in heaven by further cultivation to a more extent to elevate to the next promotion.
  23. White Crane Translation Please?

    I will get on it soon.... I think that will clarify what Chi is in the second flow chart.
  24. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section A

    It was known that the first six seven chapters were written by ZhunagTze but the others are like you said. In your opinion, based on your knowledge, do you think what the Taoist of the Chuang lineage wrote reflects Chuang's thinking...???