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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    Yes, what does it all mean...??? 1. Why did ZZ only pick the Kun fish, Peng bird, cicada and the little dove but not something else for his illustration...??? 2. Why is the Peng bird flew from the northern sea to the southern sea instead of the other way around...???
  2. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    You got that right...!!! Now, you are really thinking into the chapter. All the ZZ Chapters are not that simple as they seem. It has many hidden metaphoric thoughts. @ XieJia... Argument here means exchange ideas and debate.
  3. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    Some scholars thought this was the theme of the chapter: The mentioning of the size of the Kun fish and Pend bird was to show that ZZ has a broad mind with a panoramic vision. Especially, when he had the Peng bird flew 90,000 li(Chinese mile) above the sky, can you imagine how far and how much one can see when you are high above the world. Then, Peng bird flew across the world from the Northern to the Southern sea so one can see what else is in the other part of the world. What he was suggesting is not to place oneself in a small pit but to expose oneself to see more to expand one's wisdom. The contrast was depicted by comparing the broad vision of the Peng bird and the narrow visions of the cicada and the little dove.
  4. Translation request

    starhawk... Here are the translations per your request. 太上天師道法彌深: The highest Taoist Priest has attained his ultimate state of Tao power. 三清應化天尊: The three "Ching" Taoist Immortals have been dignified as the Heavenly Patriarchs.
  5. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    Well, based on the above quote was leading me to think it as 掤(peng). If you write out the whole phrase 大 鵬 展 翅(big Peng spreads its wings), then I would have known exactly what you meant by it. The 大鵬(Big Peng) is the same Bird that was mentioned in ZZ Chapter One. Nothing personal....!!!
  6. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    Sorry, it was very easily to be misunderstood each other. Especially, things are not very clearly presented while introducing something else outside of the main subject. PS.... Sad...!!! Why should you let a little thing like somebody else's stupid mistake hurts you...??? You were joking right...??? Cheer up...
  7. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    Again, another Ping Yin mistake. The character you were referring to is 掤(peng)
  8. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    Here are my sources for hardcore: The original Zhuangzi: ZZ Chapter 1 Interpretation for the Kun fish and Peng bird: Kun and Peng PS... @Xie Jia Please leave YiJing out of here. It has nothing to do with ZZ here. The character for Kun in YiJing is not the same. It is this character: 坤(kun). Please don't use pingyin or phonetics to assume a character to confuse yourself and others. Thanks...
  9. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    All characters do have meanings. When a character was used as a name, it could have the meaning of the character or something in relation with the object that was being named. FYI Kun and P'eng were a legendary big fish and huge bird respectively.
  10. [TTC Study] Chapter 81 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Sorry, Informer, it was not in classic text. Chinese classic is very esoteric, it was not as easy as it seems like any other modern languages. PS... Let me tell you a Chinese joke. These characters were posted on a wall: 請不得在此久留隨意小便。 Please do not stay here too long or urinate anytime. Same phrase with a comma: 請不得在此久留, 隨意小便。 Please do not stay here too long, you may urinate anytime....
  11. [TTC Study] Chapter 77 of the Tao Teh Ching

    We all know the way of a sage but human. Therefore, scholars thought that the guy copying the text for the MWD without 聖 (sageness) towards the end of chapter 81. opps.....I opened my mouth again....!!!
  12. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    ZZ was only using Kun and Peng as objects for his illustration. ZZ was written differently than the TTC. It is all about the feeling of ZZ's and his philosophy but not about the Kun and Peng. ZZ's view about Tao is different from LaoTze. He told LaoTze's idea about Tao and come up with his own philosophy.
  13. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    Well, dualistic was heavily emphasized in the TTC. I think ZZ's philosophy was not based on duality. Some scholars thought ZZ making everything so big was to indicate that he has a broad mind and sees things differently than an ordinary person. PS... I am reflecting the views of the native scholars here. It may not be acceptable to western thinking. If anyone feel uncomfortable with it, please don't hesitate to stop me. Peace.
  14. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    HE... Well, sorry. This is the beginning of Chapter One. It is about the fish and the bird.
  15. Chuang Tzu Chapter 1, Section A

    oops... Sorry I was late for the party. In the Northern sea, there is a fish. Its name is called Kun. Its gigantic size, no one knows how many thousand miles. Then it was transformed into a bird. Its name is call Peng. Its back is few thousand miles wide. Once it's mad, it spreads its wings seems like the clouds in the sky. This bird can fly up ninety thousand miles high. When the sea roars, it will move to the Southern sea. The Southern sea is a natural gigantic pond. What was ZZ saying here....??? Why was he boasting like that by making everything so big...???
  16. [TTC Study] Chapter 81 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Very poor friend...
  17. Question for Buddhists

    ahhh......thanks guys It was from the Tibetan Buddhism.
  18. [TTC Study] Chapter 81 of the Tao Teh Ching

    1. The character 博 means according to the old pea brain of CD: 博: adj, means broad as in broad knowledge. 2. 辯 meaning "to rebut". The TTC used to have the meaning as "quarrel".
  19. [TTC Study] Chapter 81 of the Tao Teh Ching

    LoaTze says: Holy my
  20. My Last Post

    Chapter 81 1. True words are not beautiful. 3. Beautiful words are not true. 3. One who is kind does not quarrel. 4. One who quarrels is not kind.
  21. Question for Buddhists

    Hey...guys. I am seem to be out of place here. When you guys are talking about Buddhism here, are you referring to a source from an Indian person...??? It seems to me the things are talked about here is different from the Chinese Buddhism.
  22. [TTC Study] Chapter 81 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 2 When there is ugliness, then I see something beautiful. PS... You are ugly beautiful...lienshan...
  23. [TTC Study] Chapter 81 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because it hurts. If the next of kin die from an accident, the truthful words are not very beautiful to the informed.
  24. [TTC Study] Chapter 81 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Thank you... It depends on the context. It may not be applied to all.
  25. [TTC Study] Chapter 81 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Revisiting...??? Please clarify.