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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Maintaining the Yin Yang Balance I know why he dragged his wife along for the ride....
  2. [TTC Study] Chapter 77 of the Tao Teh Ching

    After all, it takes one to know one. This is final. I will stop all your the BS with you. You may have the last word.... PS... Have a nice trip in China. I hope you are happy now....!!!
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 79 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 63 - The Lowest to the Highest Extreme 1. With an attitude of Wu Wei, 2. Handle all affairs with no interference, 3. Taste the tasteless as a delicacy. 4. Large becomes small, more becomes less, 5. 報怨以德(If one repays a resentment with virtue,)。 <<<<(out of context) 6. Handle the hardest start with the easiest; Chapter 79 1. After settling a big dispute, 2. One must be ended up with a grudge. 3. If one repays a resentment with virtue, <<< Moved from Chapter 63. 4. How can it be considered that was a good settlement? Some of the knowledgeable native scholars had thought that the line 3 was out of place in Chapter 63 which belongs to Chapter 79. It seems like that line 5, in Chapter 63 doesn't link to the logic within context. Indeed, without line 3 in the first four lines of Chapter 79, it seems like there was missing link somewhere. Chapter 63 1. 為無為, 2. 事無事, 3. 味無味。 4. 大小多少, 5. 報怨以德。 <<<(out of context) 6. 圖難于其易﹔ 第七十九章 1. 和 大 怨 , 2. 必 有 餘 怨 。 3. 報怨以得, <<<(within context) 4. 安 可 以 為 善?
  4. Haiku Chain

    Rebirth of the green. Reproduce the oxygen, We breathe in the air.
  5. [TTC Study] Chapter 77 of the Tao Teh Ching

    天道(the principle of Heaven or way of Heaven) is the natural principle from Heaven. Anything was from Heaven just happens without any reason. Good or bad whether one likes it or not; it's the natural law. Human must accept it as the principle of righteous. It was known for centuries without parroting.
  6. [TTC Study] Chapter 79 of the Tao Teh Ching

    XieJia.... I think Jeff answered your question. Thanks. Jeff.....
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 77 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I will stop all the BS with you....
  8. [TTC Study] Chapter 79 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 79 1. After settling a big dispute, 2. One must be ended up with a grudge. 3. If one repays a resentment with virtue, 4. How can it be considered that was a good settlement? 5. Therefore, the sage just keep the left portion(1) of the contract. 6. And he was not willing to execute the contact to collect the debts from others. 7. A virtuous person seems to have great tolerance by holding on to the contract. 8. A non-virtuous person seems to be lack of sympathy as a tax collector. 9. The fundamental principle has no nepotism. 10. It's always stays with a kind person. Notes: (1) In the ancient time, a contract was carved on two pieces of board, the left and the right copies. The left portion was designated for the loaner, and the right portion was for the borrower. 第七十九章 1. 和 大 怨 , 2. 必 有 餘 怨 。 3. 報怨以得, 4. 安 可 以 為 善? 5. 是 以 聖 人 執 左 契 , 6. 而 不 責 於 人 。 7. 有 德 司 契 , 8. 無 德 司 徹 。 9. 天 道 無 親 10. 常 與 善 人 。
  9. [TTC Study] Chapter 77 of the Tao Teh Ching

    dawei.... I never really understand you. Let's not have anymore of this kind of useless encounters. Please let lienshan speak for himself. If you don't like it. You don't need to respond.
  10. [TTC Study] Chapter 77 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Please don't be ridiculous and don't confuse the issue here. I was only quoting lienshan without context. I was translating 天者 as a term by itself. Do you need some Chinese lessons too...??? I thought you knew more than that....!!! PS... Please remember, by your responses and comments, one will know how much that you really know.
  11. [TTC Study] Chapter 77 of the Tao Teh Ching

    You have a five year old mind. Monkey does monkey saw 天者: An messenger from heaven; an angel. PS... You need a good teacher to teach you some logic....
  12. [TTC Study] Chapter 77 of the Tao Teh Ching

    道者: a virtuous person, someone who practices to principles of Tao which is tao(small t)....
  13. Inside or Outside

    As a rule of thumb, the trigrams should be always looking from the inside. This is the correct layout of the Later Version Bagua: The site below illustrates how the Early Version Bagua evolves to the Later Version Bagua. Ref link: Bagua Layouts
  14. Inside or Outside

    Incorrect: 天地定位 Heaven and Earth establish the direction. It should read: 天地定位 Heaven and Earth establish the position.
  15. Inside or Outside

    That is correct. If you study each individual trigram, and both the Xian Tien Bagua and Hou Tien Bagua, you will see that Heaven is on the top of the Xien Tien Bagua and the Sun(Li trigram) is on top of the Hou Tien Bagua. One cannot just jump into the Bagua's without understanding each trigram and thought know it all. If you are really interested in knowing each individual trigram, I'm glad to start a new thread to go over why the trigrams were drawn that way....
  16. [TTC Study] Chapter 77 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Ditto. Naw................
  17. Inside or Outside

    I have never said that Sun is Heaven. I only said Sun was at the Yang-est state at high noon at the South(12:00 o'clock), at the top. Hence, that was why the Heaven trigram was placed in the South position when the ancients layout the Bagua for that reason.
  18. Taoism U.K

    Yes, my mistake....
  19. Inside or Outside

    Good, now you know why the Heaven(3 solid lines) symbol was placed at the top(Suoth). As I'd indicated before, South is the Yang-est position of the all because the Sun was the brightest and hottest at highnoon...
  20. Inside or Outside

    錯, an esoteric term in Yi Jing which means complement to each other. Even a native Chinese who is not study the Yi Jing wouldn't know that was the actual meaning.
  21. Taoism U.K

    I do agree that all martial arts are intended for fighting. It was all depend on the purpose or intent of the practitioner. I am only taken a stand on the side of the Taoist philosophy. The initial intent for being a Taoist is for good health and longevity. Their objective was not to be a warrior. That's all. However, they become defensive in using violence, due to external influence, in their later life is secondary to me. BTW Xing Yi Quan(形意拳) and Ba Gua Quan(八卦掌) are the derivatives from Tai Ji Quan.
  22. Inside or Outside

    Do you know which direction does the needle of the Chinese compass(指南計) is pointing to or referenced to....???
  23. Taoism U.K

    The confusion was initiated from the first impression of the Title. To convey an idea from a title, one should not has to do any future persuasion.
  24. Taoism U.K

    The Shaolin monk warriors trained with martial arts were utilized to protect the temple. The original intent was not to be warriors. The original intention of martial arts for Taoists was for health. It happens to be enabling them for self defense. Again, their original intent was not to become a warrior.
  25. Taoism U.K

    I granted you that a Taoist has to withdrawn his sword from the sheath is the last resort, but that was not the original intent in the Taoism philosophy. Indeed, violence comes last but not the beginning to a Taoist.