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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Call for help!

    Now, that's what I've called discipline....)
  2. Breathing & Head-Rush

    It was not the English that confuses you but the oriental philosophy does. One need to experience it to understand and appreciate it....
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 76 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I know the way this chapter was written is hard to have an acceptable translation in English....
  4. To save cyber space, I want to thank you for all your comments here. Complimentary or offensive comments will be appreciated with equal value. Thanks.

  5. [TTC Study] Chapter 76 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 76 1. People are born supple. 2. They become stiff upon death. 4. Grasses and trees are soft and brittle while alive, 4. They become dried and withered upon death. 5. Hence, those things that are rigid were attributed as non-living; 6. And those things that are weak were attributed as alive. 7. If a military force is strong, then it will be exterminated. 8. And when the trees are full grown will be cut down. 9. Hence, those that are vigorous were dwelling in a inferior position. 10. And those that are feeble were dwelling in a superior position. Chapter 76 1. 人 之 生 也 柔 弱, 2. 其 死 也 堅 強 。 3. 草 木 之 生 也 柔 脆 , 4. 其 死 也 枯 槁 。 5. 故 堅 強 者 死 之 徒 , 6. 柔 弱 者 生 之 徒 。 7. 是 以 兵 強 則 滅 , 8. 木 強 則 折 。 9. 強 大 處 下 , 10.柔 弱 處 上 。
  6. Inside or Outside

    lienshan... I had the directions correctly oriented. The direction is counterclockwise with the East to the right. The fire(li2) should be at the west. The Chinese had the layout of the Bagua was done unconventionally. Yes, you are right. My bad...
  7. Inside or Outside

    No, they even used the wrong character, 们(men2), for people. 黎民(li min); all the people 黎们(li men) is totally incorrect. These compound characters make no sense at all. Edited to add: Besides, that is not the correct way to express "black people". The correct way would be: 黑人(hei1 ren2): black people
  8. Inside or Outside

    You welcome! Yes, if one is not familiar with the language is very easily to get confused. It can be translated as black, only with the correct compound characters. Example: 黎明(li ming): dawn; the time of when light just appears.
  9. Inside or Outside

    Here is how the bagua is oriented. ..............................................South East West ...............................................North Edited: To swap "East" and "West" position per lienshan's correction.
  10. Inside or Outside

    Sorry! Mistranslation. 黎民(li min): all the people; many people; all the citizens It does not mean black people. Ref link: 黎
  11. Seek: Wuxing Tables

    North Black Tortoise or Creature called XuanWu South Red Phoenix East Green Dragon West White Tiger
  12. where do science and religions meet?

    Did I see a suggestion, here, is to have an open mind....???
  13. Seek: Wuxing Tables

    Well, I was only given a general idea. The prediction is really goes from the year down to month, day and hours. It is a very broad subject to go into which it cannot be done here. Please don't take it too literally anything we said here without going into the depth of the subject.... FYI... In the Chinese divination system, it was a lot more complicated. The five elements were categorized are different for male and female. There is a distinction for yin-fire and yang-fire as oppose to yin-water and yang-water. People who are three years apart are opposing each other and four years apart are aiding. The whole system is complicated as hell. This is something we wouldn't want to go into here...
  14. [TTC Study] Chapter 75 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Hi, Stan... I like to follow your thoughts, but the Tao Te Ching is Taoist philosophy. Why would someone want to introduce Buddhism into it or "non-spoken Tao sense"...??? Who or what do you consider a "superior person" is...???
  15. Seek: Wuxing Tables

    Hi, Friend... I think what you are after is this. If one has studied Feng Shiu, then he should be familiar with the attributes of the five elements. For example, let's say that the year you were born is Fire. Then, you don't want to be the captain of a ship. Thus, you don't want to associate with anything or people that are attributed to "Water" because water is putting out fire. Anything associated with "water" is not in your favor but only against you.
  16. Draw chi from sacrum into prostate.

    If you can think that Chi is already in your sacrum, then why can you think the same for your prostate...??? Chi can be anywhere in your body, why do you have to move it from one place to another...???
  17. Aaron... Every evening I will contemplate, Wishing all the stars in the endless skies, Shedding some lights onto your path....
  18. Seek: Wuxing Tables

    Five Element Theory
  19. [TTC Study] Chapter 75 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 75 1. The reason that the people are starving. 2. Because it was due to the high taxation from high above. 3. That was why they are hungry. 4. The reason that the people are difficult to rule, 5. Because there are intentional demands from high above. 6. That is why they are difficult to be ruled. 7. The reason that the people take death lightly, 8. It was because that they have to strive for their valuable life. 9. That is why they take death lightly. 10. Therefore, only those who have nothing to be strove for in life, 11. Then, it's better off than those who are living luxuriously. 第七十五章 1. 民 之 饑 , 2. 以 其 上 食 稅 之 多 , 3. 是 以 饑 。 4. 民 之 難 治 , 5. 以 其 上 之 有 為 , 6. 是 以 難 治 。 7. 民 之 輕 死 , 8. 以 其上 求 生 之 厚 , 9. 是 以 輕 死 。 10.夫 唯 無 以 生 為 者 , 11.是 賢 於 貴 生 。
  20. Breathing & Head-Rush

    The best trained disciple was depended upon his ability to withstand tremendous pressure. A best human being ever reproduced was being living under adversity.
  21. Breathing & Head-Rush

    I hope the intent of this post is not to discourage in abdominal breathing...
  22. Depression Kills, Qigong Saves

    It can be creative, isn't it...???... Everything is chi flow which people like to hear in the west. So, what else is new....???
  23. Breathing & Head-Rush

    Now, I see your problem which relies on self discipline....