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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Breathing & Head-Rush

    You will get head rush because this is only the beginning at your present level. I think you got the basic idea. At the beginning, you do it with a small amount. Eventually, the amount will be increased in progression. Pretty soon, you can do it with a large amount. You will feel a big difference in the future. Just remember, diligent practice is the key to success in all aspects....
  2. Call for help!

    HNJT... I am with you. I like your approaching attitude and spiritual thinking. This is the way to go, my friend.... If someone is offering you free lesson, then he must be special. Indeed, you just need to have faith in the one to learn the stuff. MMHO is to stay with one person in learning the skills and filter out other unwanted fallacies.
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 74 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Yes, I would think so. The secondary level of interpretation Lines 1 thru 6 said: The people are born free; but the government are using capital punishment to cause them to die younger to protect its own interest. Lines 7 thru 10 said: If the government was using capital punishment to force people to go toward death, then the government will not be getting away with it.
  4. Digestive Problems

    That is the way to go. It also prevent constipation too. If you don't know how to do it, then you must find out how...!!!
  5. Digestive Problems

    Do you really expect good result in a month...??? BTW It takes months and depends how you are doing it...!!! Can you describe what are your standing meditation and self-massage techniques...???
  6. Inside or Outside

    You look at it from the inside out. Go back to DIO for that.
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 74 of the Tao Teh Ching

    7. There are, always, specialized people who will carry out the execution, 8. If someone was substituted to carry out the execution, 9. Then, it would seem like someone was doing the cutting for a carpenter. 10. It would be rare without having someone getting his hands injured...!!! Annotation: It seems like it was saying that: If we let an unskillful person to do a job, then it may not be as efficient as a professional one.
  8. Breathing & Head-Rush

    Hot Nirvana Judo Trend... It seems to me you need to do more practice on compressive breathing in sitting. You aren't need ready for that while in motion. If you can do compression breathing in motion, then you can go a long way without running out of breath or getting fatigue.
  9. [TTC Study] Chapter 74 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 74 1. If people are not afraid of death, 2. Then, why use death to threaten them? 3. If the people were always left to be afraid of death, 4. And those who are nefarious, 5. We may arrest them and execute them. 6. Who would dare to commit the crimes again. 7. There are, always, specialized people who will carry out the execution, 8. If someone was substituted to carry out the execution, 9. Then, it would seem like someone was doing the cutting for a carpenter. 10. It would be rare without having someone getting his hands injured...!!! ***************** 1. 民 不 畏 死 , 2. 奈 何 以 死 懼 之 ? 3. 若 使 民 常 畏 死 , 4. 而 為 奇 者 , 5. 吾 得 執 而 殺 之 6. 孰 敢 ? 7. 常 有 司 殺 者 殺 , 8. 是 謂 代 大 匠 斲 ; 9. 夫 代 大 匠 斲 者 10.希 有 不 傷 其 手 矣 。
  10. Yi Jin Jing (muscle/tendon changing classic)

    You welcome. anamatva In general, 1. Yi Jin Jing(易肋經) is for the muscles. 2. Xi Sui Jing(洗膸經) is for the mind. One should practice the former first then the latter. PS... Please don't let the name of the titles fool you....
  11. [TTC Study] Chapter 73 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Yes, if we keep this in mind, then we can save lots of argument and don't care what others were saying.
  12. [TTC Study] Chapter 73 of the Tao Teh Ching

    1. One who was brave and courageous then killed. 2. One who is brave but not courageous then survived. 3. These two types of bravery one benefits and the other does harm. 4. This was detested by the Principles of Heaven, 5. And who knows why? IMO I don't think 'hate" was a good word to use here. The principles of Heaven detested both types of bravery one benefits and the other does harm. Who knows why....??? I guess that will make it impartial....!!! You are right it just is. Thus heaven didn't pick any children, particularly, regardless they are innocent or not.
  13. Yi Jin Jing (muscle/tendon changing classic)

    Xi Sui Jing - Part one Xi Sui Jing - Part two Xi Sui Jing - Part three
  14. [TTC Study] Chapter 73 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Well, heaven is impartial. It doesn't hate nor love. We knew that from Chapter 5, didn't we...???
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 73 of the Tao Teh Ching

    天之所惡,孰知其故? This is the detestation of heaven, who knows its reason??? I think it was self explanatory. No...???
  16. [TTC Study] Chapter 73 of the Tao Teh Ching

    天之所惡,孰知其故? Sorry, mistranslation: "The harmfulness of Heaven, who knows its reason?" Proper translation: 天之所惡: The detestation of heaven.
  17. LMFAO

    I saw the movie of the first clips when I was a kid. It was considered to be very high tech in the sixties...
  18. Yi Jin Jing (muscle/tendon changing classic)

    yi jin jing(易肋經): A synonym for Chinese Yoga.
  19. [TTC Study] Chapter 73 of the Tao Teh Ching

    If one was brave because of daring, then he'll be slaughtered. If one is brave because of knowing not to dare, then he'll survive.
  20. Cultivating the Tao in China

    I went to HuaShan once before. The mountain is a formation of white rocks.
  21. Learn Tai Chi on Youtube

    Yes, I learned the 108 movements of the Yang Cheng Fu form. You are right the video has given too much details for the beginners. The first thing I was taught is not to be concentrated on the breathing because it comes natural along with the practice. His is right about breathing down somewhere is correct. As time goes by, spontaneously, the breath will go down deeper and deeper for a diligent practitioner. That was the kind of experience I have. Now, I am doing abdominal breathing as my normal breathing habit which means I am doing Chi Kung all the time. Note: 1. The arms should be raised to shoulder height but not chest height as he indicated. 2. As a novice, do not pay too much attention to small details. The best thing to do is follow through with the forms with mistakes. It is because mistakes are easy to be made at the beginning but they can be corrected later after one is more familiarized with the forms. Happy TaiJi-ing...
  22. [TTC Study] Chapter 73 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 73 1. One who was brave and courageous then killed. 2. One who is brave but not courageous then survived. 3. These two types of bravery one benefits and the other does harm. 4. This was detested by the Principles of Heaven, 5. And who knows why? 6. The natural principles are: 7. Without striving is a better way to prevail; 8. Not speaking is a better way to answer; 9. Not being summoned but come at one's own free will; 10. Tolerance is a good deed for planning matters. 11. The net of heaven is vast and wide. 12. Its mesh is sparse but yet nothing slips through. 第七十三章 1. 勇 於 敢 則 殺 , 2. 勇 於 不 敢 則 活 : 3. 此 兩 者 或 利 , 或 害 。 4. 天 之 所 惡 5. 孰 知 其 故 ? [是 以 聖 人 猶 難 之 。]<--- Out of context. 6. 天 之 道: 7. 不 爭 而 善 勝; 8. 不 言 而 善 應; 9. 不 召 而 自 來; 10. 繟 然 而 善 謀 。 11. 天 網 恢 恢 ; 12. 疏 而 不 失 !
  23. [TTC Study] Chapter 72 of the Tao Teh Ching

    則(Ze) in the Chinese sentence structure is equivalent to the "If.....then" statement in English.
  24. Rooting

    First of all, I am glad that we do have some high level TaiJi practitioners here to take place in the discussion. BTW I was only establishing the foundation for rooting; but I have never mentioned when should it occur, in what time frame, nor in push hands. Basically, I was saying how to do rooting. However, it is important to have good rooting during a counteraction. For instance, in push hands, it was a common knowledge that we should relax at first. Initially, if you don't move, I don't move; if you do move, then I move first. As soon I felt the Jin in the opponent's hand, at that instant, I would react by Fa Jin on my legs to lock myself onto the ground to keep my centroid dead center with my body. While the opponent was moving, his centroid is off and his rooting was not as firm as mine because his centroid was not dead center with his body. By the definition of FA Jin, spontaneously, the muscles are tighten or contracted. If the muscles were not contracted, then you cannot Fa Jin. The opponent was vulnerable to be thrown off balance because he was not centered with his body. While he was moving, his own weight and center were moving along in the same direction, if I pull him in the same direction, then the resultant force would be the summation of his body weight and my pulling force which will make him move faster to get off balance. Hence, his centroid was much greater off center within the balance limits.