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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. [TTC Study] Chapter 71 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Let's hope it is not contiguous....
  2. Rooting

    WOW...mainly my invention, I wish....!!! :lol:
  3. Rooting

    Even though, they don't spell it out, but when you bend your knees your muscles are contracted automatically without any intention. Otherwise, you cannot withstand the duration of 20 minutes for Zhan Zhuang. You don't need anyone to tell you, but you will feel that your feet are firmly standing on the ground or floor.
  4. Rooting

    It all depends how much you know and who do you listen to. If you have to go by what everyone says without any of your own conception, you better carry a big thick notebook with you all the time everywhere you go.
  5. Rooting

    Well, people do use words in terms of a common language in their own field to communicate. An outsider didn't know their terms would not and will not understand what they are saying. The terms are to be understood, spontaneously, only if one is within the esoteric group.
  6. Rooting

    You can do it partially or all. It was all under your control. The more contraction the stronger the legs are and more firmly rooted to the ground.
  7. Rooting

    Let me ask this: Do you bend your knees too when you do Zhan Zhuang....??? If you do, your legs muscles will be contracted spontaneously. Please don't tell me this is not true.
  8. [TTC Study] Chapter 71 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 71 1. One who knows what he doesn't know. 2. Is the best. 3. One who doesn't know but think he knows. 4. It's a sickness. 5. A wise man has no sickness. 6. He treated a sickness as a sickness. 7. Because he knows his sickness as a sickness. 8. Hence, he has no sickness. 第七十一章 1. 知不知, 2. 尚矣; 3. 不知知, 4. 病也。 5. 聖人不病, 6. 以其病病。 7. 夫唯病病, 8. 是以不病。
  9. Rooting

    Thanks for the advice, but this is all common knowledge in the martial arts industry. Why one has to go through all the referencec and credentials. If people don't understand the basic fundamental concepts, then, I think I am talking to the wrong crowd.
  10. Rooting

    It seems to me somebody is missing something in zhan zhuang.
  11. Rooting

    Yes, you are at the Yin state. Wait til somebody pushes you, you will switch to the Yang state, spontaneously, with the leg muscles contracted to defend yourself to counteract the external force.
  12. Rooting

    Words do convey a message. If the message was not conveyed, then the words are no longer words.
  13. Rooting

    Exactly, there is one more thing you need to do is to contract all the legs muscles and bend the knees by sending all the body weights to the legs. Then, your feet and legs should feel locked tight to the ground. Edited to add: FYI... The purpose of Zhan Zhuang(站庄) was the practice for rooting.
  14. Rooting

    Normally speaking about rooting to the ground, only if you were standing on the ground. If you are standing on the floor, then you would be rooting to the floor. The purpose of rooting is to set your feet firmly to what ever is below your feet to establish a good foundation for the body. Another word, your are trying to stand still as a mountain to keep yourself stay put and balanced. Even though there was an external influence trying to push you away, your feet still lock to the floor or ground and don't move an inch. Rooting is the basic stance for all martial art. If you are a practitioner of TaiJi, you should have no problem with rooting yourself to the ground or floor.
  15. Have you guys ever thought of that Jing, Chi and Shen are part of the Internal Alchemy...??? Is the Internal Alchemy part of the MCO or separated....???
  16. Thanks guys... Now I know what the argument was all about. I am glad to have someone that will never hesitate to point out my mistakes especially when I have missing something. General speaking, ATP is a form of energy which it easier for people to understand. It's OK if you want to break it down further as a chemist. However, the final result was still the use of energy from the ATP. IMO It would be impractical, every time when ATP was mentioned, to explain to people it is a potential energy which has to be converted to kinetic energy; but I do appreciate for the link showing the further breakdown of the ATP from potential to kinetic energy. @ friend: In addition, I also appreciate for the comments made by you about the exoteric science and esoteric science. Peace among us.......
  17. Voice improvement

    Can you please describe your breathing condition...??? It happened to me if I don't breathe correctly I can't talk smoothly. I had corrected this problem with Tai Ji. BTW Chi Kung will do the job too.
  18. Yes, mitochondria was described as "cellular power plants". Can you imagine what could have happened if one can allow the maximum capability of the mitochondria to generate the ultimate number of ATP all at once. I think that the human body would have a tremendous body strength at that instance. Doesn't that make you wonder why does a Chi Kung practitioner can release a great amount of energy from his body...??? Where do you think his Jin came from...??? Edited to add: What's so great about ATP? Every time you move a muscle, think, breathe, replicate your DNA, every time your heart beats - you use ATP to do this work! My link: ATP
  19. FYI.... ATP is a form of biochemical energy which was the final breakdown of the glucose by oxygen already. Please get the fact straight. I will make no further comments to confuse the issue nor to argue about that the ATP was being a potential form of energy which it is not.
  20. HNJT... I want to thank you for having an open mind more than following the thoughts....
  21. I'll fill the positive comments with a positive smile....:)

  22. [TTC Study] Chapter 66 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Thank you for asking an illogical question and giving me room to answer it logically. The TTC is a stand alone document because the thoughts are supported by the inter-chapters. According to your scenario, Chapter 66 is supporting Chapter 32 within the TTC. Thus Chapter 33 is not a stand alone document but the TTC was since Ch 33 is within a stand alone document like the TTC....
  23. 1. OK...!!! I buy that, but the speed is really insignificant here. It is a matter does the cell respiration takes place or not. 2. That Lactate process takes place, only and only if, when there is a lack of oxygen. Indeed, the glucose will turn into lactate and causing the muscle to fatigue and pain due to hypoxia. However, if there were sufficient of oxygen, the glucose will not turn into lactate but at the final stage of cell respiration will generate a maximum of 38 molecules of ATP. Only 36 ATP are available for the usage of the body. It was because the body cell had used up 2 ATP for the cell respiration process itself. Glucose + O2 => Lactate 3. Exactly, breathing slowly will provide plenty of oxygen for the body cells to produce the ATP. BTW according to the natural law, energy cannot be destroyed, stored or preserved. Energy will be dissolved if it was not used but it can be regenerated again. Glucose + O2 => H2O + CO2 + heat + energy unit(ATP)
  24. HNJT... I am glad that we are in resonance and our terms had come to an agreement. BTW I couldn't be happier to see how you finalized your words in the understanding about Chi, Jing, and Shen. It indicates to me, conceptually, that you do have a crystal clear comprehension of these three elements. Based on our understanding, I can only explain the great ancient concept better with your definitions and modern science. 1. Jing is the body, essentially. The physical manifestation of energy; neurological, synaptic, respiratory. As you said Jing is the body, essentially. If we break it down microscopically, Jing is the basic unit of the body which a body cell. Body cells generate the energy for the body to function holistically, internally as well as externally. Body cells can regenerate themselves by mitosis, split cells. Based on the physiological knowledge, the human body does external breathing and the body cell does internal breathing. The body cell only breathes oxygen which is called cell respiration. The cell respiration is the refined process of the metabolism of the human body. External breathing is to provide the oxygen for the body cells throughout the body. Cell respiration is to generate the biochemical energy, ATP, in order for the internal organs to function. I can finalize it by saying that the Taoist referred as Chi is flowing in the meridians. BTW it did not say a whole lot. For a better comprehensive understand, I would like to correlate the meridian in modern terms. I would say that the meridians are comprised of the arteries, veins, and nerves in the body to function as a whole. 2 and 3, 2. How does the cycle of Jing, Chi, & Shen work? The body cells require nourishment like glucose and oxygen to generate ATP. Without one or the other, the body cell will cease all its function. Thus, it is essential to provide ample of oxygen to the body cells. As I indicated before, Chi Kung is about the practice of enhancing the respiratory system to sustain the health of the body. It was valid to say the purpose of Chi Kung was to provide a maximum of oxygen which the body allows to have. In summary, Jing is the essential unit of a human body. As long one can provide what it needs, then it will perform its function in according to how much was provided. Therefore, if a maximum provision of nourishment was provided, then the efficiency of its function will be at its peak. Another word, the Qi will be at its utmost to fine tune the body to perform its function with the most efficiency. Finally, the Shen will display the body conditions by manifesting the potency of the Jing and the ability to produce the amount of the Qi energy it had generated. However, if the Jing were no longer transmute into Qi, then the Shen will show the body in a fatigue status. For longevity, A Taoist wants to have the Shen to display the body is at its tip-top shape.
  25. I wish these statements didn't make by you. The part on the ATP short lived is valid but takes a very long time for regeneration is not. Furthermore, I was hoping someone else was going to make this correction instead of me. FYI... ATP are generated as fast as one can consume. e.g. Each time when the muscle contracts, it requires an action potential signal to activate the muscle nerves for contraction. This action potential is a biochemical energy, ATP. It is true that the ATP only last a few seconds. However, as soon the muscle contracts, the ATP will be generated almost instantly for its purpose. "also very long time for regeneration." If I evaluate the cardiac muscle based on this invalid statement, then the heart will not pump fast enough to deliver the oxygenated blood to the body cells throughout the body. Please keep in mind, ATP are required for cardiac muscle contraction, otherwise, it will cause a cardiac arrest if ATP were not present. If the heart do not pump fast enough due to the lack of ATP, as a result, hypoxia will occur in the body. Hypoxia is the worse condition for the body cells which will cause mutation to transform into cancerous cells or death.