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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Ref from dawei: It didn't say exactly, but doesn't it sound familiar...??? Glucose + O2 = H2O + CO2 + heat + energy(ATP) Isn't glucose was from the food we eat and oxygen from the air we breathe....????
  2. Ahh.... I thought that might catch someone's attention. BTW Whatever it says in Chinese or English about Jing, Qi and Shen still make no sense to me. I try to understand the internal alchemy by relating it to modern science. Here is the way I would like to understand it: The human body structure was formed by a basic unit. The Taoists called this unit Jing which the body cell in western science. Of course, the Taoist don't want to call it the body cell. Jing is something that we must keep it going to sustain the life of the body. In order to do so, one has to breath something in the air to keep the Jing alive and transform it into Qi. By the Taoist definition, Qi was formed by the food we eat and the air we breathe. That tells me, the glucose was from the food that we eat and the oxygen from the air that we breathe. The resultant product is the ATP energy which is analogous to the Taoist Qi. The Qi energy activates the human body to move. The motion of the body manifest the soul of the body. The soul reveals the spiritual livelihood of the body. The Taoist called the human soul as Shen. The Shen was only a manifestation of the motion of the body. After each motion, then the Shen was disappeared into thin air which is the Void as the Taoist called. And this cycle repeats itself by breathing the air and combined with the glucose to form Qi again. This the simplest way of my understanding that I can explain it in plain language. Again, the Chinese and English sayings about JIng, Qi and Shen are hard for me to grasp.
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 66 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I think we have gone over this once before. We should not mix the Confucius' virtue with the Virtue of Tao to avoid confusion. 1. Virtue of Tao: Those who follow the natural course of Nature was considered to have the virtue of Tao 2. Virtue of human: Those who follow the moral conducts of human was considered to have the virtue of morality. PS... I think Marblehead did agree with me that when we interpret the Tao Te Ching, we must exclude Confucian and all other philosophies. The Tao Te Ching is a piece of stand alone document. All its definitions are well defined in the TTC.
  4. Fu Jou

    Go check out the Fu Jou under steam's post
  5. How do you practice Buddhism?

    Wait til all the people find out what is Buddhism before they can practice it.
  6. Steve.... This is nothing new. All the sifus will assume that their styles are the best and superior just like what we are doing here.... :lol:
  7. You all are reading the same thing and believed. I have to give you all the credit how you all understand it from your source. I must say it was too broad from your point of view. Like I said before, you all are lumping every together, in the contrary, it seems I have a narrow mind. However, I am only repeating what my source says. At least, I can narrow it down with simple definitions and I can explain it with consistency and less confusion. Since our concepts are so different, shall we say I practice the Chinese Style and you all practice your own style. In the past, I had described the efficacy from my practice based on my own beliefs. So far, I have been hearing your theories and concepts, but I don't think I have heard how your practice effected your physical body or health. Would you please shed some light on that....???
  8. dawei... I see you have your own reliable sources. I have nothing to say nor can link me into your references. I have to stop right here due to there was no correlation in our notes. Peace.
  9. Good point Jing->Qi->Shen->Void is an internal alchemy process inside the body. Jing has to be nourished by the Chi(air) from breathing to react with the Jing to produce into Qi(energy). The Qi was manifested by Shen which is the soul of the body. The Shen reflects the spirit of the body. e.g. The feelings, the complexion, the lights shown in the eyes and the mood. The MCO recycles the internal alchemy process in each MCO orbit by sunken the breath deep to the lower Dan Tian. Thus if the MCO stops, then the internal alchemy process ceased also.
  10. Yes, I do get the impression that you understand it all. Jing --> Qi --> Shen --> Wu 精 --> 氣 --> 神 --> 無(none) BTW The actual characters: 精 --> 氣 --> 神 --> 虛(hollowness void) I see there was a misunderstanding here already. But, hey, using PinYin or phonetics will mislead the western public. Now, I really understand where the miscommunication, misunderstanding and misleading came from.
  11. You really did not say anything new or meaningful but personal feelings.
  12. I'm addressing the issue not the person. Can you give me some justifications how are Dao and Wuji involve with the rest...??? It just make no sense. Can you define WuJi..???
  13. I don't see how Dao and Wuji get involve with Jing, Qi and Shen. Somebody was really confused about these two terms. IMO This a very bad secondhand information and misleading.
  14. Here is how it was defined: Jing changes into Chi; Chi changes into Shen; Shen changes into Void. It was considered to be the internal alchemy. I did not find anything which says the process was vice versa. MCO only takes place when the breath sunk deep to the lower Dan Tian. Every time when this happens was considered to be one orbit cycle. Someone says it goes only one way; but then someone else says it can go both ways. IMO It really doesn't matter because the MCO was only imaginary. What was significant is actually the breathing which serves the purpose.
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 70 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I knew it was coming.......hehehe They have good English background perhaps. Edited to add: As far as proper translation as concern: 天下(tian xia): all the people under heaven; the people of China.
  16. [TTC Study] Chapter 70 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Yes, selfishness is always within our superegos. Hehehe...
  17. [TTC Study] Chapter 70 of the Tao Teh Ching

    It was interesting how the natives who can read the classic text with a no number translation. However, the non native speakers are assigning a number to line 3 in their thinking. 3. 天下莫能知, Native Translations... CD: 3. But, yet, the people don't understand them, John Wu: 3. The people have no knowledge of this. Non Native translations: English/Feng: 3. Yet no man under heaven knows them or practices them. Henricks: 3. Yet no one in the world can understand them, Marblehead: 3. Yet few in the world can understand them
  18. [TTC Study] Chapter 70 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 70 2. My words are very easy to be understood; 2. And very easy to be executed. 3. But, yet, the people don't understand them, 4. Nor able to execute them. 5. Words has an origin. 6. Matter has its root. 7. Because others don't understand these reasons, 8. Thus that's why they don't understand me. 9. Those who understand me are very seldom, 10. Therefore, it would be valuable if they can follow my principles. 11. However, only virtuous sages, 12. Wearing shoddy clothes are hidden with precious jade. Chapter 70 1. 吾言甚易知, 2. 甚易行。 3. 天下莫能知, 4. 莫能行。 5. 言有宗, 6. 事有君。 7. 夫唯無知, 8. 是以我不知。 9. 知我者希, 10.則我者貴。 11.是以聖人, 12.被褐懷玉。
  19. [TTC Study] Chapter 66 of the Tao Teh Ching

    FYI... 雲 besides "cloud" it could mean "it was said to be" in ancient text.
  20. How To Move and be Still?

    The guys are right. Tai ji is it but you must practice and practice to pass the beginner level until you are able to Fa Jin. At the Fa Jin level, you can hardly need to move or just a slight movement of one part of the body will send someone distance away.
  21. When you're sick...

    Yes, we should use proper terminologies.
  22. ......................
  23. You can do it with or without.
  24. Thank you very much...!!! :)