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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. [TTC Study] Chapter 67 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Yes, it seems to be the wrong English word to choose, but the thought behind the character is correct. Frugality or thrift means to save. Philosophically, it was saving or keeping the mercy. In a way, it was cultivating the principles of Tao.
  2. Mental Clarity and QIGONG

    BTW If one starting doing any movement with breathing exercise, it was considered to be performing Chi Kung already. One will be exercise the lungs more with abdominal breathing. Besides it was massaging the lungs, it was also massaging the other organs as well.
  3. Sensation of rotation during meditation.

    I do feel dizzy when I am standing up with my eyes closed; it seems to be that I had lost my sense of balance. Of course, I was brain tired due to lack of sleep at the time.
  4. [TTC Study] Chapter 67 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Here is my finally interpretation based on your definition. "Refined judgement" is to make a judgment by narrowing it down to a particular philosophy. Broadness is basically "don't judge" or make no judgment at all. If one doesn't have any judgement at all, then one is not cultivating.
  5. Sensation of rotation during meditation.

    Did you try to breathe deep into the Dan Tian to center yourself and stabilize your mind....???
  6. [TTC Study] Chapter 67 of the Tao Teh Ching

    10. And disregard cultivation to replace with broadness, Good thinking. Cultivation is narrowness which is opposite of broadness. Line 10 is a stand alone phrase. Thus there was no other phrase that dictates it to mean the opposite. Anyway, the character 廣(quang3) is a direct translation for broadness.
  7. Sealing the dantien!

    "Sealing the dan tien" is that a good terminology...??? 1. What do you mean by "shutting down" after intense chi experiences....??? 2. Why do you want the Chi to be locking up tight...??? Don't we want the Chi to flow freely, so, it won't be blocked. 3. Are you at the stage that you can transfer Chi to another person...???
  8. Haiku Chain

    Freshly watered plants, Green trees standing on the hills, Released ample Chi.
  9. Muscle info: You can select any video on about muscles as soon the above was opened.
  10. I thought lienshan and I were doing it which was translating exactly from chinese to English?
  11. [TTC Study] Chapter 67 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 67 - The Three Treasures 1. I have three treasures. 3. I'll hold on to and well keep it. 3. The first is mercy. 4. The second is cultivation. 5. The third is not dare to dwell before the people. 6. Mercy will able one to be bold. 7. Cultivation will able one to be broaden. 8. If one is not dare to dwell before the people, then one is able to lead all things. 9. Now, one who disregard mercy to replace with boldness, 10. And disregard cultivation to replace with broadness, 12. One who disregard to stay behind instead striving to lead in the front, 12. Therefore, one is going toward demise indeed! 13. If one uses mercy in a war, then one will win. 14. If one uses defensive strategy, then one will be stable. 15. Whoever Heaven is willing to help, 16. It will protect them with mercy. The Received version 第六十七章 三 寶. 1. 我 有 三 寶. 2. 持 而 保 之: 3. 一 曰 慈. 4. 二 曰 儉. 5. 三 曰 不 敢 為 天 下 先。 6. 慈 故 能 勇, 7. 儉 故 能 廣, 8. 不 敢 為 天 下 先 故 能 成 器 長。 9. 今 舍 慈 且 勇, 10. 舍 儉 且 廣, 11. 舍 後 且 先, 12. 死 矣 ! 13. 夫 慈 以 戰 則 勝 , 14. 以 守 則 固 。 15. 天 將 救 之 16. 以 慈 衛 之 。
  12. Breath Retention Is Really Good For You

    If your breathing is shallow, then you must learn to breathe slowly and have your breath go down inch by inch until it hit the abdomen. Don't force your breath to go down farther than it could. Stop at the same point each time for few days but try to push a little more at a time. After months of practice, your breath should have gone down more than day one of your practice. Please be patience until you can have your breath down to the abdomen as your normal breathing habit. BTW That's what Chi Kung is all about, to improve your breathing habit.
  13. Swallowing Saliva

    Have the tip of your tongue touching the palate. Your saliva will flow automatically.
  14. A Thought

    How about a dry rope....???
  15. Breath Retention Is Really Good For You

    What about rectangle breath...???
  16. has not set their status

  17. Breath Retention Is Really Good For You

    Does hyperventilation will ever occur in natural breathing....??? How can it be, the body only allows so much oxygen intake. The hyperventilation will occur, only, when oxygen were forced into the body by instrumental apparatus. No...???
  18. [TTC Study] Chapter 44 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Please don't start this gender thing again....!!! PS... There is a Father of Heaven, Mother Earth, and Son of Heaven; But no Daughter of Heaven. I guess China is one of those male dominant societies.
  19. [TTC Study] Chapter 44 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Son of Heaven
  20. What did you cure with qigong

    Yes to the two questions in bold. The result of better muscle tone was from Tai Ji practice.
  21. What did you cure with qigong

    OK. Here are my physiological changes. I breathe better with the breath sunk to the Dan Tian. I am much much stronger with better muscle tone. I can prolong my voice to sing loudly and projected farther away. I can resist colder weather conditions. In addition, I can jog for a long distance without loosing my breath. Finally, whether I like it or not, my libido was indescribably increased with a much greater appetite. PS... It actually cured my breathing problem.
  22. What did you cure with qigong

    We have some inputs from the past. Cure with Chi Kung
  23. [TTC Study] Chapter 66 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Are you encouraging for more belly laughs...???
  24. Haiku Chain

    Always to return, After one breathing cycle, To lower Dan Tian.
  25. Fu Jou

    Fu Jyeo 符咒 is like a curse cast a spell on someone.