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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Kung Fu

    Who did the worse damage.....???
  2. I guess you didn't understand what I was saying............ This is the way I understood it and discredited because it was not experience but from the books. You are implying that one cannot digest what he/her had read from reading. FYI...After all this time, what I was trying to say is: when one had done abdominal breathing and send Chi to the Dan Tian was said to be that the channel has been opened and he has completed one MCO-1 cycle already. Thus I had done many NAB in my practice in my life, understood...???
  3. Kung Fu

    Anyway, FYI this movie was made in the setting in Hollywood. There were no real Buddhist monks in the movie that I know of.
  4. Kali Yuga... Well said. What the hell do we know but just talk it out with our own experiences. Then let somebody else comes along to deny it....
  5. Kung Fu

    Did you see a Taoist priest or a Buddhist monk in the movie...???
  6. Thank you for your honest opinion. The people in this forum, some said breathing has nothing to do or may have something to do with Chi Kung; and some said something otherwise about abdominal breathing. There are no consistency here. Who do you suggest should be followed...??? At least, I have some consistency on my part. My story was always consistent and does not change each time when I tell it. Sorry to say, I always stuck with the same old story.
  7. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    Refer to deadman's manual - note 1. an internal branch of CV arises in the pelvic cavity and ascends along the spine, aside from the external line of CV most of us are familiar with. 2.Also, the second branch of the GV originates in the lower abdomen, winds aroudn the ext genitalia, ascends to the umbilicus, passes through the heart... I don't see the things in bold are shown in the diagram.
  8. Cool...... I want to say one more thing or so to conclude this thread. There was a question that somebody asked: How do we know that the channel of the MCO-1 was opened...??? The answer is when one can breathe the Chi deep down to the Dan Tian. If only breathe down to the Chest, then it was not. If an ordinary normal person can breathe the Chi down to the chest and was considered to be Chi Kung; or if people think that there aren't any difference between abdominal breathing and chest breathing, then they really don't know what Chi Kung is all about. PS.... Thank guys for given me the last opportunity to have my final say so....
  9. All depends who wants to listen and talk...
  10. You welcome...!!! Informer. MCO-1 was a lot simpler and easier to be discussed. I still have some unfinished business about MCO-1 but I was interrupted and I have an impression somebody already made up his mind that my understanding was invalid. So, I do not know that I should go further with it. I didn't leave out the MCO-2, I was just have not gone into it yet. It is more complicated than MCO-2. To be honest with you, I still have to do some investigation on it. So far, I know that MCO-2 involves with all the meridians in the body. I'm sorry, I have no idea about the eye of horus is = 63/64 or what it was.
  11. Steve... I thank you too. I'm not saying all these things here for nothing. Yes, an open mind is very important. Just keep in mind to consider that are other possible things out there to be evaluated. Of course, use your own intuition and judgment. Good luck to you and your practice too.
  12. Puzzling Question

    Static balance is full of potential energy and ready to be released. In Tai Ji philosophy, when one is standing still, it was like a mountain standing firmly. It was considered to be conserving energy ready to be released. When one moves, one moves as swift as the waves of the ocean. A motto for Tai Ji practitioners: 靜如山,動如海 Still like a mountain, move like an ocean.
  13. Steve.. Thank you. What you are telling me was the opposite in my native literature. Somehow, there was something got lost in the translation before it reached the west or somebody was miss guided. IMO self study is more open instead of just listen to an one side story. One can compare notes from one another, Otherwise, by listening to someone to repeat only what they had learned with no room for corrections. Like someone says here: "If you want to get to where the practice is leaing, it will require you to drop all logic.". So, I am very sorry to hear that someone learned all the Chi Kung or Nei Kung for the masters and still think breathing has nothing to do with it. I think the west still got a long way to go before learning the real stuff. JMO
  14. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    Hey, you have a tendency to go along with anything and it doesn't have to be logical neither.
  15. Non and -K-... Thank you both...!!! This is the kind of response I was expecting. It was relevant to the subject that was being discussed of this thread. I wish more people are participated in such manner. These two points are within my guideline. 1. Basically breathing in down the front and breathing out up the back. 2. AS for macrocosmic orbit.. I'm not sure what it is but I think I remember a TCM qigong professor telling the class that it's just like the Microcosmic orbit except it includes all 8 extraordinary vessels, or the 12 meridians.
  16. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    This was really threw me off. I had never seen anything like it. Here are the diagrams for the CV and GV meridians. I don't see anything as the way you have described. Ref link: CV & GV Meridians
  17. I learned from all reading materials and personal life experience. I had talked to some Chinese Chi Kung masters. They were repeating nothing was any different than some of the reading materials. It was better to find something on the internet that makes a little more sense. FYI I had been researching on the internal to find some commonalities in the wordings on different sites; and come to a simplest logical conclusion.
  18. Dawie.... You seem to acquired lots of knowledge. I do respect you for that, but somehow it seem to me that you are having problem to isolate them from one another. I know you were introduces a lot of TCM information. You are putting everything that you have learned and mixing them all together. IMO You are applying too much theory into your argument. Hence, I really don't have enough patience and time to sort out the irrelevant portion each time. Besides, you are putting too much personal feeling into your post. I'm sorry, it was not something that I would like to cope with in this respect.
  19. Ching Chi questions

    A. My justification for the system works for some but not the others was because of the following physical conditions. 1. Some people are born with a healthy body with physical fitness. 2. Some people are only semi-healthy. 3. Some people are born weak. Condition 1: At first, these people do not need to do any practice to become more healthier for the sexual experience. However, if they are performing the non-ejaculating sexual practice but ended up with multi orgasm with ejaculation, then their bodies will become weaken by the continuous practice. At the end, they still need to practice the MCO-1 to bring them back to their bodies to the initial healthy condition. Condition 2: These people are needed to do the initial MCO-1 practice to bring their bodies to the top health level as in condition 1. Condition 3: These people are definitely needed to do the MCO-1 initial practice to bring their bodies to the top health level as in condition 1. B. Mantak Chia tells us that after alot of practice, it becomes so easy that a simple thought does the thing. Simply closing the muscles will do the thing spontaneously; it needs no separation. It will be done internally. Indeed, if it was done with a little external help, like tightened the body muscles, it will enhance your performance to a further extent. C. Based on your description in the initial post, it seems to me that your health condition is falling in between the conditions 2 and 3. IMO, one should do the MCO-1 practice regardless what health condition one was in. The diligent practice will keep up with the energy that the body demands, ever after ejaculation(one or two times) still have enough energy left to mow a lawn...
  20. Yin Yang

    Please give me a little time. I am working on the MCO-1 now.
  21. Yin Yang

    I'll have to take it that you knew nothing about the Yin and the Yang. Period. No offense, the issue was being addressed but not you.
  22. Yin Yang

    Just answer the original question. OK....???
  23. Ching Chi questions

    I recall Shakespeare says: "Alcohol will provoke the desire but takes away the performance." The purpose not to be ejaculated was to do the oppose. It was to provoke desire and to prolong the performance. The longer one can retain the sperms for a longer period will maintain the highest desire to perform. Tighten the muscles like "anal lock" will help to achieve the highest climax of sexual performance. Chi Kung is a practice that can help the body to do internal contraction of all the muscles. In regarding to a Ching Chi, it was just an esoteric term used by the Taoists. IMO Was it really something that ever existed which will move up to the brain is questionable...??
  24. Yin Yang

    The fish eye means only the attribute for each of Yin or Yang. It simple means there are some female characteristics in the male; and there are some male characteristics in the female. By Nature, it is Yin and Yang based on the Tao Te Ching. By human behavior, it can be their own choice by not following the way of Nature. By human behavior, it was due the size of the fish eye. If the Yin characteristics in the Yang are more dominant, then the Yang tends to behave like the Yin. If the Yang characteristics in the Yin are more dominant, then the Yin tends to behave like the Yang.
  25. Real Taichi

    Why not...??? Are they not part of the package of Tai Ji Quan...??? Tai Ji Quan builds up one's physical strength and Yi(the human spirit). Do you have any doubt about that....???