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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Yin Yang

    We are in two different worlds and under the Yin/Yang concept differently. Please read the above post. We should be really have to deal with LaoTze's Yin/Yang concept which was the definition given from the Yi Jing.
  2. Yin Yang

    You see, 自然(Zi Ren) means "natural" and was well defined in the Tao Te Ching. Somehow, "natural" in the West was defined differently from the Tao Te Ching. I had encountered with many difficulties when I use the words "natural" or "Nature" on the internet. Let me explain how the Nature was defined in the Tao Te Ching. In the Tao Te Ching, LaoTze had used four separate entities to separate human from Nature. They are Tao, Heaven, Earth, and Human. Here is the way I understood it. Heaven and Earth were considered to be Nature. Human is not part of nature but human has to deal with Nature. That was why LaoTze says Human follows Earth; Earth follows Heaven; Heaven follows Tao; and Tao follow Zi Ren.
  3. Yin Yang

    Let's not get too personal. I am just repeating what the books said. There are some unwanted truths most of us would like to be ignored. So what, let it be. Edited to add: I'll not try to call it a game that someone was playing if I don't agree with an opposition. If I don't accept it, I will said so and state my reason or just ignore it. I wouldn't be too personal about it.
  4. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    I see the wordings are full of confusion. Let's not go into a lengthy discussion in this thread.
  5. Yin Yang

    1. The Yin-Yang applies to all aspects in the universal. "Huangdi Neijing chap 3 and chap 4. It explains that yin and yang are the foundations of life and that the human body as a microcosm has yin and yang aspects" were just one of the applications used in the human life. It was only a subordination of the Yin-Yang concept. 2. The point I was trying to make was the natural relationship between the human beings under the Yin-Yang concept should be a male and female. As a normal relationship spelled out in the concept, without the male it cannot reproduce; without the female it cannot bear. This is the first step of the fundamental concept. However, I had three responses skipped the first step but given me a secondary answer beyond the definition in the first step.
  6. Advice

    I thought I left it up to you.....
  7. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    Thank you...!!! How do you know when the Microcosmic Meditation was accomplished...???
  8. Yin Yang

    OK, you three... Please be more specific and give me some intelligent answers.
  9. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    People talks a lot about the MCO, does anybody know why it was performed and what it was trying to accomplish...???
  10. [TTC Study] Chapter 62 of the Tao Teh Ching

    We are really getting too remote now. The more we said, the more erroneous commonsense...
  11. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    Breathing in the Womb Babies do not actually breathe in the womb---at least, not in the usual sense. Fetal lungs are not fully functional, and are not even able to fully expand, until after birth. During the later stages of gestation, the fetus may "practice" breathing by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. The fetal lungs do not process the amniotic fluid, the way fully formed lungs process air, but experts believe this "breathing" is important to fetal lung development. The fetus gets all of its oxygen and nutrients through the placenta and umbilical cord---a process called fetal circulation. Ref link: Fetus Breathing in the womb
  12. Yin Yang

    Haven't I given a direct answer to the original question...???
  13. Real Taichi

    Here is the uniqueness of the Chen style, please notice that his body wiggles a little. You can tell by the movements of his shirt.
  14. Real Taichi

    This is called Fast Tai Ji at the intermediate level.
  15. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    People can write anything, I would consider what they are saying with caution and an open mind. IMO Anything on paper is not law you know. One must consider who said it and what has been said. How much truth can one get out of it...??? PS... I know I will get some backfire from my signature. Go ahead and fire away...
  16. Immortals (Xian Shi)

  17. Yin Yang

    Such as....???
  18. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    Yes, people can talk about it all day long. However, I never heard what kind of result they have accomplished. One must have a good foundation with the basic knowledge and held as a standard to compare and evaluate what others are saying. If everybody saying something differently and unsure about the same thing, something must had gone wrong. I am sensing lots of people just repeating what they were told and read without digesting the material; and start a conversation like an expert(including me..???).
  19. Ginseng. American or Asian?

    Here are the ranks of ginseng. 1. Korean(the best) 2. Chinese 3. American
  20. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    No, It doesn't say because it only flows one way. Actually, there are two meridians, the one in the center of the front of the body is called 任脈(Conception Vessel); and the one in the center of the back is called 督脈(Governor Vessel). The idea was try to have them connected or united together by doing the MCO procedure. I know the description of this procedure but I never really understand what they are saying. But listening to the people who practice it, it seems to me they didn't understand it neither. It was always a mystery to me.
  21. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    1. No, I'm not in a conversation with folks that do run their MCO. I don't know that many people practice it. I just check in with the Chi Kung site in Hong Kong from time to time. Sometimes, if I have a question, I do a google search on the net. 2. In Tai Ji Quan, RB was never mentioned in the practice. As I mention this before, RB is not a Taoist breathing method. Tai Ji Quan was developed by a Taoist. The Shaolin monks and Kung Fu artists were using this method a lot to protect their internal organs.
  22. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    I'm so glad that you didn't and I thank you very much for that....
  23. [TTC Study] Chapter 62 of the Tao Teh Ching

    A. Tao was to be protected by the unkind. B. Tao was to be kept by the unkind. Dawei... I guess I can't communicate with you. I guess I'm full of nonsense.
  24. Yin Yang

    The intimacy between two persons with the same sex....???
  25. [TTC Study] Chapter 62 of the Tao Teh Ching

    保護: protect 保存: safe keep Which translation is more logical for line 3...??? A. It was to be protected by the unkind. B. It was to be kept by the unkind. Does Tao need to be protected by anybody...??? No, "A" can be eliminated.