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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    According to my source, the MCO flows from the Dan Tian downward around the back; then upward around the head and return by going down in the front to Dan Tian again.
  2. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    Who and where did you learn all these from...??? I that case, I better have my people rewrite everything just for you....
  3. Taoist Meditations

    Your own body weight is against your ass in the sitting position. As I was saying, you can do it but not for long, maybe you can only do a half ass job....
  4. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    It seems to be contradicting to my native source because a Taoist would like to have the natural flow of Nature. To them, RAB is the opposite of the NAB which is against the course of Nature. Nei Gong is more involved with RAB for the "anal lock" practice.
  5. I loved Zhuangzi + Questions

  6. Immortals (Xian Shi)

    How much do you think that you know....???
  7. Real Taichi

    Yes, I know what you mean. I thought it was obvious to anybody about the Chen style. Anyway, the uniqueness about the Chen style was the practitioner had a little twist with the body after each hand movement. The little twist was like a duck wiggle its tail after a swim to let the hair dry. Watch it next time, it was very interesting. After all, I thought you are a fan of the Chen style because of this uniqueness.
  8. Immortals (Xian Shi)

    Well...!!! I would like to be as objective as I can be. Once the Taoists thought they want to be in good health for longevity and become a 真人(real person). A "real person" was an esoteric term for Taoists which means an immortal or getting close to be one. I guess no immortal had ever been existed. However, general speaking IMO, one may be considered that a person who have been living more than one hundred years old may be considered as an immortal.
  9. Reverse Abdominal Breathing

    The difference between the normal abdominal breathing(NAB) and reverse abdominal breathing(RAB) are the nuance of the Taoist and Buddhist styles. The RAB was very common for the Shaolin monks because they do lots of martial arts. If you had noticed when the Shaolin monks do the iron shirt, you will see they took a deep breath and tighten the abdomen muscles inward. That was the procedure to tighten the abdominal muscles to protect the internal organs, simultaneously, holding all the energy in all the muscles. For example, in weight lifting competitions, the performers always have a flat belt around the abdomen was for the same purpose in holding the energy so they can exert a maximum of body strength.
  10. Real Taichi

    That was nothing new about that. I was asking for the uniqueness of the Chen style compared to others...??? It is very noticeable if one watch the Chen style practitioner. Please try again and give me another answer....
  11. Meditation

    First, I would think of what do I want to be accomplished when I do meditation. For myself, it was to achieve pure awareness. To a Taoist, the health of the body is the major concern. I've always consider to perform Taoist meditation which involves with Chi Kung is a must. The first thing I do is to find a natural place with an abundance of fresh air. Sit in a zazen position, close my eyes and breathe slowly having the breath go up and down from nostril to my Dan Tian. I use my sense of smell feeling the air to detect any undesirable odor in the air. I use the sense of hearing to listen to the sounds around me. I try to distinguish every little sound from what direction it was coming from and how far away from me. Then, I jumped to the next sound. I can identify a crowd at my left or right; sometimes, I even can tell the bird was flying across my path by its calling sound. I can listen to multi-sounds and distinguish the kind of sound and from which direction they are coming from simultaneously. Those are the natural things that give me the pure awareness in my immediate natural environment. Indeed, when I take a walk around my neighborhood, I can sense the scent in the air knowing who is cooking what by the beefy and onion smell; who is doing their laundry by the bleach odor. I'll hold my breath as soon as I detected an odor of carbon monoxide when a car was passing by. You should be vigilant at all times and be aware what is around you; look straight ahead while walking. So, everything will be under your surveillance. Yes, I would say the purpose of meditation for me is pure awareness.
  12. Taoist Meditations

    Nobody can do anal lock at a sitting position, not for long anyway. I think you had experienced yourself. You can only do it while standing or laying down. Take it from me. This advice may not be a good one, but it was not a bad one neither.
  13. Did i discover easy way to meditate ?

    Bigbook... For a novice, one must learn the basic from the beginning level. No one can jump the gun. An infant has to learn to walk before he can run. You have too many distractions, try to meditate with your eyes close first. Learn to concentrate before thinking about something some else. If you try to find an easy way to meditate, then you are starting with the wrong foot. There is no easy way to anything.
  14. Did i discover easy way to meditate ?

    Bigbook... Did you have your eyes open or close when you meditate...??? @Informer... "Eyes open doesn't prevent meditation." hm....Is this apply to beginners too....???
  15. Real Taichi

    Okay... Since you are a Chen Tai Ji Quan Fan, can you tell us what is so unique about this particular style that is different from other Tai Ji styles....???
  16. I loved Zhuangzi + Questions

    Zhuan Tze is not a philosopher. Hm........I am not sold on that. Perhaps, we should consult with a different source.
  17. Real Taichi

    Every stump he made with his leg was a very power Fa Jin too.
  18. Internal Martial Arts Classics

    I think we all know what Tai Ji and Yin-Yang meant. Since we knew their meanings, we are just talking loosely with the terms but the actual thoughts are there to be understood. When I read all your posts, I do make mental conversion to understand what you all are saying. We all knew what they meant but just said it differently. Why not make the terms interchangeable for convenience...?? Let them be the esoteric terms in the Tai Ji society as long as we know what we're talking about...
  19. Thoughts, like blowing leaves

    Can we have a silence environment all the time....??? Sometimes, the matter was that we do expose to a noisy environment. That may be our concern at times.
  20. Thoughts, like blowing leaves

    Sometimes, noises will help to distinguish from one than other for a better filtration.
  21. Internal Martial Arts Classics

    Moved to a new thread: The Basic Concept of Tai Ji Quan
  22. Tai Chi Body Coordination Demo

    Stigweard... We have found the missing link...
  23. Question

    "i want to but it seems like i'm just being weak by doing that." What ever that means, the problem is in you. If you can get this weakness resolved, you got yourself a girl friend. A Taoist cultivator always will give someone a chance and another, then another....
  24. Tai Chi Body Coordination Demo

    Fajin theory or 发劲理论 states 蓄劲如开弓,发劲如放箭,其根在于脚,发于腿,主宰于腰,行于手指" 的行径。此外,还应敛气凝神、以呼气助发劲 Fa Jin is like pulling a bow. Fa Jin is like shooting an arrow. Its root is on the feet, release it from the legs, driven by the waist, executed from the fingers as a procedure. Outside of that, one must control the breathing and concentrate, and with exhalation in assisting to Fa Jin. Interpretation: Fa Jin is to control the muscles by contraction, release the Jin was to exert the strength in the muscles. Using the feet as foundation by releasing the Jin in the legs to stand firm on the ground. Using the hips to manipulate the movements of the body, the execution of Jin was done by the fingers. Other than that, one should control the breathing with concentration and exhale to assist the Jin to be released. PS... Thank you for not giving up on me. I am glad to share all these good stuff with you about Tai Ji. I like you, Stigweard.....