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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Internal Martial Arts Classics

    The Tai Chi Song from Jet Li's movie I am confidently don't see my arms are strong and powerful. I have, within my heart, all of peace and harmony. Facing adversity with docile acceptance. With emptiness sees fullness. With violence turns into risen harmony. If I'd driven to the corner, then there will be kismet. Motion versus stillness, division versus multiplication. Follow the fate by coming into this world; Getting out of this world is because of the wind. No feeling but having feeling. Follow the fate by the yielding instinct. Not competing, thus no winning. No feeling is having feeling. I felt that my lips are not saying a lyric or command. But I see that my hands are touching the affairs of this mortal life. Let's meet the Yang and unite with the Yin. Peace in the heart sensed the heavenly tranquility. Gentleness sensed the calmness of the wind. If I'd driven to the corner, then there will be kismet. 隨緣(太極張三豐電影主題曲) 自信手中不見強與勁 自有心中一片和與平 逆來順受  空虛見豐盛 狂暴化升平 無路處 自有天命 動對靜 除對乘 隨緣入世因風出世  無情亦有情 隨緣順性 不争不勝 無情是有情 但覺口中不說辭與令  但見手中拈過塵世情 滙陽合陰 心安覺天靜 柔弱覺風平 無路處 自有天命 動對靜 除對乘 隨緣入世因風出世  無情亦有情 隨緣順性 不争不勝 無情是有情 Edited to add: The Tai Chi Voice. It was deep but calm... It was potent but gentle... A real voice, from the diaphragm, resulted from Tai Chi practice.
  2. Demonstration of emitting qi

    By candle training, do you mean by blow out the candle with your fist....??? Did you know it was more difficult to blow it out with your palm....???
  3. Simpleffective Chi Kung Demo

    Yes, I know what you guys are saying. I do accept it as a must at the novice level. However, when the body was in a dynamic mode, the gestures of the body should be more tolerable. Anyway, the purpose was to exercise the body holistically. I would considered that the gesture to be a little less significant. I just move in according with my body as natural as it allows me to do. You might have noticed, when I moves, my whole body flow smoothly. I was not ashamed to be a little proud of that. PS... Sorry, for the BS.
  4. How to recognize Chi

    I let you guys fight it out....
  5. Simpleffective Chi Kung Demo

    Steve, thank you for your valuable unbiased comments. I must commence you on your knowledge of the fundamental principles of Tai Ji. You have the revealed the hidden Yin-Yang concept in your comments. You must have a good teacher and absorbed the concept well. Yes, what you said about the no distinguishing full from empty is very true for a novice. For Tai Ji beginners, the practiced in slow movements, therefore, one can go from Yin to the extreme Yang. Another word, extreme Yang mean one has to go from low to high e.g. from low position to high position. At low level of practice, the hand has to go to the peak almost stopped before returned to the low position. In the intermediate level, it was more dynamic, the movements do not have to go to the extreme before returning to the opposite direction. This may be considered to be the Yin is within Yang and Yang is within Yin. In the novice level, Yin is to Yang and Yang is to Yin. Same thing with the foot work. As you had mentioned "your step out with the left foot was heavy". At higher level of practice you want the foot to be heavy to have a good foundation on the ground as analogous to tree with the root solid to the ground. BTW That was kind of response I was expecting to be coming from the Tai Ji practitioners. PS... You may find some minor technical errors in the video because it was my first video. However, basically, the concept was there.
  6. Simpleffective Chi Kung Demo

    Thank you both. Actually, it was causing the ribcage to lock up the lungs. The reason I said was because I had mentioned above. I had met one person raising his hands just a little above the shoulder his breathing stopped instantly. I figured that was the lungs were compress due to the ribcage moved inward with the hands in that position.
  7. Simpleffective Chi Kung Demo

    Yes, the normal height for Tai Ji is at shoulder height. The reason I raise the hands straight up was to test the breathing level because I had met one person that cannot breathe with the hands in that position.
  8. Internal Martial Arts Classics

    Yes, I would love to contribute the unwanted truth, here, about how the Yin-Yang concept was applied in Tai Ji Zhuan. Perhaps, that was never introduced or mentioned before to the west.
  9. How to recognize Chi

    People always talk about Chi is the "vital energy" and never mention about "oxygen". 1. Do you think both have equal weights in term of "vital energy" for human life...??? 2. Which one you think that was more important or which one can we live without...???
  10. How to recognize Chi

    1. You talking about qi externally. 2. I'm talking about qi internally. Two different things.
  11. Mind Watching

    1. There is a problem here. When in doubt, then don't do it. 2. Just concentrate on your breathing when you meditate; that will help you to let the thoughts pass. 3. That is the thing that you don't want to do to decrease your awareness. 4. It is the technique of not to be watching any thoughts to prevent the stream from developing in the first place. Taoist meditation is to have a blank mind, no thoughts.
  12. Taoist Meditations

    You welcome...!!! oops....Sorry, let me rephrase. 2. By the "beginning level" of meditation, does not mean that you are starting from day one. It simply means that you have been practicing for awhile and almost ready to go to the next level. The next level means that you had made some progress improving your physical being since your practice from day one. I think you had answered your own question by stating that it was not practical to use anal lock at sitting meditation.
  13. Friendship

    I disagree and you are wrong or mistaken. Everyone is a friend to a Taoist Cultivator.....
  14. Taoist Meditations

    1. Anal lock is to tighten and squeeze your muscles of the buttock for enhancing the performance of a few body activities in a certain position. It was advisable to perform anal lock at the higher level, the stage when you have full control of your breathing and muscles. A good example for the anal lock is when you are on top of your sexual partner before or ready to ejaculate.... edited to add: Have you tried to do anal lock while sitting down...??? Is possible and practical...??? 2. By the "beginning level" of meditation, does not mean that you are starting from day one. It simply means that you are at the next level. The next level means that you had made some progress improving your physical being since your practice from day one.
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 60 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Too bad these two words still have to come out from your mouth, even though you don't believe them, just like LaoTze does... Happy Halloween....
  16. How to recognize Chi

    Most people do not have a definition of Chi. It was all speculations. It was like that throughout the centuries in China. I had been hearing the same old stories over and over. Now-a-days, the Chinese have come up with some good descriptions. Somehow, it was not transposed into the West but the same old stories again. What I had read between the Chinese and English was 180 degree out of phase. Too bad you don't read Chinese, otherwise, you will know what I meant. If Chi is, the vital energy, the almighty, can we survive without oxygen but just live with Chi alone...???
  17. ancestral qi

    1. An illness is an abnormality was introduced to the body system by Nature. Nature also provide a self healing system which incorporated in the human body. According to the claims by the experimental results of the Chi Kung practitioners, yes, curable illness can be cured by Chi Kung. To my understanding, Chi Kung will enhance the immune system to speed up the healing process. 2. In the Taoist system, they claimed that during the practice of Chi Kung by focusing more on the infected area will heal quicker. The more serious of the illness the longer of the practice will take to complete the healing process. 3. In regarding to the ability to make changes to DNA, I think modern science has a better understanding and explanation. IMO You can make a research on your own.
  18. How to recognize Chi

    Both If qi is driving the blood flow, do we still need the heart to pump the blood then...???
  19. How to recognize Chi

    Did you know ATP is in a form of bio-electric energy....??? Yes, Science is freakin' complicated. One is not able to grasp it in few minutes. Then, how did you come to a conclusion that is not true....??? I'll expect you to come back to be more knowledgeable and discuss the subject. Thank you very much.
  20. How to recognize Chi

    OTP... Blood qi How do you look into this term. Based on your understanding, is "blood qi" one single term or it is two separate terms as blood and qi...??? Is gi is flowing in the blood...??? or Is the qi driving the blood flow..?
  21. How to recognize Chi

    From my past experience, I believe I have to change my tone of speech by using the terminology that the audience will be acceptable. The way we recognize Chi was by the way of the physical changes in the body. During Chi Kung practice, the body was going through a cleansing and self healing period. Chi was flowing through the body to found toxic substances to be detoxified; regenerate missing numbers of cells; repair any damaged body tissues and to rid of body waste. Some people have some Chi sensation and some don't. The sensation only can be felt, only, and only if there are repairs need to be done to the body. In the event of repair, there are some sensations may be felt in different parts of the body. Those repaired areas are going a biological change to return to the normal condition. The Chi sensations were the feelings of the transition of the healing process rather than the Chi itself. The true recognition of Chi was the good refreshing and healthy feelings immediate after the practice. In general, the practitioner is a better person at all times.
  22. ancestral qi

    It was just like Steve says. Ancestoral Qi, many of these factors, contribute to who and what we are, what we do, how we live and die, and so on. It was the genetic characteristics we inherited from our ancestors. Ancestoral Qi is not the kind of qi that can be cultivated. There was nothing that can do anything about it because it was all in the DNA.
  23. [TTC Study] Chapter 60 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Did you mean...??? We danes have no problems with 德(Te) to confuse your own self without having a thorough understanding of its meaning from the original source.
  24. Taoist Meditations

    H.E. Please define what is the Taoist Meditation in you own words. Please!
  25. Taoist Meditations

    FYI... The anal lock was not to be performed in the sitting position and not at the beginner level anyway.