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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Meditation

    The goal and purpose of Meditation is to have the mind reaching an empty or vacuous state. The purpose of the practice is to help the mind to see and hear nothing in an disturbing and busy environment. The ultimate goal is to train the mind to be calm and poised in any adversity. Another word, you are calm as a standing mountain even someone curse at you or slap you on the face. However, that was considered to be the ultimate state of meditation. Can it be done...??? Any true Taoists out there....???
  2. Daoist Nei Gong: The Philosophical Art of Change

    One who practice martial arts or Kung Fu, must understand the difference between Chi Kung and Nei Kung by all means. I recalled somebody said in this forum, go the original source instead of the branches, to get to the truth of the matter. Here are the basic meanings of the terms: 1. Chi Kung is a TCM term which using a breathing method to enhance and sustain life. 2. Nei Kung is a term used by martial artist which is the development of inner strength for combat. Some people are born with the inner strength and strong. Some are not or weak, then they have to learn to improve the physical handicap by practicing Nei Kung. One who practice Chi Kung will help to improve their Nei Kung tremendously. Tai Ji is a good combination of Chi Kung and Nei Kung practice. It is because the improvements of breathing and muscle strength are involved. This quote was just a mythical imaginary thought of some ancient Taoists. It was really serves no purpose. If you like to believe it is fine but don't go too deep into it. Remember, you are only after to have good body strength which is the physical thing beyond any imagination.
  3. I fell into the supplemental calcium trap

    The following nuts are natural food with abundant of magnesium. 1. Almond 2. Cashew 3. Pecan 4. Brazil Nut 5. Macadamia
  4. Ref: 氣功(炁功) vs Chi Kung Chi Kung are to go through the adjustment of breathing, the adjustment of the body activity and the intend of the mind(breathing, physical, mind) as the fundamental for cultivation. The goal is to enhance the health of the body, mental health, immune system, brings out the ultimate potential of the human body. There are many types of Chi Kung, primarily, it can be differentiated with Dynamic and Static Chi Kung. The Dynamic Chi Kung is mainly involved with body movements, especially, emphasized on the body exercise with the combination of Yi(mind) and Chi(breathing). The Static Chi Kung is not involving with any body movement; only emphasizing on the Yi(mind) and self regulating and control of the breathing(Chi). Many methods of Chi Kung are involved in between both dynamically and statically. Religiously, Taoist practice 導引, nei dan alchemical Chi King. Buddhism practice Zen and zazen which involves Chi Kung. Please notice that there is no mention of Chi as "energy", here, in the Chinese literature.
  5. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    I'm sure that had left a big hole opened and made myself vulnerable. Actually, I was trying to say that the 108 form Tai Chi was too long to practice and require lots of space and time as I had indicated in the previous post. I did practice twice daily. Indeed, I did get the most health benefits out of it. It improved my breathing problem. My muscles had developed the Jin as a Tai Ji practitioner should have after many years of practice. However, In November around Thanksgiving Day, that's was when I'm wearing some summer clothes, it get cold in the evening. When I was away from home until late, that was the worse time for me, occasionally I catch a cold from the adverse weather. Tai Ji requires time and space, thus one day I was starting thinking about Chi Kung. Then I did a research, based on my observations, I had noticed that in all Chi Kung methods are doing slow movements with breathing. I realized that Tai Ji is doing the same thing but with organized sequential movements for the arms and legs. If that is the case, why don't I try some of the movements while standing and still have the Yin-Yang concept applied to my practice. So, this Tai Ji Yin-Yang method was so simple and I can practice anywhere and anytime for the last eight years. Since it was simple and easy. I can practice it whenever I am free and standing doing nothing. This is my own understand that I don't get sick anymore was based on the theory about the "abdominal breathing" method which allows the respiratory system to inhale more oxygen into the body. Due the continuous practice, I felt that my muscles are a lot stronger, I breathe smoother with more air circulating in my respiratory system. My blood pressure are consistently stable within the normal low range. I can jog a long distance without loosing my breath because I was constantly regulating my breathing while I was in constant motion. The best part of all, every move I made with the arms and legs was in coordination with every breath I took. It seems to me that my body was, fully, in mental control. At times, my holistic feeling was great and energetic. It was just magnificent. Edited to add: @robmix... I thank you for your moral support......
  6. How to recognize Chi

    1. If I find any that really makes sense, I'll cite them. 2. You make your own judgment. 3. I am still waiting for your lectures with consistency. 4. One good one is enough(see post above). 5. If they are any different, than I'll go. If they are repeating the same thing as you are, then I don't need to go and hear from you. 6. I practiced a lot in the US. 7. If I understood the same way as they did, then I probably wouldn't be trolling on the internet.
  7. How to recognize Chi

    Is this saying a lot....???
  8. How to recognize Chi

    This the kind of experience that all Chi Kung practitioner should have, at some point in time, if they did it properly. You must have done something right. May I hear your personal experience about this e.g. like the sequence during your Chi Kung practice. What style is optional; I'm mainly interest in the procedural practicing experience in you own words. Thank you very much.
  9. How to recognize Chi

    Question 4 seems to be my main interest right now. This is a very good book: A Complete Guide to Chi-Gung Written by: Daniel Reid ISBN 1-57062-337-6 ISBN 1-57062-543-3(pbk) Published by: 2000 Shambhala Publication, Inc. Printed in USA Website for the book: Chi-Gung This book was written by a British. His Taiwanese wife helped to translate all the Chinese technical terms into English. He used some western terms in parallel with the explanation of Chu Kung. Since it was a book written with a mixture of cultural ideas, it was very interesting and easy to comprehend. I thought some of you might be interested in reading it. I saw his book in a Chinese book store and had a few glance at it. Guess what? He was talking about the same thing what I had in mind.
  10. How to recognize Chi

    1. If our definitions are not the same, then we are talking apples and oranges. 2. Kundalini, is an Indian Term in yoga...??? Sorry, I am not familiar with it. Besides, It's not my intent to go into too many practices to avoid conflicts and confusions. 3. Good for you, but I'm out of this one. 4. I don't even have a vague idea of what you are talking about. Now, that's really slipped my mind...
  11. How to recognize Chi

    I'll retract my statement in his case. It was the poor judgment on my part based on my own definition of Chi Kung. His definition was different from mine. Fortunately, I am in resonance with you.....
  12. How to recognize Chi

    Most people thought the Chi Sensation was the feeling of Chi itself but it was not. Actually, during the practicing period of Chi Kung, the body was going thought a healing process. Chi will find all the weak spots and busy doing repairs to the damaged cells. During the healing process, one will get some funny feelings like tingling, electric shocks, numbness or itchy feelings. After the heeling was completed, those feeling are gone and cannot be reproduced again.
  13. Four breath cycle per minute(4bc/min) was recommend in Chi Kung which it turns out to be one cycle every 15 seconds.
  14. How do we lose our desire?

    One may have as many desires as one wants, but treated as one may still go on living with or without them. With friends, you are oneself; without them, you are still oneself. Why not just be your own self...???
  15. sitting, standing, moving

    Welcome...aac My initial intention to practice the Yang Style, 108 form was mainly for health reason too. If you wish to talk about it. Please PM me. Thanks.
  16. How do long and slow breaths affect your physical and mental makeup...??? The long and slow breaths will be addressed as "abdominal breathing(AB)", hereinafter. The human body needs oxygen, the slower and longer one breathes will allow more time to absorb more oxygen for the body cells to generate the body energy. It was simple as that. One will have chronic diseases and other health problems due to hypoxia, lack of oxygen. If there was a deficient of oxygen in the body, all the body cells will be fighting for oxygen. The first organ to use the oxygen are the lungs. The lungs will not breathe properly due the insufficient of oxygen. The next organ to use oxygen is the heart. The heart will not pump the oxygenated blood, properly, to provide to the rest of the body cells. As a result, all the body cells are suffocated and start fighting for oxygen among each other. However, some win and some loose. The ones are lack of oxygen will deteriorate or become malignant cells. Eventually, the body cells will die due to hypoxia. Over all speaking, the body will not function properly without a good supply of oxygen. The oxygen were needed for the body to produce the energy to carry out all the biological functions of the human body. One will see and notice that the health of the body start to be changing from the worse to the best if a sufficient supply of oxygen was provided to all the body cells. Fortunately, we have Chi Kung, comes into the picture, for the rescue. A person with health problems and breathe regularly was only providing enough oxygen to sustain his life. Once a person start practicing Chi Kung, more oxygen will be provided to the body. Hence, the body cells will start to function like they normally should. They will begin to repair bad body tissues by mitosis to replace old cells and generate new blood cells; and have ample of oxygen left over to generate the energy as the body needs, instantly, for external tasks. Finally, the body cells do not have to fight for oxygen among themselves anymore. TBC for summary.... Need a break.
  17. This is a very intelligent question. This is the golden key to open the of mystery of Chi Kung. One must understand the importance of breathing, in order, to be more meaningful in practicing Chi kung. Most people are mistakenly thought that Chi Kung was the cultivation of energy; but it was not. Actually, it was the cultivation of breathing. Before anyone gets up tight, please be patience and follow my brief explanation. If one is very observant, one will notice that a Chi Kung practitioner is moving the arms and legs slowing, simultaneously, taken long and slow breaths. As a matter of fact, if this kind of breathing wasn't done, then one is not practicing Chi Kung. The long and slow breathing was considered to be deep breathing. In ancient term was called "Sunk the breath to the lower dan tian"; and the modern term is called "abdominal breathing". There was a big reason behind deep breathing or abdominal breathing(AB). Why it was called abdominal breathing...??? It was because when someone breathes deeply, spontaneously, the abdomen expands which causing the diaphragm to be flattened. That will allow more room for the lung to increase its volume for air intake. The human body function requires oxygen. Therefore, the most desirable thing to do is to provide a maximum amount of oxygen, possible, to the human body as it allows. Indeed, there is a most desirable breathing method is called Chi Kung. Chi Kung is the ultimate method for breathing because its primary requirement was "abdominal breathing". The most people may not accept this unwanted truth because they are solely used to the term Chi as "energy" and neglecting the initial meaning of Chi was "breath" or "breathing". Now, finally, we have someone curiously enough to ask a legitimate and proper question about breathing. IMO, I think most people had heard enough of it with a spiritual answer. How about looking at it physically and biologically this time.
  18. Desire

    A Taoist Thought: If you desire to have more friends and a girlfriend. You start looking for now. If you find some friends and a her, then it's OK. If not, it's OK too. Put trust in your fate. Let Nature take its course known as Wu Wei.
  19. White Crane Images Translation

    The top diagram: 精: Jing 氣: Chi 神: Shen Figure 2: Performing the movements of the Wushu exercise: Jing, Chi, Shen The top picture: The characters in each dialog box are technical terms which are so esoteric and not so easy to understand or make any sense. The left dialog box of the top picture: Top line: 提腸轉肚(lift up the guts and turn the stomach.) Bottom: 尾閭上提(Lift up the buttock) The lower picture: The bottom dialog box at the lower right: 氣沉丹田: Lower the breath(Chi) to the dan tian.
  20. Can some Translate this into English for me?

    From the right, vertical down: 白馬懸蹄.....(White crane movement no. 14) The white horse lifting its hoof. 1. 此勢取踢放過門: This posture is like kicking a door and step in. 2. If you are not familiar with it, do not use it. 3. Lift up the foot about 30%.
  21. tulku... 1. May I ask why did you come up with this question...??? 2. What triggered you to ask such a question...???
  22. Do religious Taoists pray?

    :D They do it with a ba gua robe and a wooden sword in the right hand and a bell in the left. I don't think you are wearing the similar robe....
  23. How to recognize Chi

    Anyway, it's debatable. Regardless of whatever it was, it is considered to be the "Chi sensation" resulted from the practice. Edited to add: Let me clarify what was meant by the "Chi Sensation". The Chi Sensation was that any strange feeling resulted from the practice of Chi Kung rather than the sensation of Chi itself.
  24. Is anything really objective?

    LaoTse was initially subjective, only once, for being became "Wu Wei". After that, then he was very objective hereinafter.
  25. Do religious Taoists pray?

    Hi, the Chinese Taoist religion do not pray like a western sense. However, they do rituals by waking in circle ask the Taoist deities for gifts and special favors. They do witch crafts by sticking pins on a doll with the birthday of someone, who was being under the spell, on it.