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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. curing ME

    I had been investigating on the ATP for the last few years. This was all related to Chi Kung. Unfortunately, nobody cares about what I am saying. Here is one of my posted in the forum, indicating people do not get sick because of they have been practicing Chi Kung. What Chi Kung does is to enhance the immune system. As a matter of fact, the immune system has a variety of white blood cells. If we can maintain the maximum number of these white cells that the body allows, then it will fight off all kind of chronic diseases. Chi Kung can cure ME but it will require a very lengthy practice daily, almost like a full time job.
  2. [TTC Study] Chapter 59 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I know you did trigger the A-bomb.....
  3. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    Ahh.. Nice to hear from you with more intelligent questions.... First of all, knowing its origin source is better to be confused with the offshoots. One who understands the basic fundamental concept will appreciate it more and practice more diligently with better results.
  4. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    The practice of Qigong has three requirements. No.1, regulating your breathing No.2, controlling your mind No.3, regulate your body It says "three requirements" NOT "three results"
  5. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    LaoTze says: One who doesn't understand tao laughs. One who only understand tao a little is with doubt. One who understands tao practice diligently.
  6. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    Ref link: Sholin Qigong
  7. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    The Chi starts as "Breath" then turns into "Energy".
  8. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    Very Wise....!!! You are a gentleman and a scholar.
  9. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    1. That is something you have to find out youself. If you do a google search, you can read it all over the internet. 2. That all depends how far is the level of understanding that each individual wants to attain. 3. Google Muscle and "ATP" online. Edited to add: I did not see your Chi Kung experience posted here yet: Input your CK experience Edited to add again: 1. Who decided that "qi" was not in the western science theory...??? And how do you justified that...??? 2. ATP is not real energy.....???????????
  10. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    There is a nuance between the two in application. 1. 緣 is like two people are meant to be met by fate. 2. 命 is like for a fixed event that will happen. e.g. Someone will die when crossing a street and hit by a car.
  11. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    火喉 is an expression to indicate that how good the practitioner is based on how long and experience of the practice. Edited: Ok, I'm sorry, here is the term really connected to the "Fire". Actually, the term was derived from cooking. It describes the cooking level of the food depends on how long it has been cooked. Hence, the term was used to describe or to determine the experience of the chef. It, also, describes the quality of the dish was being prepared such as the color, arrangement and flavor. Now-a-days, it was also used to describe other things too as I had it in the first place....
  12. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    火喉 is an expression to indicate that how good the practitioner is based on how long and experience of the practice.
  13. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    Let's start with a deep oxygenated breath and an open mind. There are lots of ideas that we can be reading about but some are only superficial. Sometimes, we need to absorb the good information and filter the unwanted. However, if there was a missing link, then it needs to be found elsewhere. Let's look at Tai Ji for instance, it improved my breathing problem just by the continuous practice. It also gives me good muscle tone and transform some of the muscles to a fast twitch type of muscles. What are the reasons behind all this. However, a good Tai Ji instructor will not and cannot tell me all the good reasons. Since the key factors here are about the physical change of the body by the slow moments and breathing, I need to go to a good reliable source for a scientific explanation about what is taken place in my body while performing the Tai Ji exercise. Mainly, I want to come to a conclusion that why breathing is a must in Chi Kung. To find a good answer, I must use western science for a good source of information. If we want to talk about energy, then this is the right place for it. Let's start with the requirement of the muscle contraction. The muscle contraction requires a biochemical energy called adenosine triphosphate, ATP. The ATP are generated by the mitochondria in the muscles. The ATP requires lots of oxygen to be combined with the glucose in order to be generated. The movements in Tai Ji are always having the the arms and legs bent which causing all the muscles to be contracted slightly. Each time when the muscles contract, the mitochondria in the muscles generate the ATP energy for the contraction. The ATP will be collapsed as soon the muscle are relaxed. Therefore, new ATP will be needed for the next contraction. In order to generate the ATP continuously, a constant source of oxygen must be provided. Guess where the source of oxygen came from. You guessed, it was from breathing. However, in our regular breathing will not be enough but we want to provide a maximum amount of oxygen possible to the body. Hence, that is where the "abdominal breathing" comes into the picture. What the "abdominal breath" does was to have the abdomen fully expanded to flatten the diaphragm allowing the lung to increase its volume to hold a maximum amount of air possible. The Tia Ji breathes slowly was to allow ample of time for the red blood cells to collect the oxygen and delivered to the muscle cells to generate the ATP for contraction. In conclusion, Tai Ji was considered to be a form of Chi Kung was by the Chinese definition of Chi Kung which requires "abdominal breathing".
  14. [TTC Study] Chapter 43 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Extreme prejudice...??? No, it is not if one interpret it correctly. Proper translation: 1. 天下之至柔, 1. The softest in the world, 2. 馳騁天下之至堅. 2. subdues the hardest in the world.
  15. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    FYI... My conclusion of this thread did not come the Chinese literature. As I say before, I did not believe any of it. It is because the Chinese only say what it is and it works; all the given reasons for the "WHY" do not make any sense. For being an engineer, I have tell myself there got to be a scientific explanation for Chi Kung. Then, I read and read and just cannot come to a conclusion from the Chinese materials. I told myself, I have to look else where like into the western science world. They are full of scientific information that might help me to draw to some kind of conclusion. First, I do was to observe what is so peculiar about Chi Kung. If I watch any demonstration of Chi Kung, I saw the practitioner always move the arms, legs and breath slowly. Have you ever wonder how come only the Chi Kung practitioners are so healthy as oppose to normal people...??? The normal people do breathe and move but why some of them are not so healthy...??? I gave that a deep thought that must be a reason for moving slow and breathe deeply. Since performing Chi Kung is improving our health, it must be something has to do with physiology. So, I studied physiology on my own and experimented with slow body movements and do abdominal breathings. I practiced Tai Ji for many years, I figured that since by moving the muscles and deep breathing slowly. I thought to myself why don't I not do the Tai Ji movements but just do some simple movements by standing in a 4' by 4' area. All the movements include moving the arms, legs, wrist, waist, and head. Since I already knew how to do abdominal breathing from Tai Ji, I can do that with no problem. I do this exercise, whenever I am standing free, like watching TV, in the back yard for the last eight years. I have found that my health improved more drastically and my body is much stronger as compared to doing Tai Ji. It was because Tai Ji requires lots of space and time which I cannot practice it as often; but now I can practice more with this simple movements.
  16. It would be interesting to know how do you know that Chi Kung had improved your physical health. Your style of Chi Kung is optional. Please answer the following questions. 1. How long have you been practicing...??? 2. How often do you practice...??? 3. How did your health improved......??? 4. Is there any abdominal breathing involved...??? Thanks.
  17. How did Chi Kung Improve Your Health...?

    After 20+ years and 1 to 3 hours a day and your health is still improving...??? Can you talk about that little more....??? Please...!!! Is there any particular illness that you might have....???
  18. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    It seems to me that most of the people would like to leave everything as is. Is there anybody would like to discussion Chi Kung scientifically to investigate why it is giving us a healthy body.....???? PS.... I know, I'm a pain in the "S"....
  19. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    If you want to know more about Chi...Link: Chi
  20. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    mjjbecker... Yes, all the things you had learned do compare. I am hearing them all my life almost. Most of the Chinese were told that way too because that was how the Chi Kung masters were taught. I just don't buy this idea just like you don't buy mine. However, there is another side of it that you will never be told. I am here just to mention it to put in my two cents worth; but you have to compare it yourself and make your own judgment. May be it would be something that you might want to consider or just put it behind your head.
  21. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    A word about "breathing", it is an esoteric term for all Chi Kung practitioners. The term "breathing" was understood as "abdominal breathing" to a Chi Kung practitioner. The abdominal breathing method is the ultimate goal of Chi Kung. If one talks about Chi Kung without knowing what "abdominal breathing" was, one just get ignored.
  22. [TTC Study] Chapter 55 of the Tao Teh Ching

    1. That was not an official definition. It was only used by the feng shui people. 2. The scorpions has no specific meaning besides it was used to express someone as evil as a poisonous scorpion. FYI The Chinese eat any living thing with the back toward heaven.....
  23. The Chinese Difinition of Chi Kung

    Let me try to explain briefly why Chi Kung is the practice in breathing. First, let's see how the Chinese express breathing. They say it in two characters, 呼吸(hu1 xi1). 呼(hu1): Exhale 吸(xi1): Inhale 氣(chi): Air 呼氣(hu1): Exhale air 吸氣(xi1): Inhale air Hence 呼吸(hu1 xi1) is exhale and inhale. When the ancient Chinese practice 呼吸(hu1 xi1) deeply and slowly and discovered they had developed a tremendous of body strength or energy. Since they don't have any scientific knowledge to explain to them how was all these energy were developed inside their bodies, so, they came up with all kinds of tales. In the ancient times, the Chinese only knew they were existed between Heaven and Earth. So they considered themselves as Heaven-Human-Earth are united as one unity. So, the source of air(chi) they breathe has to come from Heaven and Earth. The source of air from Heaven was called the Chi of Heaven(天氣, tian1 chi); and from Earth was called Chi of Earth(地氣, di4 chi). They thought after breathing the (天氣, tian1 chi) and Earth(地氣, di4 chi) inside their bodies, these two chi's become a 和氣(harmonious chi). The 和氣(harmonious chi) then is circulating inside the body to give them a tremendous body energy. This 氣(Chi) idea was in the mind of the Chinese for a long time and still is. At first, the ancient practice 呼吸(hu1 xi1), exhale and inhale. When they inhale with the abdomen fully expanded was called 納(na4) and exhale with the abdomen tucked in was called 吐(tu3). Hence, the practice of exhale/inhale was called 吐納(tu3 na4). Some place along the line, 吐納(tu3 na4) ended up by calling it 氣功(Chi Kung). The idea is still known as exhaling and inhaling air. Originally, Chi is air; but the term 氣(Chi) was translated as "energy" into English. Now-a-days, the Chinese tend to call it energy too. However, the non-English speaking Chi Kung masters still referred as air. At the present, the term Chi in the west is "energy" and in the mind of the Chinese is either air or energy. For the most convenience, it was easier for the westerner to be accepted as energy because Chi does generate lots of body energy. Finally, let's not forget that the energy was obtained from breathing the air in space plus the food we ate, shall we give a little credit to "breathing" when we practice Chi Kung. After all, that was where the Chi came from, AIR....
  24. [TTC Study] Chapter 55 of the Tao Teh Ching

    赤子(red son or child): Actually, it means a new born male child.
  25. How did Chi Kung Improve Your Health...?

    Inhale for 1 minute is easy, but to exhale 1 minute is not. How long can you do it.....???