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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. How did Chi Kung Improve Your Health...?

    That was the hidden message in the correlation.
  2. LaoZi's "De"

    FYI... In classic Chinese, there is no need to mention another noun or pronoun elsewhere because it was understood. In Classic text, there was no real grammar or sentence structure. It was so free which is beyond your imagination. The only thing you need is a logical mind. Yes, One didn't realize that he was leading a blind, then he must be blinded.
  3. How did Chi Kung Improve Your Health...?

    Yes, we "don't get sick". It seems that this is the common factor. What do you all think why this is happening and took place in our physical bodies...???
  4. [TTC Study] Chapter 56 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 56 1. One who is wise will not speak. 2. One who will speak is not wise. 3. By not displaying one's sharpness, 4. Clearing one's vexation, 5. Minify one's arrogance, 6. Blending with the world, 7. It was said to be the subtlety of harmony. 8. Therefore, 9. There is no intimacy, 10. There is no separation, 11. There is no benefit, 12. There is no detriment, 13. There is no nobility, 14. There is no poverty, 15. Then, it's the most precious in the world. 第五十六章 1.知者不言。 2.言者不知。 3. 挫其銳, 4. 解其紛, 5. 和其光, 6.同其塵, 7.是謂玄同。 8.故, 9. 不可得而親。 10.不可得而疏。 11.不可得而利。 12.不可得而害。 13.不可得而貴。 14.不可得而賤。 15.故為天下貴。
  5. LaoZi's "De"

    I knew lienshan from another site. He is just young and enthusiastic in learning the new stuff. He just needs a little guidance, slowly but surely, to help him to get on the track... Thank you for your advice which reminds of the first two lines of Chapter 56. One who is wise will not speak. One who will speak is not wise.
  6. LaoZi's "De"

    FYI... 之 = it, here, my friend.
  7. Yin Qi vs Yang Qi

    By the TCM definition of chi, the Chi of the organs was considered to be the functional activity of each organ. Example: The liver chi was considered to be the functional activity of the liver. If the liver was not functioning normally, it was said to be the yin chi of the liver. If it was good, then it was said to be the yang chi of the liver.
  8. Yin Qi vs Yang Qi

    By the Chinese Chi Kung definition of yin and yang qi: Inhalation(oxygen) was said to be yang qi; and Exhalation(carbon dioxide) was said to be yin qi.
  9. Stillness Movement hand position

    It doesn't matter.
  10. FYI... Yes, the movement and breath actually create water in the cells but indirectly. Actually, it was the glucose and oxygen that produce the water directly. However, the movement and breath do speed up the cell respiration rate to produce water biologically.
  11. LaoZi's "De"

    The reason I narrow down the Han Dynasty is because the Tao Te Ching was used as the ruling guide during the Han period. Tao Te Ching Time table 郭店 Guodian 476 – 278 BCE; Unearthed:1993; Published: May 1998 馬王堆-甲本(MWD-A) 206 – 195 BCE; 篆書(Seal style); Unearthed:1973 馬王堆-乙本(MWD- 194 – 180 BCE; 隸書(Official Style); Unearthed:1973 洪上公(Heshang Gong) 179 – 157 BCE 王弼(Wang Bi) 226 – 249 CE 傅奕(Fu Yi) 555 – 639 CE 漢朝 - 皇帝 Emperors of Han Dynasty 高祖 - 劉邦 Liu2 bang1 206 – 195 BCE 文帝 - 劉盈 Liu2 ying2 194 – 188 BCE 惠帝 – 劉恒 Liu2 heng2 180 – 157 BCE The names of the first three rulers were taboos 邦 and 恒 were taboo characters during their ruling period. 1. 劉邦: 邦 was changed to 國 2. 劉盈: 盈 was changed to 傾 only in Chapter for some reason. 3. 劉恒: 恒 was changed to 常 The second ruler was only a seven year old child, maybe people were not paying much attention to him. I think he died at the age of 7. Then, his mother queen took over the throne. FYI... During the Qing Dynasty, almost any statement mentioned or sounded, in any document, like a revolutionary action against the government was considered to be taboo.
  12. How did Chi Kung Improve Your Health...?

    I don't believe this. All the people, here, have so much practice and understanding about Chi Kung; and nobody has any good thing to say about its efficacy....??? Let me give you a clue. There is a very simple way to measure the effectiveness of Chi Kung. Use a blood pressure monitor to take an initial measurement of your blood pressure and the heartbeat. Then, measure it again after doing your Chi Kung abdominal breathing a few times. Please record your blood pressure before and after. If your blood pressure had dropped, then, that means you are doing it correctly and effectively. My initial measurement: systolic /diastolic /heartbeats per min 128/77/74 Measurements while performing slow and deep abdominal breathing: 108/77/68 100/68/73 103/67/73 106/67/74 107/64/73 116/68/76 I can hold my breath for: 1 min and 16.15 secs.
  13. So, Qi is a filthy thing which need to be purified....???
  14. LaoZi's "De"

    Etymology Ref: 玄(xuan2) 玄(xuan2): far and obscure / occult or mystic / dark or black / deep and profound / abstruse and subtle / silent and meditative / pretending / a Chinese family name It was not part of a name of a ruler of the Han Dynasty. I have not found any reference indicating that was a taboo character; and I have no reason to believe it would be. FYI: 15.生而不有, 16.為而不恃, 17.長而不宰。 18.是謂玄德。 Lines 15 through 18 were mistakenly copied over to Chapter 10. 玄德 was defined in Chapter 65 of the Tao Te Ching: A. 是謂玄德。 B. 玄德深矣、 Line B defined 玄德 is 深(deep and profound) and it was referred back to the attributes in Chapter 51. Etymology Ref: 深(shen1) 深(shen1): deep / depth / profound / mysterious / difficult / abstruse / close / intimate / very / extremely PS... I cannot make it anymore crystal clear than that.
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 51 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 51 - The Abyssal Te(revised) 1. Tao engenders it, 2. Te rears it. 3. Matter forms it, 4. Environment grows it. 5. Hence, all things respect Tao and honor Te. 6. Tao was dignified, 7. And Te was honored, 8. Because they do not interfere but always being natural. 9. Therefore, 10.Tao engenders it, 11.Te rears it. 12.Grow it and nourish it, 13.Let it grow to maturity, 14.To foster it and protect it. 15.Produce it but not possessing it. 16. Flourishing it but not being vainglorious. 17.Raise it but not controlling it, 18.It was called the abyssal virtue. Note: Revised lines are shown in bold.
  16. Now, we have all these fancy definitions of Qi. What can we do with it....??? Who can prove that they are true or not...???
  17. LaoZi's "De"

    道德經之德 The definition of Te(德) was well defined in Chapter 51 of the Tao Te Ching Chapter 51 - The Abyssal Te 1. Tao engenders it, 2. Te rears it. 3. Matter forms it, 4. Environment grows it. 5. Hence, all things respect Tao and honor Te. 6. Tao was dignified, 7. And Te was honored, 8. Because they do not interfere but being natural. 9. Therefore, 10.Tao engenders it, 11.Te rears it. 12.Grow it and nourish it, 13.Let it grow to maturity, 14.To foster it and protect it. 15.Produce it but not possessing it. 16. Flourishing it but not being vainglorious. 17.Raise it but not controlling it, 18.It was called the abyssal virtue. Lines 11 through 17 are the attributes of Tao Te(道德).
  18. [TTC Study] Chapter 51 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 51 - The Abyssal Te 1. Tao engenders it, 2. Te rears it. 3. Matter forms it, 4. Environment grows it. 5. Hence, all things respect Tao and honor Te. 6. The dignity of Tao, 7. The value of Te. 8. They're not interfered but let them be natural. 9. Therefore, 10.Tao engenders it, 11.Te rears it. 12.Grow it and nourish it, 13.Let it grow to maturity, 14.To foster it and protect it. 15.Produce it but not possessing it. 16.For it but not restraining it, 17.Raise it but not controlling it, 18.It was called the abyssal virtue. 51 1. 道生之, 2. 德畜之, 3. 物形之, 4. 勢成之。 5. 是以萬物莫不尊道而貴德。 6. 道之尊, 7. 德之貴, 8. 夫莫之命而常自然。 9. 故, 10.道生之, 11.德畜之。 12.長之育之。 13.亭之毒之。 14.養之覆之。 15.生而不有, 16.為而不恃, 17.長而不宰。 18.是謂玄德。
  19. LaoZi's "De"

    hmmmmmm...... Are we using the "Yellow Emperor Internal Medicine" to apply into the interpretation of the Tao Te Ching now. That is something new to me. No wonder I got lost all the time.
  20. [TTC Study] Chapter 55 of the Tao Teh Ching

    line 2. 比於赤子。 赤子(red son or child): an infant(as a classic definition). What I am saying was: It was the hasten senescent which is not in accordance with Tao that will cause something to perish prematurely. 15. Hasten grown then is hasten senescent; 16. It was said to be not in accord with Tao. 17. Not in accord with Tao will perish prematurely.
  21. Should I turn off the fan to practice?

    Sorry, I held this to the last. I have been meditating with a fan on in the summer heat and under my lemon tree with a cool breeze blowing at the side of my face. Fortunately, I still have no side effects and healthy as a horse. To answer your own question, I'll let you be the judge of that and find your own conclusion as you have stated...
  22. Should I turn off the fan to practice?

    Please don't forget, TCM was only apply to a normal person or ill person. Chi Kung is suppose to make oneself to resist all adversities. FYI A Chi Kung practitioner is much more healthier and stronger than any normal person; when attained at a higher level, he/she is capable to meet any adverse situation. There are all kinds of tales that people can tell you. Thus I wouldn't be overwhelmed with a little thing like a fan that might bother me.
  23. [TTC Study] Chapter 55 of the Tao Teh Ching

    15.物壯則老。 Things Robust Then Old/Of long Standing/Outdated Eventually, all things develop Vigor and then will diminish [in return] 老: old in line 15 implies it get old quickly. I know eventually will lead to death but not yet indicated within context. Even though, it was acceptable philosophically. However, it was said in line 17, why do did you translate it as "will diminish" in this line(15)...??? 16.謂之不道, Meaning it not Dao Call this not [eternally in accordance with] Dao Meaning and 謂(call) are not the same, is it proper to interchange their meaning...??? 17.不道早已。 Not Dao Long-Time [This is] not much longer with [abiding in the principles of] Dao 不道: Not following the principles of Tao; not tao like manner, 早已: Die sooner or perish prematurely A. [This is] not much longer with [abiding in the principles of] Dao B. It was said to be not in accordance with Tao. Those who are not in accordance with Tao will perish prematurely. Even though, the final result will be the same on both statements. Philosophically, which line, A or B would be more direct in stating the main idea in the text....???
  24. Should I turn off the fan to practice?

    Your main concern is to tolerate the summer heat other than the wind. The most effect only takes place inside the body, during Chi Kung practice, not externally. At the same time, your body will generate heat, it's better to have the fan helping you to reduce the body temperature. Thus the fan does more good, to your body, than harm.
  25. Should I turn off the fan to practice?

    No, it won't interfere with your Chi Kung practice, but just don't have the fan blow directly in front of you to affect your breathing.