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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. What are the mechanics behind chanting?

    念佛,是佛陀送給我們的一份珍貴禮物,是一切法門的根本。 試問不念佛,如何學佛成佛? 念佛的初發心,就像衛星導航一樣,在修學佛道的過程中,會一路引導我們用功的方向,以及可能達到的狀態。 如果平常就以阿彌陀佛的極樂淨土為依歸,當心念相續不斷,念念都在佛號上,無論身心達到怎樣的境地,都只管一心念佛,必能滿願,歸向淨土。2016年5月24日 Chanting is a precious gift from the Buddha to us, and it is the foundation of Buddhism. Ask if you don't do chanting, how do you learn Buddhism to become a Buddha? The initial intention of chanting is like satellite navigation. In the process of cultivating the principles of Buddhism, it will guide us all the way to the direction of our hard work and the state we may achieve. If you usually rely on the pure land of bliss of Amitabha Buddha, be careful that your thoughts continue, and your thoughts are all on the name of the Buddha. No matter what situation your body and mind reach, just chant with all your heart, and you will be able to fulfill your wishes and return to the pure land.May 24, 2016
  2. I have not heard of it. I don't think it is true. According to my experience, the practice should make it more poten.
  3. Side effects

    For what I have understood. They weren't side effects. They were the uneasy feelings of going through the healing process of the body. Some people were having illnesses in the body to begin with. What Qigong does, it will scan the whole body for any illnesses when one start the practice. As soon these illnesses were detected, Qigong will begin with the healing process. Those so-call side effects were the feelings during the healing process. After those illness were taken cared, the body will go back to its normal condition with no more bad feeling. From then on, the body will continue to be benefited from the intended purpose of the practice. Thus the body will be much much healthier than before. One might noted that, without realizing it, all Qigong do go through a healing process at the beginning of the practices. Hence, one will see that there are biological changes taken place in the body. The sighs are there were no more uneasy feelings and the body health condition was improving. The self esteem was increased and more self confidence.
  4. Free copy of the Dao De Jing as an academic paper

    I do believe that the quoted conclusion is the closest reflection of the philosophy in the TTC.
  5. Nabhi chakra

    I cannot digest any of the Indian chakra stuff. It is completely different from the Chinese practicing method. Thus I will stay out of the Indian methods.
  6. Nabhi chakra

    If you are relaxed focusing on the navel Chakra, do you still need instructions? Do you think there are special instructions for each chakra?
  7. Buddhist meditations for fear and pain.

    Meditation should be understood that requires deep breathing at the same time to prevent brain fatigue.
  8. Buddhist meditations for extinguishing the self

    Buddhism Meditation is only a Chan or Zen method, the result is really depends on the individual's wisdom and intelligence seeking what one to be accomplished. Things have to be sorted out in deep thoughts and become elucidated. Once the pure thought is isolated from all other misleading falsehood, it can be said that individual has been enlightened or awaken. 禪坐取决于个人的智慧和聰慧,去寻求完成什么?事情必须在深刻的思想中进行整理,并得到阐明。 一旦纯粹的思想与所有其他误导性的谎言隔离开来,就可以说个人已经开悟或觉醒了
  9. chat gpt

    坐禪(seated meditation) Thank you for the best explanation of zen. I couldn't say it better myself.
  10. How to become awakened

    Kaihe:‘’i will never enter this place again.‘’ @Cobie Sorry, Kaihe is long gone. He didn't see angels here. That is why he left. Edited: The quote was meant from Kaihe, not from Pak_Satrio.
  11. How to become awakened

    Sorry, no one tried to make you stay a little longer. I hate to see new members come and go in such a short time.
  12. Buddhist meditations for fear and pain.

    Sorry, I left out mental pain that you are referring to. Since he is practicing MMA, I am assuming that he was referring to body pain.
  13. Buddhist meditations for fear and pain.

    Fear is mental and pain is physical. Meditation may help to get rid of fear. Body Pain has to be get rid of by physical means such as acupuncture or acupressure. I wouldn't take any painkiller though. It will kill your mind.
  14. How to become awakened

    I think Tibetan Buddhism is widespread is because the whole region was influenced by Indian Buddhism. There are high ranking Tibetan monks preaching in English on YouTube.
  15. How to become awakened

    I see that the bums are more interested in Idian and Tibetan Buddhism. IMO I think the Chinese Buddhism is fading out in the western society. This is only my gut feeling and thoughts.
  16. How to become awakened

    Awaken is not a "how to" but it should be spontaneous come out of its own. It is like something, a thought or a philosophy was just realized and become clear all the sudden. It is similar to an enlightenment.
  17. The TTC does not promote simple living. Laozi use this example to show people are living in harmony. There was no conflict between neighbors. Hence, no weapons were needed. It was so peaceful, even there was no contact with the neighbors but only hear the sounds of the dogs and chickens. Finally, the main theme here is there is no war at all to maintain peace in a quiet way at all times
  18. Trans and Taosim

    What is more interesting is that: Laozi wants to leave nature alone. Zhuangzi wants nautre to leave him alone. Hence, both want to "let nature take its course."
  19. Trans and Taosim

    Yes, Ziran(自然). Sorry!My mistake.
  20. How to Be Spontaneous

    Spontaneity is something that happen on its own. It was not meant to be controlled or learn how to do it. It has to be acted out naturally with no intent.
  21. How to Be Spontaneous

    Anyway, spontaneous or spontaneity is not the right translation for ziran(自然). It should be 'natural' or "let nature take its course." Using the wrong definition will lead people off course. Like what is happening here. I can't even stay on track myself. It just doesn't work. PS corrected 'ziren' to 'ziran'.
  22. Jade emperor

    I believe a shaman can perform healing ritual to cure a sick person as a witch doctor. A Shaman act as a communication agent to contact all spirits. Shaman can make predictions of certain events and carved on oracles. For example, shaman can predict, in advance, who is going to win the war between two rival tribes. No strike will take place if the war was predicted in a no win situation.
  23. Jade emperor

    “All people are impermanent, so none of them can be witch doctors” Humans are not eternal, thus they cannot be witch doctors. Note: This is nothing new, I just rephrased it.
  24. Jade emperor

    巫 is a witch 巫 術 is witchcraft 巫醫 is a witch doctor.
  25. Jade emperor

    薩滿 is the Chinese pinyin of shaman. They are the same thing. Definitions from Oxford Languages : a person regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of good and evil spirits, especially among some peoples of northern Asia and North America. Typically such people enter a trance state during a ritual, and practice divination and healing. Ref: