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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. When you combine Taoist with Buddhism, then you are talking about the Taoist religion. In the religion aspect, a Taoist do teaches us to accept death as a natural phenomenon but does not teach suffering as part of life like a Buddhist. A Taoist want to preserve and prolong the life of the body and to live naturally without suffering in life. That is why a Taoist practice Chi Kung and develop medicine to cure the illness for others. I said for others is because a Taoist knows how to preserve his body and hardly get sick. However, they know people do get sick, thus they like to help to cure the people that are sick.
  2. Welcome to the new Chinese language forum

    1. If I have a poison in me with no way out, then, the best thing I can do is to counteract it with something that is more potent. I am going to die anyway; what do I got to loose. 2. Exactly, "a tooth for a tooth" is thought of avenge, e.g. if your took my tooth, I'll do the same to you. If kill my father, I'll do the same. PS... Please note this is not what I'm advocating. It's only a matter of translation to bring the idea across. I think the forum is a good thing to have. This has an advantage for the native speakers to bring in the original characters for clarifying some of the mistranslations and interpretations which done by non-native speakers. Thank you, Sean...!!!
  3. Welcome to the new Chinese language forum

    "道家学说" If there is such a word as "Taology" for the study of Taoism, then I would translate it as "The Taoist words from a Taologist."
  4. Tao God

    By LaoTze's definition of Wu Wei is not to start a war rather settle matters in a peaceful manner. Starting a war is not natural to LaoTze. What make you think that winning a war was natural decided by Tao....??? Edited to add: In this thread, are we within the scope of the Tao Te Ching or Buddhism....???
  5. Anyone else get headaches sometimes after meditation?

    You seems to know a lot about breathing. Abdominal breathing doesn't necessarily mean deep inhales, long exhales. That is correct, but if you do, it would be Chi Kung.
  6. Breathing Through Diaphragm or Through the Stomach?

    One can only breath through the nose or mouth but not the diaphragm. Breath through the nose is better because it has a filter function to get rid the impurities from the air. Breathing through diaphragm means during abdominal breathing the diaphragm becomes flatten to allow more room for the lungs to be expanded. As a result, it will increase the capacity of the lungs to hold more air when you breathe.
  7. Finding a Guru

    It seems to me it was all in your mind. Think positively, you like people and people like you. Based on what you'd said: "This is due to the fact I believe people won't like me, I believe it vehemently, I have almost all of my life that I have memory for, and this presents a few problems: the guru wouldn't take me intrinsically, he wouldn't like me, furthermore, this being such a large block in my consciousness, he would turn me down because I am not ready, since I have this block." Hence, you had reservation about the Guru. It is not going to help you in any way, I think. I think it would be a hurtle that you have to over come yourself. You must take the first initiative yourself to build up your own confidence. You must have a mind of your own to start with. It is because you can't rely on somebody else's mind to control your mind to tell you what to do all the time. Besides, any Guru might take advantage of your vulnerability. Why should you want a stranger to run your life...??? Please get a hold of yourself and be strong...!!!
  8. Tongue on the upper palate

    HE... I'm glad that I got your attention on ATP and Chi. After all these years of practice of Chi Kung, my muscles had transformed to have fast reflex and gave me a tremendous energy(body strength) to cope with the external chores. One day it got me thinking, people always talking about energy. What is this energy and how was developed inside my body...??? I figured that it has something to do within my body. Then, I bought a book with the title: Understanding Human Structure and Function. I was surprised that in the book which mentioned something about muscle contraction requires a biochemical energy. This biochemical energy was generated by the small granules within each body cell called mitochondria. The biochemical energy was generated by a process called cell respiration. Cell respiration used the oxygen that we breathe to breakdown the glucose to produce water, carbon dioxide, heat and energy(ATP). All the muscle contractions require ATP energy. The muscle of the lungs, heart, and other organs do need ATP to function. Besides, muscle contraction, each body cell needs ATP for part of the generation of its own energy. I had done an intensive research on the ATP and muscle contraction from the Internet. These all added up and supported my theory. Since Chi Kung involves body movements with muscle contraction and breathing oxygen, that leads me to link the cell respiration process together. Hence, I had come to a conclusion it was the large amount of oxygen came from practicing Chi Kung which gives me the tremendous energy. If you study about the heart, you will find out the heart beats on its own as long as oxygen was provided. Therefore, each time when I breathe, I breathe deeply. I know the large amount of oxygen will keep my heart healthy and my blood pressure normal. At this point in time, you can call Chi whatever you want. You may think of it as oxygen or energy since it was energy related.
  9. Tongue on the upper palate

    OK, fair enough. I wouldn't treat this as an argument rather then an exchange of ideas. I am sure it was not directed to me. Indeed, I would be a loser if I don't have any justification for my reasoning or not able to tolerate or withstand any adversity.
  10. [TTC Study] Chapter 31 of the Tao Teh Ching

    hmmmm...... By laoTze's definition in this chapter: 14. The auspicious position is on the left, 15. The ominous position is on the right, At formal functions, the chief should be at the left, especially, he'd won the battle. Thus his victory was considered to be the auspicious and should be placed at the left. However, LaoTze placed him at the right, the ominous position, because he has to take the blame for killing so many people for his victory. Anyway, this was an illustration for a part of the philosophy of this Chapter.
  11. Tongue on the upper palate

    Actually, I understand what the TCM was saying; it was only the way how it was presented that makes me to think it was a myth. If you were really familiar with it, there are lots of contradictions about the functions of internal organs between the west and the east.
  12. You already knew the answer to your own question. Young man...!!! 1. (no, guy, that means you're living! haha.. theoretically, I get it) 2. I've been to a doctor, and have been told my heart rate, blood pressure are normal. You are the one, only the one, who can put your mind at ease. Why don't you ready something, on the internet, how to heart functions...??? You'll find out that your heart beats on its own as long as you eat and breathe.
  13. Tongue on the upper palate

    Do you ever wonder how the Qi Gong masters can elevate the temperature in their hands to near boiling...??? Do you think his physical body has anything to do with that...??? This is beyond my scope of interest for the time being. However, my focus is more practical about practicing Chi Kung and how does it give me a tremendous body strength. To me, it has a lot to do the bio-electric energy. The reason that the Western science hasn't identified Chi as bio-electric energy is because they are too hip about energy and stuck on trying the find the Chi imaginary energy. It is because they only have one definition for Chi is Energy. They don't even know what kind of energy and start looking for it. May I ask you this...?? How much do you know about muscle contraction and the bio-electrical energy, known as adenosine triphosphate(ATP).
  14. Scientific explanation about Tao

    日月... I do respect your philosophical view. Thanks anyway....
  15. [TTC Study] Chapter 31 of the Tao Teh Ching

    4. Gentleman take the left as the precious position, 5. Militant take the right as the precious position, 14. The auspicious position is on the left, 15. The ominous position is on the right, 16. The vice-commander is on the left, 17. The chief-commander is on the right, It was interesting about LaoTze's style of writing in this chapter. In lines 4, 5, 14 and 15, he identified the left and right position with the attributes. The main figure always takes the left, the auspicious position; and the counterpart takes the right, the ominous position. However, if we look at lines 16 and 17, then why did he place the victorious chief-commander on the right position and his assistant on the left. It is because of line 10: Victorious but not glorious. It was customary to have a parade for the chief-commander after a victorious battle. In the parade the chief-commander suppose to be at the left position, instead, LoaTze placed him at the right. Why...??? LaoTze thought, even though, it was a victory for the chief-commander; but he killed so many people to gain his victory. Thus in the parade, he should be placed in the right, the ominous position. Hence, the parade was treated a funeral to show the last respect and honor the deceased. That was how LaoTze showing his feeling about wars.
  16. Tongue on the upper palate

    Western science can't explain why TCM works when it does work either.....??? It seems like this general statement is a little bit too broad. Can you be more elaborate on that and give me some examples. You see, a lot of people just took the words from the ancients and says OK to them it works. They cant figure it out why it works due to the lack of understanding. The ancient concepts are very macroscopic. However, it can be explained microscopically with the Western science. If one understand both systems, they can be integrated. What do you know about acupuncture...?? I know it works and I did used acupressure myself. I can use the Western science to explain why and how it works. It has to do with the central nervous system. Did you know all the acupuncture points are laid on our nerves. The ancients called them meridians instead of nerves. If you compare the meridian diagrams with the Western anatomic diagrams, you can locate all the acupuncture points on all the nerves in the body. Edited to add: You know why Chi Kung works for some and not others...??? Some people get headaches and some don't. I am more appreciative about Chi Kung; and it works for me is because I understand how it works and why.
  17. Tongue on the upper palate

    Thank you. I was hoping somebody might ask me that. To me, "Chi" means air or breath. Chi Kung is an ultimate method of breathing to be cultivated to its perfection. Here is my understanding of the multi-definition of the character of Chi. 1. 2.
  18. [TTC Study] Chapter 31 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Chapter 31 1. 夫佳兵者不祥之器, 2. 物或惡之, 3. 故有道者不處。 4. 君子居則貴左, 5. 用兵則貴右。 6. 兵者不祥之器, 7. 非君子之器, 8. 不得已而用之, 9. 恬淡為上。 10.勝而不美, 11.而美之者, 12.是樂殺人。 13.夫樂殺人者, 14.則不可得志於天下矣。 15.吉事尚左, 16.凶事尚右。 17.偏將軍居左, 18.上將軍居右。 19.言以喪禮處之。 20.殺人之眾,以悲哀泣之, 21.戰勝以喪禮處之。 Translation in terse English 1. Military affair is not an auspicious matter. 2. People disgusted with it. 3. Thus, a Taoist not even involve with it. 4. A gentleman regards the left as a honorable position, 5. A soldier regards the right as a honorable position, 6. A weapon is not an auspicious tool. 7. It's not a gentleman's instrument, 8. Employs it only inevitable. 9. Peace is far superior. 10. Victorious but not glorious, 11. However, to a glorious one killings are joyful, 12. One who take joy in killing, 13. Cannot succeed to rule the world. 14. The auspicious position is on the left, 15. The inauspicious position is on the right, 16. The vice-commander is on the left, 17. The chief-commander is on the right, 18. It was said to be handled as a funeral arrangement. 19. With such a big massacre, 20. Thus funeral attendants with grief and sorrow, 21. Though it was a victory but handled as a funeral.
  19. Tongue on the upper palate

    They claim this will do that and that will do this with no real explanation. Any body can do that. If you follow their sayings, it was all about breathing and body movement. Can you derive the commonality from that...??? Do they ever tell you what is going on inside your body besides Chi is flowing in the meridians....???
  20. Tongue on the upper palate

    FYI 1.) The things that was claimed in TCM is a myth to me. I do not believe most of the stuffs as claimed because there is no real scientific explanation for it. 2.) Your mouth is closed when you sleep. Don't you have a dry mouth when you woke up...??? 4.) Here is my take on it...
  21. Qi Condensing

    If you are doing isotonic Chi Kung, you are involving with you mind, breath, eyes and movement. 1. Your mind helps to control your body movements. 2. You eyes follow your movement of the arms will increase your concentration and help your mind to control the arms to move to different positions. 3. Breathing is helping to generate the inner chi, body strength, within the body. 4. The movements will build up your muscle tone and transform your muscles to be stronger and to have faster reflex.
  22. Tongue on the upper palate

    1. It is a fallacy. 2. Lifting up your tongue will keep your saliva flow to keep the inside of the mouth moisten. Otherwise, your mouth will be very dry during breathing practice. Indeed, it has no physical effect to your body whatsoever. The only thing is effecting you is the amount of oxygen that goes into your body.
  23. All day breathing practice

    Yes, we don't breathe like a baby anymore; but we need to practice to breathe like a baby again like Chi Kung.
  24. 先学人,再问道,苦尽自有人来告

    5. 嫉妒心,伤天理,见人好事即不喜; 面是心非藏阴毒,终亦必亡而已矣。 嫉妒心,伤天理,见人好事即不喜; Jealousy, violates the moral principles, One sees others with good fortune, then he's unhappy; 面是心非藏阴毒,终亦必亡而已矣。 Despite showing a smiling face but it was not in the heart and full of evil thoughts, Consequently, it was only a doom to self destruction at the end.
  25. Scientific explanation about Tao

    Riyue... 1. 無名天地之始。 2. 有名萬物之母。 3. 無,名天地之始。 4. 有,名萬物之母。 How would you translate these four lines...???