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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Yes. You are very good in tracking information. IMO You are a scholar and a lady.
  2. I believe Qigong was a derivative of Yoga which introduced into China by Dharma.
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    You can watch it here.
  4. This is what westerners thought the definition was for 氣功: 氣: energy 功: work
  5. Meditate without the UBM is not practicing Qigong at all. Qigong must be performed with the UBM. There is no restriction on which one to be used, either one will work. Normally, the ‘reversed abdominal breathing’ was used during combat situations.
  6. For those who practice Qigong or do not understand what Qigong is all about. I would recommend that please stick with this definition to accomplish the goal in martial arts.
  7. No, it is not any different. Abdominal breathing is the ultimate breathing method(UBM) that all practitioners wanted to achieve without realizing it. All martial artists are familiar with the UBM. Otherwise, they can't perform martial arts.
  8. Meditation is sitting at any or lotus position while doing the abdominal breathing exercise. How does it work? The breathing will bring the oxygen, from the air, into the body to produce energy. That is why people always think that Qigong is energy work; and ignored that breathing was the main part.
  9. Yes, it was understood meditation is part of the practice for Qigong.
  10. The high level Shaolin monks practice and teaches Qigong which is breathing. Tibetan Monks also.
  11. Newcomer

    If you want to feel better Qi, just learn to breathe more of the fresh air in a green environment with lots of trees and plants. Qi is free, you just have to know how to obtain it by breathing Qi into your body system. That is why it is called Qigong.
  12. Original Dao Bums

    Sorry, I can't think about it now. Thanks for asking!
  13. Original Dao Bums

    Yes, it was the case. I left here and was invited to go there. I came back here twice which means I was here three times. During the three-time period, I had seen three different groups of people presented here. The attitude of the people, here, had changed quite a bit. Some hostile people are gone, and people with various attitude remains. Still, sadly, the new comers did not stay long.
  14. Haiku Chain

    The result the sameThe result happens twiceIt must be trusted
  15. Haiku Chain

    grow your own applesThe divine grows naturalTrust in the result
  16. Hello!

    Yes. That is what you said they are.
  17. Tien Shan Qigong

    Here is more choices of his videos.,vid:wwmMSg8X4Z0 All his moves may be considered as Taiji movements in a non-traditional way. It is because he did the moves faster. You may slow it down to any speed that will give you the same Taiji effect with proper breathing.
  18. Tien Shan Qigong

    This is his video on YouTube.
  19. Tien Shan Qigong

    The last time I heard from him in the Original Dao Site, he is a hermit in an Arizona mountain rebuilding his house.
  20. Tien Shan Qigong

    Steve's user name here was '@Starjumper'. Perhaps some of you may look up his old posts on the site!
  21. @awaken It seems no one has a good definition of Qigong(氣功). Since your Chinese and English are very good, I would love to hear the insight from you in both languages. Would you please give us a little introduction in Qigong in a simplest way as possible? Thank you! Edited 1 minute ago by ChiDragon
  22. Mind Body cultivation

    @awaken It seems no one has a good definition of Qigong(氣功). Since your Chinese and English are very good, I would love to hear the insight from you in both languages. Would you please give us a little introduction in Qigong in a simplest way as possible? Thank you!