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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Newcomer

    It is a no no to do Mantak Chia exercises. Did you acquire all these pains from doing his method? Go to the General Discussion forum and start a thread there about your problem. Maybe I can help you with the acupressure method. At least, perhaps, it might get rid some of your pains.
  2. There are some people who study the Tao Te Ching for spiritual reasons; and some want to learn the true Taoist philosophy and the true sayings of the TTC. IMO People who study for spiritual reasons may interpret the Tao Te Ching any way they want to for their personal needs. However, for those who has a purpose of learning the true meaning of the classic text, how would you go about learning the TTC...??? What is your approach...???
  3. Guodian Lao tzu

    Gladly, I will give it a try. The beginning is the basic Tao. Transformed with a blow of breath. It came within the void. It is the origin of sky and earth.
  4. Hello

    Hi C11, Welcome, Tao is always around you. Just let nature take its course!
  5. This could be the year....

    I wish all TDBs have a happy and prosperous new year. May we have peace in the world and all the people of the world live together with harmony!
  6. So, it may not be true. However, if people have read it will believe it is true. That is the power of propaganda. P.S. Like they said, people are bias!
  7. People do have their own feelings. As long no one tries to detach oneself from the mother land, everything is going to be fine. Otherwise, one is asking for trouble.
  8. Let's say I am having the advantage of being bilingual which allow me to go into both sides of the story. It gives me the opportunity to come up with a non-bias conclusion. FYI Once I was against the CCP by the western propaganda. Since China have being developed and got out of poverty, I have a different point of view about China. I see the badness is gone the goodness is surfacing. Right now, the CCP have no time to screw around with internal politics, they are too busy making China a better country for the people. Their motto is "為人民服務(serving the people.)" I am just telling it like it is. Please don't prejudge me. Thank you very much!
  9. I believe those camps were used to detain a group of rebellions. There were disturbing the peace in that region. Even the peaceful citizen were disgusted with them. After that group was eliminated, Xinjiang becomes a prosperous region. The population have increased and farm lands are put into good use to grow crops. Especially, people have good incomes from growing cotton.
  10. Actually, there are lot more stories behind this. One must know how the thing started from the begin to the end. What happened was that a practitioner of Falun gong when to a park(北海公園) in Beijing; and saw a big space. He thought that was a good place to practice for Falun gong. Therefore, he made one phone call and about 10,000 or more people showed up. The group has such assembly power, immediately brought the attention of the government. They were ask to disperse and ran into conflict with the government. A few arrest was made. Later, the Falun gong group protested to ask the government to release those who were arrested. Selling human organs is another story. It was done by a corrupted official behind the CCP. Later the group was arrested and convicted.薄熙来, Bo Xilai, is the guy who was behind all this. He even tried to over throw the government but failed. This news was never exposed to the world.
  11. You know what?The size of this group is so big and anti-CCP.
  12. Types of immortals

    孫悞空, Sun Wukong, was committed a crime and kept in prison inside a rock for five hundred years. He was a figure from a fairy tale of 西遊記(The Journey to the West).
  13. Types of immortals

    Yes, I would like to have that coming out from you. Spirit is a general term for all souls. However, I wouldn't call an immortal(仙) as a spirit.
  14. Types of immortals

    There is no such thing as spirit immortals. A spirit is a spirit, an immortal is an immortal. A ghost is a ghost but not a ghost immortal. Get the term straight. Please don't confuse the issue here.
  15. What is described here is China's old history with corrupted leaders. I will not look back but just let the old stuff becomes rotten. Now, New China is different under the leadership of President Xi Jinping.
  16. Types of immortals

    Sorry, the example that you gave, those people are not intentionally to become a ghost.
  17. Types of immortals

    I don't think anyone wants to work hard to become a ghost. It would be very unfortunate to be a ghost. A ghost was considered to be a lose soul without a body to return to. It was because of early death not by natural cause.
  18. In general, the CCP does not believe in religion. However, they allow them to exist. If the group gets to big, the CCP will suppressed. In regards to destroying the temples in China. It was not the act of the CCP. At the time, it was the cultural revolution. It was the Red Guards tried to over throw the CCP but failed. The reason they destroy thousands of thousands of temples, most of them are Buddhist temples, was due to the religion was considered as superstitions. Superstition was one of the main rejections of the cultural revolution. The CCP was not even involve with that. The red guards were even went to take weapons from the military bases. The prime minister ordered the soldiers not the interfere with the red guards and let them take the weapons.
  19. Yes, I only practice the Yang style. All my reference is based on the Yang style. It is wise to stay with one style to avoid conflicts with others.
  20. Types of immortals

    FYI You do not have to cultivate to be a ghost. A ghost is not considered to be an immortal. One becomes a ghost is when death occurred not by natural cause. For example, one was murdered. A person does not have peace of mind before death, then, the person will become a ghost until the mystery of death was resolved.
  21. Semen retention debunked

    I don't know why this subject is so political motivated? I think it is taking off in the wrong direction. I shall stop here from going any further with this. I still stand what I had said. Thanks!
  22. Who says nature has to have soil? "Let nature take its course" applies to all. Nothing can go wrong. If you said it is wrong, then, you are dead wrong because you are interrupting the course of nature.
  23. Semen retention debunked

    Please explain to me what do you mean by all that?
  24. This is a typical Xiaolin stance, It is a taboo for Taijiquan is because it locks up the body in that position. It makes very difficult for one leg or the other to be lifted easily. It was known as 雙重, double weight.