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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. IMO When walking, the weight distribution is 100/0 from one leg to the other. In Taijiquan, the stance is required to have both legs on the floor or ground. Generally, The weight distribution front leg vs back leg is 70/30 or 60/40.
  2. Taoism; how does it all work?

    Each time when I read something, there is always a new term which is undefined and unknown to the public. It is very hard to provide an answer for your inquiry. What is a rainbow body to begin with?
  3. Types of immortals

    Why do you want to waste money on this kind of books, You can read all about them by doing a Google search online. All the info are available online,
  4. Yes, I think you are correct, gravity does not change position vertically nor moves up or down. I think you know physics more than the other. That is a wise thought. The key to the horse stand is not to have the knees pass the toes. So, it won't cause damage and pain to the knees. In any martial arts, with any stance, the knee shall never pass the toes. Especially in Taiji, the knee always follow the pointing direction of the toes. Otherwise, the extraneous twist on the knees will cause server damage and pain to the knee joints. There were many people who wants to learn Taiji without proper guidance. In changing the position of the postures, they only move the knees instead of moving both the feet and knees at the same time. There was a Honk Kong movie star wants to learn Taiji real fast for a movie. He ended up quitting the practice due to the permanent damage to the knees. Also, he lose the contract of the movie. P.S. In Zhan Zhuang, the 90 degree bend on the knees is considered to be the highest realm has been reached in the practice.
  5. Tao doesn't follow nature but follows whatever is natural to be sure nothing interrupts nature. Tao is natural, thus Tao follows itself to assure that everything happens accordingly. Something could be good or bad but Tao cannot stop it. It just let nature take its course.
  6. Types of immortals

    The 8 immortals, once, they were humans. They cultivated themselves to become immortals. So, they are spirit immortals.
  7. Types of immortals

    Yes, if you would like to put it that way.
  8. Types of immortals

    No, Jade Emperor is not equal to Buddha. Jade Emperor is the highest ruler in Heaven, the king of Heaven.
  9. Semen retention debunked

    Okay! here is the story. Semen is the body fluid in the reproduction system. In Chinese, semen is 精液. During the course of sexual activity, each time, semen was released. In the ancient, Taoists did not know that the sperm ever existed. They only thought that semen is part of the 精 in 精氣神. However, 精(jing) in 精氣神(jing, chi shen) is different from sperm(精子) and semen(精液). Somehow, both 精液(semen) and 精(Jing) in 精氣神 were obfuscated by the Taoists. Once, Taoists thought that the quantity of 精(Jing) will be diminished if the semen were disposed from the body. Hence, it will lose the ability for longevity. They figured that if the practice of semen retention will prolong life. Sorry to say, in real life, it is not the case. Indeed, it was an old Chinese Taoist myth.
  10. When the student is ready...

    Well, let me put it this way. Our lungs work the same way. There is no reason for everybody to breathe differently. The only difference is how much effort one puts into it. How to breathe efficiently we can find in books and on the internet or some Qigong masters. I had improved my breathing problem by practicing Taiji. Taiji is a self-improve method in breathing. Breathing improves automatically during the course of diligent practice year after year. I have only learned why and how it works from the old tradition writings and modern science. Thus, the old tradition writings tells how, and modern science tells why. I was intrigued by the result before I was looking into the reason why.
  11. When the student is ready...

    I would read as much as I can. Use common sense to come up with a general conclusion and use it as a baseline. Update your thoughts with new information. Use the baseline as your major reference. Unless the original baseline is incorrect, do not jump from subject to subject but stay with your baseline. I think this would come closer to a final conclusion within reason. Keep in mind of what you are doing and don't let people mislead or distract you.
  12. When the student is ready...

    If, and only if, the teach emphasize the significance of slow and deep breathing. Otherwise, I go to someone that does.
  13. Jing to Qi

    Would someone please explain what polarities are. Sometimes, the English translated term do throw me off completely. Perhaps that is why we are having a conflict here.
  14. Jing to Qi

    This is the term that Taiji practitioners uses for feeling the strength of the counterpart by the sense of touch. The two practitioners must be in contact with each other. Normally, the hands are in contact to feel the amount of force was exerted by one or the other. As soon a force was sensed, it was time to take the countermeasure to neutralize the aggressive force.
  15. Jing to Qi

    I had learned the ancient way of interpretation translated as below. 無間: no gap; no space. 
  16. Introduction and requesting advice

    If it's the latter, then, just breathe down to the chest instead trying to force down to the belly(low dantian). Work your way down to the belly slowly little by little until it reaches the bottom. When the breath reaches the bottom of the belly, it was understood as "sink chi to the dantian(氣沈丹田).
  17. Jing to Qi

    Where did you get that idea? FYI Inner alchemy was designed for every body. It makes a sick body to be healthier. It makes a weak person to become stronger. It makes a healthy person to have immense power.
  18. Sex in Relation to Neidan for Men

    I am, 74, still able to. It seems I feel like I am 25. What are my chances in the near future?
  19. Sex in Relation to Neidan for Men

    I guess I asked the question too soon!
  20. Sex in Relation to Neidan for Men

    I had read what you told is written allover the Chinese internet. It was nothing new to me.
  21. Sex in Relation to Neidan for Men

    I don't mean to offend you. May I ask how much are you paying for the course to learn all that? PS Is your teacher a Chinese Taoist?
  22. I want to become powerful

    You are right. The former is exactly what happens. The latter is correct to hold the breath, but require some practice. This is not for anyone that can do it from a cold start. It requires to practice the breathing method in high level. The goal is "sink chi to the dantian(氣沈丹田)" level. I gathered most people do not understand what that means, thus cannot accomplish holding the breath successfully. FYI To sink chi to the dantian(氣沈丹田) with reverse breathing can hold the breath longer. At the same thing, one should know how to regulate by moving the breath up and down in the trachea. It is a very high level of practice in meditation. It took me awhile to accomplish "sink chi to the dantian(氣沈丹田)." It was fastening when I had accomplished that the first time. If someone interested in that, I am glad to share it. There are a lots of wild stories about "sink chi to the dantian(氣沈丹田)." One can only do it right by knowing its real definition. Otherwise, one just going in circles and practicing something in the blind and accomplish nothing.
  23. Sex in Relation to Neidan for Men

    I think that was the whole idea what abstinence is all about.
  24. Jing to Qi

    The heat from rubbing hands is a physical act. The heat will be picked up by the blood and circulate throughout the body. The body heat doesn't rely on rubbing the whole body to produce it. Biologically, it is the body cell generates your heat constantly. Otherwise, you will become a corpse. A healthy person can generate enough body heat to resist the coldness of the outside temperature. People place their hands above fire is to pick up the heat. The blood will pick up the heat and circulate to distribute the heat throughout to maintain a constant temperature of the body. That is why people feel warm allover after awhile when they get near fire.
  25. Jing to Qi

    I looked the three treasures Jing-Qi-Shen from the Chinese explanation. Let's look at Jing(精) again. I gathered that is the substance that makes up the body. In modern science, the cell is the basic unit that makes up the body. From the correlation, may I conclude that the Jing and cell are two identical thing. The two names are differ but came from the same source. Thus there is no doubt in my mind that using the cell to explain the where the heat/tingling are coming from. I was always wondering about the tingling sensation of my fingers. Here is what I discovered from modern science. From the cell model, scientist had determined that the cell use the oxygen to decompose the glucose to generate heat and energy. When the blood circulates, it carries heat through the body. At the same time, the tingling is the blood pressure build up in the capillaries. The pressure may cause the capillaries to be ruptured, therefore, the capillaries will contract to prevent from happening, The tingling sensation was from the contraction of the capillaries. The Chinese called that the chi sensation(氣感).