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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Where did you get this notion about neidan? Neidan was originated from the Taoist notion to develop a method to have longevity. Neidan is mainly a Qigong breathing practice method.
  2. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    This cannot be true if one was born blind or deformed!
  3. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    It seems to me immortality is an unchangeable specie which lives forever. However, if we continually transmuting into something different, then, I wouldn't say that is immortality. For example, inter race marriages is transmuting the offspring into something different and passed on from generation to generation. Thus I wouldn't call this a form of immortality.
  4. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    FYI Elixir is the result of 外丹, wei dan (external alchemy). However, everything fails in wei dan, therefore, the Taoists went from external to internal alchemy( 內丹neidan). Wei dan, 外丹, takes place in a cauldron to produce an elixir in pill form. It was done externally, thus that is why it was called external alchemy. Neidan, (內丹) was done inside the dantian(abdomen). It was accomplish by qigong(breathing exercise) to produce an imaginary pill inside the dantian which is called Neidan(internal pill). It was done internally, thus that is why it was called internal alchemy. Sorry to say, Taoists used some poisonous elements such as lead, arsenic and other harmful elements. It failed to have the effect of longevity but caused death. Therefore, the Taoist had decided to do it inside the body and due away with the harmful external elements to prevent death for once and for all. The Taoist came up with three treasures of internal elements and they are jing(精), chi(氣) and shen(神). These three elements suppose to interact with each other to produce a health body to accomplish longevity. Their explanation of the process is very obfuscated and vague. I know what they are trying to say. However, I can only comprehend 75% of it and cannot repeat it in my own words. This is where stand. Thanks!
  5. What exactly is neidan/internal alchemy?

    Base on what I had read here, I would like to suggest that the title of the OP should be changed to: What is neidan/internal alchemy? The word "Exactly" is really irrelevant here. It seems to me that no one knows exactly what the original meaning of naidan(內丹) is.
  6. What are the characters for this?
  7. 魂魄, in general, is simply means the soul and the body all together as a whole. The soul(魂) become the ascending part which become Xian(仙) after it ascend from its body. 魄 is the body which remains on earth after the soul has left.
  8. I want to become powerful

    Well, to become powerful has something to do with lots of breathing practice. It is not totally depend on the technique, rather, it is how much one had done the practice diligently. It takes years of practice. It cannot be accomplished in one day but many many years ahead. No one seems to be interested in the science of it but you. It is a good sight.
  9. 白日 is compound character. In the ancient, basically, it means the sun. In the present, it was used as daytime(白天).
  10. Ghost is just a spirit like a Xian. Both do ascend, the only difference is that ghost only come out a night. The Xian can appear during daytime and nighttime.
  11. Yes, it does mean daytime in the language!
  12. Yes, under the Chinese myth, a ghost will dissolve into a form of liquid under broad daylight.
  13. Looking for guidance

    Hi, Cobie Thanks! I cannot make changes under ReturnDragon.
  14. Neigong Interview with Rudi

    Here is my understanding: 1. Gong does not mean "work" but it simply means "the effect acquired from practice". 2. The body does not hold energy, it only generates energy. QiGong develops the body to have the capability to generate more energy. 3. Nei Gong is the ability how much energy that the body can be generated. It can be controlled in magnitude by the executioner. One can execute any amount of force at will. The amount of injury to the opponent depends on how much force was exerted by the executioner. The comment about the Dan Tian is not my judgement here. Nor my comment on "Chi".
  15. Looking for guidance

    Let me rephrase that. This the normal way for abdominal breathing. For reverse abdominal breathing is the opposite. 吐(tu) is to inhale with the abdomen fully contracted inward. 納(na) is to exhale with the abdomen fully expanded outward. Note: Sorry, I was confused about the two characters. Please correct the 吶(na) character to 納(na); to absorb.
  16. Looking for guidance

    @Cobie You have been always a great help. Thanks! I had forgotten all about this already. From my four decades of Taiji practice, that is exactly what I have discovered through modern science before I found this testimony. Indeed, modern science speaks for itself. Tao always prevail. Let nature take its course!
  17. Looking for guidance

    Hi cherrydao, nice nickname BTW, I am glad that we have a member started you off on the right track. Barnaby is in the same situation as you are but he is wise to realize that breathing exercises is the key to success in Qigong practice. In Qigong, breathing exercises is not so basic. It take some effort to accomplish that. It is something that might fulfill your request as the latter part highlighted in your quote. If you want it simple, then, you just do meditation by follow the ultimate breathing excise. I think had posted the Ultimate Breathing Method(UBM) on this site some time ago. Let me see if I can find it again or someone else can help me. I had been doing Taiji for many years by following the UBM. As you said: "to feel more creative and connected to life around me." Taiji is a bit complicated for you, perhaps. You may do a simple form to begin with. If it is not for you, then, just try meditation with some basic breathing excises until you reach the UBM. I am pretty sure this will give you better health. After all, health is wealth for a better life. If you are eager for a change in your health, then, please let me know. I would like to help you with the some basic qigong breathing exercise to begin with. Thanks!
  18. I don't think it matters. One can be cultivated to be a Tian Xian and it could happen any time.
  19. Yes, one is to become an immortal as a Tian Xian.
  20. A perfect Tian Xian is no longer own a body.
  21. The soul rise from the body during daytime when the sun is up.
  22. Yes, the body still die and left behind. Tian Xian can do Daytime Ascension but not ghosts.
  23. I believe the Chinese Taoist beliefs is to have the soul to leave the body. The soul will rise to heaven and become “Tian Xian”, 天仙. Some Tian Xians are cultivated to have the souls of the Taoist priests leaving their bodies and some are just come from within, like the Jade Emperor and his court.
  24. Looking for guidance

    Please don't feel discouraged. Qigong is not that difficult to practice. The difficult part is how much do you understand it. Then, you will know what to look for. What intrigue you to learn this method? May I ask do you know what Qigong is all about? You should know what practice falls into the Qigong category. All the Qigong methods are aiming for good health before anything else. Is that what you are after? Do you have any health issue? Let's hear from you, first, before I misguide you.
  25. sitting practice

    Let me reiterate. The above says all. It makes no difference how one sits. It work every way which ever one prefer. The main thing is breathing. Nobody seems to understand the significance of breathing in martial arts(武功), qigong(氣功), neigong(內功), neidan(內丹). Besides, I believe some had pay a large sum of money and still don't realize it. Everyone is still going around circles talking all the methods without mention breathing. After all this years of learning the arts, I think someone should become wise to know that. Sorry, folks, that I have to point this out! v