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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Some Info on Hu Yaozhen

    Well, it is not that I was not interested. If not, then I wouldn't be here. I just want good explanations instead of hey it works. The reason I jumped into every thread was because most people assumed what I don't really know but I want to pick their brains of what they know by their responses. To be honest, some of the responses weren't really very tasteful. Besides, some of the responses were so irrelevant and out of line. Most of the time, I don't get a direct answer but an evasive one.
  2. Spiritual value Bagua.vs Tajiquan?

    Tai Ji start with slow movement then fast. I was told by the Bagua people that they do the movements faster than Tai Ji even at the beginning. However, Tai Ji may always be practiced in slow form. IMO The slowness in the form gives me more spiritual value. Spiritual value means more toward the cultivation of the mind.
  3. Some Info on Hu Yaozhen

    This is very evasive.
  4. Some Info on Hu Yaozhen

    Yes, I agree that walker has shown me the my UMB is not the "ultimate method of QiGong". Rather QiGong uses the UMB. Master Wu's writing of interest talked about nothing but breathing. Perhaps he has his own definition of UMB. He had not mention "energy" at all in his writing. I don't think people are interested what I have to say about his writing since he is a master in the subject. Everything he says would be law of QiGong. So to speak.
  5. Some Info on Hu Yaozhen

    Sorry, I did not make myself clear. By "accomplished", I meant what have you gain to your body physically from your self-cultivation. What I am getting at was I can claim one hundred things to accomplish something in one's practice. Perhaps there is one thing that did the trick but which one. Therefore, I cannot come to a conclusion by saying hey, one of the things that did the job without knowing which one. I am only interested in the effect of a certain method with a good explanation. My concern here is more about learning some basic method to lead to a better health. I am not claiming that I am a master of some kind. I just want some good logical scientific reasoning if I can which make sense to a simple mind like me. When people suggested a method, I would to like discuss in more detail. Instead I get lots of feedback by citing different sites without their understanding in their own words and personal attacks. Or saying hey it work. So, shut up, CD. Finally, perhaps due to my ignorance, I am able to hear some people talking sense now.
  6. Some Info on Hu Yaozhen

    Walker..... Thank you for your time and effort for going over Master's Wu writings. I do not wish to waste anymore of your valuable time for arguments. I will reserve my comments and let the readers to decide either to believe all of that or just take it for granted. However, I will respond to those who have questions for me. Then, I will speak with an open mind. If you think my posts are misleading is only your honest opinion; and I thank you for that. I would like you to answer the following question. Can you just tell me what have you been accomplished, so far, from your school....??? BTW You did an excellent job on your translation......
  7. Some Info on Hu Yaozhen

    Perhaps......!!! May the members have a little personal data exchange with their experiences, if no one minds....??? PS...... You don't need to hear the truth but I do.
  8. The is one way to choose a teacher. Here are some of the things that is dead give away not to learn from this individual. If someone claim that he teachs 1. Chi Kung and Kung Fu. 2. Karate and Kung Fu. 3. Tai Ji and Kung Fu. Of course, this is only my opinion but I would use it as a guideline to choose my teacher.
  9. Some Info on Hu Yaozhen

    What did you think I have been doing....??? I had been reading his writing here: All documentations about ่ƒก่€€่ฒž(Hu Yaozhen) Can you identify any area which he does not mention breathing....??? Most of his writings about breathing seem very obscure to me. Sometimes it is clear, then most of the time is very vague. Edited to add... This is your post #6 quoted from: Bagua practice dangers, safety tips Do you have many illnesses in the past few year....??? Do you practice the "tu-na" method often...??? FYI.... I do practice the ๅๅถ(tu-na) by the minute which keeps my immune system very high. As the result of that, I am very energetic, healthy and hardly get sick.
  10. Knock knees and qigong

    It sounds like you are doing Zuan Zhuang(็ซ™ๆ‘) other than QiGong. Is that what your were doing....??? If you don't want to be standing still with the knees bent for a long time, perhaps you would like to try something more dynamic like the Yang style Tai Ji. This style allows you to move around bending one knee, alternately, at a time.
  11. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    This is only the Wu(็„ก) side of Tao. Are you ignoring the You(ๆœ‰) side of Tao....???
  12. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    My compliment to you too.
  13. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    Okay....MH If there was no Tao(้“), then, there is no Te(ๅพท) to be talked about. If the Te of Tao is the Virtue of Tao, then, where is the Te(virtue) came from with the absence of Tao....??? When Tao is always invisible(ๅธธ็„ก), one grok its quale.
  14. ๆพๆฐธ้“..... I like your post is not because of your agreement with me. Rather it is my agreement with many of your thoughts which gives me an opportunity to extent our discussion further into a broader view.
  15. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    Aren't all discussing Tao, here, in TTB......??? I would say that..... Tao which cannot be discussed is not Tao; Tao can be spoken with one word is not Tao; but Tao is just one word. However, if one understands this one word, then it is all Tao.
  16. Knock knees and qigong

    The problem is not your knees. It is normal because you have not been exercising for awhile. Another words, your knees are out of practice. So to speak. You will have the pain for few weeks to months. Eventually, the pain will go away after you practice for a while. Please try not to believe that you can relax your knees while bending. It is physically impossible not to have tension on your knees during muscle contraction. Your knees are bend inward, so let it be and don't try to fight it. If you do try to bend them forward, then you will put more tension on them. Just continue with your practice. It will be alright soon or later......!!! Have fun.
  17. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    I know what you are saying but..... By the logic theory or boolean algebra: 1. "-" = "-" 2. "-" x "-" = "+" 3. "-" or "+" = don't care
  18. Method for sitting with masters

    That sounds funny... It seems to me this is following the leader. I am no master. Last Tuesday, I had the students doing Zazen at the last fifteen minutes after a 45 minutes of continuous Tai Ji. I opened my eyes and took a peek, it seems I was following their vibes to do the meditation. Unconsciously and naturally, I had to close my eyes immediately.
  19. OK people I am coming clean...

    "What is the opposite of Dao?" Confucian.
  20. The Aim of the Daoist

    Since you are more interested in Taoist, then let's concentrate on Taoism. There are two sides to Taoism. One can either study the philosophy aspect or practice the religious aspect of Taoism. If one related to either aspect may be considered as a Taoist, I guess! I am practicing the philosophical aspect of Toaism which makes me a Taoist. So to speak. In regarding to immortality, it was legendary for those who wanted to become one by practicing some types of Chi Kung exercises to prolong life. The aiming goal was to be an immortal which was only a myth in the Taoist mind. There are many attempts by trying to be immortal but just ended up prolonged one's life. That's all. In some people's opinion, anyone who can live over one hundred years old may be considered to be an immortal. As you said, a most logical person would think to become an immortal is unnatural. Besides unnatural, it is impractical. Hence, in the modern time if one says to be an immortal which really means to prolong one's life. IMHO. Now, then, it comes to the question is prolong one's life is natural....??? My thought is, since Nature provides us life with a choice of living habits. One can either live short, long or longer and we have a choice, don't we? What would you choose? I would like to live longer. Therefore, I will seek ways to prolong my life. The ancient Taoists had tried the external alchemy to prolong life. Instead of living longer but they died from poisoning of lead and mercury. With the external alchemy failed, so, they tried internal alchemy by emulating the external alchemy inside the body. The internal alchemy is mainly involves in breathing. It was know as Chi Kung. Unfortunately, the term Chi was introduced and most people get so confused about its definition. Furthermore, no one is able to give Chi Kung a good definition for a good explanation. Finally, you are not making a mistake, my friend! Instead try to attain immortality by harmonizing with Dao, how about by harmonizing with Tao in prolong one's life....???
  21. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    Yes!. Literally, Wu Wei is do nothing which is negative. But, the philosophical thought behind it is "do nothing to interfere" which makes it positive. No.......???
  22. The Animal Within Me

    Nice going.....Rara You do that a few times. Pretty soon, there will be no need for that. You'll see when the time comes.
  23. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    This is the way how Lao Zi talks. He uses a negated statement to make the thought positive.
  24. FYI..... The oven in external alchemy is the cauldron. Metaphorically, the cauldron is analogous to your lower dan tian(abdomen) as in the internal alchemy. Fire is the burning fuel for external alchemy and your breath(oxygen) is the fuel for burning in internal alchemy.