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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Some Info on Hu Yaozhen

    Hold on a minute...... There is a discrepancy in the timing between the existing period of Lao Zi(老子) and Yellow Emperor(黃帝). Yellow Emperor was in the prehistoric stone age; and Lao Zi was in the period of the Warring States. It is not possible that the disciple of Lao Zi has a chance to meet the Yellow Emperor.
  2. Some Info on Hu Yaozhen

    I think we may ignore the propaganda part. At the time, he may a member of the CCP. It was almost a requirement to give all credits to the CCP, regardless, whatever it was to show loyalty to stay alive.
  3. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    Let go of all attachments but follow one's inner heart still ended up with " If we think we know something, we've already polarized from what we do not know."
  4. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    The "Manifest" is more direct toward the "Seen" or "Visible". The "Mystery" is rather indirect toward the "Unseen" or "Invisible". Do you have a better term than "Mystery" for more direct toward the "Unseen" or "Invisible".....???
  5. Acupuncture Study

    The duality of yin/yang must be coexisted to be in harmony. What that mean is: yin/yin is out of harmony. yang/yang is out of harmony. yin/yang is in harmony.
  6. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    Ahhhh.... The Seen and Unseen. It sounds familiar. The Visible(有) and the Invisible(無).
  7. Acupuncture Study

    Please don't confuse the issue here....!!! [quoe]If we are looking in terms of expansion and contraction, the front is expanded and the back is contracted. Front / back and expansion / contraction must be looked at separately to determine their attributes. Front is yang Back is yin Expansion is yang Contraction is yin Structure and action have their stand alone attributes. There is no difference in the concept of yin/yang between the west and east. No double standards....!!!
  8. "All CLAN AFFILIATIONS (not people) are treated like STRAW DOGS""

    Yes, with the character 福 turned upside down(倒福, dao fu) which means : 福到來 (fu dao le) is "luck has arrived" Note: Both characters 到(arrive) and 倒(upside down) are homonyms.
  9. Happy New Year!

    To skip other parts, go to 7:00 and 27:00 are worth to watch. Kung Fu Demo for the new year
  10. That is what I have in mind, too, as indicated in red. Per OP.... There is nothing one can do as a beginner but practice Zhan Zhuang diligently to strengthen the legs muscles. It will make one stable like a tree.
  11. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    Sure....!!! This Kung Fu is not that Kung Fu as in Kung Fu...... If there is only one teacher in the area, then, one should sign up and learn as much to get a good feel of what martial arts are all about. I would just go learn the most basic fundamental stuff and get out. If the teach is good, then, stay.
  12. How is your breathing pattern in poluted air?

    From the practice of Chi Kung, my sense of smell is very sensitive. As soon I have detected some odor in the air, immediately, I hold my breath and regulated the breath up and down inside my trachea slowly. Then resume to normal again after I passed the toxic zone. BTW During my normal walk around my neighborhood, I sense the smell of each house as I was passing by. Sometimes, I smell the odor of food and the bleach from the laundry. Luckily, I didn't sense the odor from their bathrooms......
  13. Acupuncture Study

    soaring crane...... I know what you are talking about now. Yes, of cause, there are some yang and yin meridians going through the front and the back of the body. However, they are running down to the inner and outer sides arms and legs. Please note that the yang-yin attributes of the meridians are determined by the location of the sides of the arms and legs. E.g. If the meridian is located at the outer side of the arms or legs, then it was considered to be yang; the inner side is yin. The chart you have requested will justify that as I had indicated in post #10 and 11. PS..... I granted you that some of the Yang meridians happen to be in the back of the body and the Yin in the front. Please kindly in mind that the yin-yang attributes of the meridians are not determined by the front or the back of the body. It is determined by the sides of the arms and legs. As far as the front and back of the body, they have their own attributes such as the front is yang and the back is yin. They are not determined by the attributes of the meridians.
  14. Acupuncture Study

    Walker, your comments are always welcome. Friendly or unfriendly, it doesn't bother me anymore one way or the other. The concept of Wu Wei is keeping my spirit high. I guess one might say that I am emotionless.
  15. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    Oh....yes. I haven't got to the comments on the first video yet on Tai Ji vs Shiaolin. It has a lot to do with the way in breathing.
  16. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    Don't go away. There are more to come...... Wait til I respond to Steve's comment.
  17. Acupuncture Study

    I believe something got lost in the translation somewhere. Are you familiar with this expression: 抱陽負陰 (embrace Yang, with Yin on the back).
  18. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    Actually, I had started with the 108 form of Yang Style Tai Ji. There are to many steps which are repeats. So, I wanted try to do something simpler. I tried the 24 form but it is too simple. Thus I like the 40 form better is because it is the pure Yang Style as compared to others which are mixed with other styles like "Wu". I can repeat the 40 form many times without the feeling of being monotonous. The reason that I teach the 24 form is because the people at the senior center want to learn the shortest and simplest form. Last Tuesday, a very cold day, the members told me they had never felt warmer after the practice before. Even, the lady was very cold most of the time and always ask me to turn the ceiling fans off. I asked them did they feel like that six months ago. They said no. That was encouraging. I told them how to breathe exactly as how I had mentioned here. They were even appreciate the comfort with the breathing in zazen as the way I've told them.
  19. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    I guess I didn't make myself understood. I am saying that Chi Kung is the Ultimate Method of Breathing(UMB) which is the abdominal breathing. If someone tells me that Chi Kung has nothing to do with breathing, then, I will not learn Chi Kung from this individual.
  20. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    Well, Chi Kung is the Ultimate Method of Breathing(UMB) which is the abdominal breathing. No matter what one practices, it would require abdominal breathing. Otherwise, nothing else works. Any kind of martial arts, the student must learn abdominal breathing. However, Chi Kung is specialized in the abdominal breathing with a special requirement which is much more intensive.
  21. Acupuncture Study

  22. Acupuncture Study

    soaring crane.... Per your request: Acupuncture chart This chart indicates the inner part of the body is Yin and the outer of the body is Yang. Please see Figures 4 to 7. At the top of Figure 4: All three meridians at the inner part of the hand are considered Yin(陰). 手太陰肺經 (Lung Meridian) 手厥陰心包經 (Pericardium Meridian) 手少陰心經 (Heart Meridian) At the top of Figure 5. All three meridians at the outer part of the hand are considered Yang(陽). 手太陽小腸經 (Small Intestine Meridian) 手少陽三焦經 (Triple Energizer Meridian) 手陽明大腸經 (Large Intestine Meridian) Please see the chart below.
  23. Acupuncture Study

    If you are interested in acupuncture, let's start a new thread. We don't want to derail this one. Do we...???
  24. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    No problem. My friend, we still live. I will continue to give my secrets away. Of course, it may be meaningless to some. No harm done.... Have a pleasant day.
  25. Acupuncture Study

    I was referring to the diagram as shown to identify the planes of the body to indicate the yang and yin attributes. The front plane of the body is being Yang and the back is Yin. I was not talking about the meridians.