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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Taoist meditation and Zen meditation

    Okay, let assume the Zen folks don't know what Qigong is. May I ask what do you think Qigong is in your own words....??? This is not a challenge but to satisfy my curiosity.
  2. [TTC Study] Chapter 9 of the Tao Teh Ching

    So, you are saying logical reasoning is useless. Sorry, I am out of logical reasoning to support my claim. Have a splendid day!
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 9 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Mingbai le...!!! However, "A Taoist has to follow certain principles to assist people" was not illogical nor a fallacy......
  4. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    If someone tells me that Chi Kung has nothing to do with breathing, then, I will walk away speechless.
  5. Taoist meditation and Zen meditation

    hmmmm...... I am not surprise if one does both at the same time. However, I will be surprised if someone says "I only do Zazen but not Qigong."
  6. I think you are still in love with your EX. Do you think "I was sleeping next to my ex after a couple months of sleeping separately," has something to do with it....??? It seems to me is a psychological thing.
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 9 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Good morning(my morning anyway)...... This Taoist is not necessarily a secluded Taoist but can be an ordinary person who practice the principles of Tao. A Taoist, as a good practice, would like to be virtuous by making contributions to the society by helping others. It may be analogous to a boy scout in doing three good deeds a day.
  8. What are the Principles in the TTC...?

    I am not sure that we are talking about the same thing.
  9. What are the Principles in the TTC...?

    Where does it say that....??? If I understand what you are saying, I would say that Wu Wei for Nature is creation and destruction. For human, one has no option to create but self destruction. Please don't tell me that a mule is a human creation.
  10. [TTC Study] Chapter 9 of the Tao Teh Ching

    No problem! It's getting late here now. I'm glad to give you a response in the morning coffee time.
  11. [TTC Study] Chapter 9 of the Tao Teh Ching

    The work(9 to 5 and go home) that you are talking about is not the same as a mission. It is a mission that one has to be accomplished to benefit all the people. I don't we are talking about the same thought. A Taoist has to follow certain principles to assist people. The reason they study TCM is to help people to get well from illnesses and be healthy. hmm.....By your line of questioning, it seems to me that you have no idea what Taoism is all about.
  12. [TTC Study] Chapter 9 of the Tao Teh Ching

    ๅŠŸๆˆ่บซ้€€ๅคฉไน‹้“ It is a matter of principle! One should withdrawn oneself from the scene when the mission was accomplished. This is a way of practice, as a Taoist, to due away with the desire for rich and famous. Another way to look at it is to avoid competing with others. A Taoist do not wish someone to have a pang of envy at the thought of one's success. BTW A Taoist wants to assist the others to accomplish things. Thus a Taoist is not necessarily to be nonchalant.
  13. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    It is almost takes one's life time to master the art of Tai Ji and Chi Kung. If someone claims he knows and teaches most of the martial arts. So, let it be. Then I'll go to someone who is specialized in the art that I am interested in.
  14. What are the Principles in the TTC...?

    The concept of Wu Wei is the primary principle of the Tao Te Ching. If the concept did not exist, then the Tao Te wouldn't have had been written. The definition is this: Wu Wei is "let Nature takes its course". The philosophy is that do not interfere with the course of Nature. E.g. If a man-make dam was built on a river to restrict the water the water flow, then, it is interfering the course of Nature. The Tao Te Ching evolves around the concept of Wu Wei by suggesting how a ruler should run a country with less interference to the people. Of course, there are some people would like to interpret it some other way to meet their philosophy. That is fine. However, it is outside the scope of the thread. I want to make clear that the definition of Wu Wei, on this thread, is NOT NON-DOING. Rather it is DO NOTHING which INTERFERES with Nature and CAUSE IT HARM.
  15. Chuang Tzu Chapter 3, Section A

    Thank you! Just between you and me. I just want to be known that I only refer to the negated part of the definition of Wu Wei when I interpret the TTC. The result of the negated part which made Wu Wei positive. It is not an either or situation in the case. Thus I would like to keep it as pure as possible in my thoughts. I will always kept in mind to save the drowning baby in the river...... Note: The either or situation I am referring to..... Wu Wei is non-doing. Wu Wei is not doing anything to cause harm. The former means doing nothing at all make no sense to me. The latter is the only definition I will go by to maintain the consistency throughout the TTC.
  16. [TTC Study] Chapter 9 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Welcome, CWNM It seems you have done the translation. Now, it is a matter of understand the philosophy behind it by one's own interpretation.....??? What do you think that the metaphor is hinting...???
  17. Chuang Tzu Chapter 3, Section A

    There is still something missing either on your pat or mine. Your recommendation is interfering my process of WuWei. However, I will hold to it so that will not be interfered. If "non-interference" was not the whole concept behind the philosophy of Wu Wei, otherwise, the TTC wouldn't have had been written. Of course, we will interfere in lots of ways. We can make things better or worse. Interfering by making things better does not apply to the concept of Wu Wei because it caused no harm. Making things worse is causing harm which is not Wu Wei. So far, I haven't encountered anyone who has a thorough understand the concept of Wu Wei. Sigh....!!! What is the point in discussing the principles in the TTC without knowing the most basic fundamental concept of WU Wei to begin with....??? Needless to say, it seems to me that we cannot have this minor issue resolved for sometime. Thus I think I am no longer needed to participate in any further discussion. Our thoughts are just not synchronized. I will let you people have it your way. PS..... I will continue to finish the translation of the chapters in the TTC section.
  18. help I lost my libido again

    Eat some mixed nuts for your snacks like: Walnut Brazil nut Almond Cashew nut Hazel nut and roast peanuts They should give one enough potency.
  19. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    Neigong(Tai Ji) Vs Weigong(Shiaolin) Marathon competition winner continues to compete. Tai Ji won: 7 to 4. Tai Ji vs Shiaolin Kung Fu
  20. Here is my attempt for the translation of Chapter 74 Chapter 74 1. If people are not afraid of death, 2. Then, why use death to threaten them? 3. If the people were always left to be afraid of death, 4. And those who are nefarious, 5. We may arrest them and execute them. 6. Who would dare to commit the crimes again. 7. There are, always, specialized people who will carry out the execution, 8. If someone was substituted to carry out the execution, 9. Then, it would seem like someone was doing the cutting for a carpenter. 10. It would be rare without having someone getting his hands injured...!!!
  21. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    BTW It was only an gross analogy which is suffice for the current discussion. We needn't to be that precise to make our point. Thanks for your precious comment from a point of view of a physicist.
  22. The sage who wrote the TTC was Lao Zi. At some point in time, we had established that it was aiming at the rulers. Lao Zi was no dummy, he wrote it in code for people at his level to understand. So, they may be become advisers and interpret it to a wise ruler. Besides, it was a taboo to write something against the ruler in the antiquity. He had considered that anyone might get in trouble by having his classic in one's procession. Hence, he did not write it so trivial for an ordinary person to comprehend. That was why he used the term "่–ไบบ(sage)" other than "ruler". By now, we should know why the TTC is extremely paradoxical.
  23. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    I see where the discrepancy between our understanding. I guess we were exposed in a different direction. Fine, let's have it stand that way. Here is my final word though! If a car is stop running. I believe that the mechanic will troubleshoot the engine internally rather than checking the air pressure on the tires. Happy New Year. Good accomplishment from your practices.
  24. Happy New Year!

    Breathe in the fresh air to prolong life and become an immortal.