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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Happy New Year!

    It was interesting that the zodiac of the Viet Namese is slightly different from the traditional one. You may find the difference here
  2. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    Okay.... I had said that Tai Ji is Neigong(internal method); and Kung Fu is Weigong(external method). In general, most people either practice one form or the other but not both. There is a tendency for people who don't understand the significance of either one. Tai Ji will has a better effect than Kung Fu but it takes a long time to bring the art to its perfection. Kung Fu may be accomplished in a shorter time. If someone practices Tai Ji, then there is no need to take Kung Fu lessons. Hence, there is a chance that someone might think it would be benefited by practicing both forms. As the result, one may not have learned the special skills of each. In that case, I would not want to learn either form from the individual who practice both. That's what I meant by stating that "one cannot be a good teacher if they teach both tai ji and gong fu".
  3. It's either one gets it or doesn't.
  4. Non-action....??? You mean Wu Wei which is do no harm to people.....??? Yes, feeding people is action. However, not feeding people with poison to cause harm is "Wu Wei". I will reserve my comment for "classical interpreters dont know what they r talking about".
  5. Heal depressive (sexual) energy - Howto?

    I strongly not recommending to "use the emotional release coming along with ejaculation / orgasm as a male". It will, mostly, hurt you physically and emotionally in the future. It will take a long time to reverse the detriment. From the Art of War: "There is a time which is best to retreat than advance." Your best strategy is to back off for awhile. Just play like you didn't care anymore. You rather wait for her next initiative. Do not force yourself to do some unallowable thing which will make you regret later.
  6. Of course, a wise man like Lao Zi has one, and only one, active intent to begin with which is to be Wu Wei.
  7. 1. This concept was not just from the interpretation of one chapter but the whole TTC. If one read the TTC carefully, most of the chapters do support that. 2. Most rulers in recorded history have done this; but are they wise....??? 3. The basic rule to interpret classics is by deductive and inductive reasoning. Please keep in mind that the paradoxical statements in the TTC have no superficial value. Unless, it was interpreted with pure logic.
  8. Yes, it is his subjects. The classical interpretations: "Emptying the hearts(mind)" means keeping the people educated and purify the mind from malicious thoughts. "Stuff bellies" means keep the people well fed, so, they won't have to deal with hunger to prevent them from stealing.
  9. dusty..... I am glad that you are going through the same thing as I had, in the past 15-20 years, for studying the TTC. Of course, a wise man like Lao Zi has one, and only one, active intent to begin with which is to be Wu Wei. Hereinafter, his whole philosophy was based on Wu Wei. I don't think a wise ruler would want his people to be stupid by keeping knowledge to a minimum. Therefore, I would like to rephrase this statement to make more sense: "He's also, by keeping malicious knowledge to a minimum, actively trying to prevent other people from interfering with society's status quo."
  10. Happy New Year!

    The Chinese character 羊 only describe the kind of animal with no specification in gender as in English. It was commonly known as a goat. Since the Chinese is a very male dominant society sometime after the matriarchy, they will borrow the masculine noun from English to name each year.
  11. Perhaps only in the eyes of the beholder. A sage would not read it as paradox.
  12. Hi, rene "Non-interference" means do not interfere with Nature and let it take its course. No.....???
  13. The Lao Zi as a Manual advised to rule with less Manipulation and Control. That is what Lao Zi's "Wu Wei" was all about.
  14. Let say "Wu Wei" was only used Lao Zi to meant "Let Nature take its course" or "non-interference". Hence, if this is not his patent, then, who else is there....??? So to speak.
  15. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    From a philosophical and profound interpretation: If we replace 知 with 智, then it reads 夫智者不言,言者不 智,故聖人行不言之教 One who does not issue dubious decrees is wise. One who do issue dubious decrees is not wise. Therefore, a wise ruler does not rule with dubious decrees. 是以聖人處無為之事,行不言之教 A wise ruler resides in the official affairs with wuwei(non-interference), by not issuing dubious decrees.
  16. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    I preferred to use "too idealistic".
  17. Yes, this is not many people had read it this way but you are right on. I can justify that “non-interference” is the patented philosophy of Lao Zi. Edited as shown in red.
  18. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    1. Anyone can start Kung Fu anytime then go into Tai Ji. Thus one will know the major difference in the two. I didn't imply that anybody is doing it wrong. 2. What I am saying there is a big possibility, in general, that someone who teaches both Tai Ji and Gong Fu can't be a good teacher. Of course, there are exceptions. Anybody can learn to be appreciated. I was saying that if someone who'd started with Tai Ji will be more appreciated than those who weren't exposed to begin with. 3. Wudang arts are a different story. Wudang arts are will planned and controlled in their teaching methods. However, my scenario was based on someone who learned the arts from here and there.
  19. Happy New Year!

    The Ram is emerging and the Horse is fading.
  20. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    Yes, there is a lot to be learned from the students, for one, to become a better teacher. @thewhitetiger... Your thoughts are well respected.... The things that were putted in a negative way are not always bad. If one always want to hear the patronizing comments from others all the time, then, there will be no room for a good advice crap from people. Edited as shown in red.
  21. It all depends how is your religion teaches you. If there was no place in heaven for you, then it's hell.
  22. To the OP again..... 陰間 is in Hell 陽間 is on Earth You are on Earth now! Thus you know that you are alive which is Yang. When you go to Hell, then you are dead which Yin.
  23. Pain in prostate from stagnation?

    You swear on it.....???
  24. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    Further thought, claiming Loa Zi was more materialistic was a bad start. There are many chapters in the TTC had emphasized that he is more immaterialistic.
  25. In Kung Fu term, it is your "yi". In modern science, it is the "Action Potential". Click on the Bold Blue to go along with the demo. Learn about muscle excitation-contraction Video demo: How muscle contracts