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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    The latter will do all what the former does more than one expected. That is why I said practice Tai Ji first. Hence there are unlimited features to be discovered in the practice of Tai Ji. Once one has learned this elegant art, one would be indulged in it. Unless, one has not been learned to appreciate it fully, then, one might goes into Kung Fu along the way. I wouldn't consider that was a proper approach. @ thewhitetiger Yet, it was arrogant. Perhaps offensive! Indeed! I was only emphasizing on the guideline how to choose a right teacher. It really jolted somebody, didn't it.....???
  2. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    I will make it very brief here about Tai Ji and Kung Fu. Tai Ji takes a long time to bring it to perfection. It is a from of Chi Kung as well as Neigong. The primary reason for people to practice Tai Ji is for health. At the beginning of the practice, there are alots of hard work in breathing and movements for building up the body inner strength. After few years of practice, then it may be applied to have the function as Kung Fu. In general, people practice Kung Fu is for self defense. Of course, it may not exclude health for some. Kung Fu is not as refine as Tai Ji. Sometimes, it is very vigorous and pretty aggressive. It consumes lots of body energy during practice. Thus it cannot be classified as Neigung(ε…§εŠŸ) as Tai Ji. It would be more appropriate to classify it as Weigong(ε€–εŠŸ). These two techniques are almost the opposite of each other. It is difficult to practice them at the same time. If a person wants to practice both, then, Tai Ji should be practiced first. However, after a person have brought Tai Ji to its perfection, then, there is no need to learn Kung Fu or doesn't want to learn it at all. Needless to say, one may not have perfected the prowess of Tai Ji, yet, if one claims one knows Kung Fu and Tai Ji.
  3. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    henro, I thought you might be interested. I'll fulfill your request after I come back from my Tai Ji Class. Perhaps, I was contemplating to start a new thread, with more emphasis, to distinguish the difference between Tai Ji and Kung Fu in general. BTW thank you for the opportunity for given me a chance to express myself on the subject matter.
  4. need assistance about historical things

    I would not come to this conclusion but leave an open mind. You know δΈ€ε±±ι‚„ζœ‰δΈ€ε±±ι«™(There is one mountain always higher than another). You might want to change your mind if you can get a hold of this book written by 陳鼓應(Chen Ku Ying): θ€ε­θ¨»θ­―εŠθ©•δ»‹ ISBN 962- 231- 107- 5 I have the contents of this book posted somewhere, here, sometime ago. Let me see if I can find it again. Edited: Okay, I have found it. You can read it here and tell me what you think....!? θ€ε­θ¨»θ­―εŠθ©•δ»‹
  5. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    ε€«ι“ζœ‰ζƒ…ζœ‰δΏ‘ For in the Way there is (feeling) and (trust) What this classical saying is: This Tao is what we're talking about now in its realm(ζœ‰ζƒ…) which is his proof of existence(ζœ‰δΏ‘). ζƒ… is like in ζƒ…ε’ƒ, ε’ƒη•Œ(realm) . δΏ‘ is like some proof to make believe or trust. In Sun Tzu...... Classic: ε…΅δΉ‹ζƒ…δΈ»ι€Ÿ: Modern: ε…΅δΉ‹ζƒ…οΌšη”¨ε…΅ηš„ζƒ…εŠΏ(under any military strategy or situation) δΈ»ι€Ÿ: rapidity in mobilization is the main key. ε…΅δΉ‹ζƒ…δΈ»ι€Ÿ: The most effective military strategy is the rapidity in mobilization.
  6. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    Please! I am still trying to stay away from porn. Any little thing will do the triggering.....
  7. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    It won't be simple if one ask complicated questions.....!!! BTW Do you still wish for me to continue to answer the final question....??? "Why would you not want to learn from someone who teaches chi kung and Kung fu?"
  8. That's the abdominal breathing(UMB).
  9. Yes to the former. Well, to the latter. This (Taoist) emotionless is not that emotionless anymore. That emotionless can make your sister happy by hearing your word of approval. However, this (Taoist) emotionless can make yourself calm, inside, by given the reaction out of you to please her, in a subtle way, which caused you no harm. Just remember, everybody has the right to get upset but you also have the right not to get upset. Why? It is because you are in the cultivation to be a Taoist. Perhaps, to be a "true person". You are a new you today rather than the you of yesterday.
  10. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    Yes, it is a good start to see how each of us understand the philosophies of both philosophers. It seems to me that Zhuang Zi was the one who spoke more about preserving life and enjoy life individualistically; and Lao Zi spoke more about preserving one's virtue by following the principles of Tao.
  11. Emotionless from a philosophical point of view, it doesn't mean you don't love nor get angry. What it is suggesting is to hold one's poise when angry; one may show compassion at any time or not at all.
  12. The Father and Son of Taoist Philosophy

    Lao Tzu was more materialistic.....??? Can you please justify that more explicitly....???
  13. You knew what to do and tried. You had tried to cultivate but not hard enough. Why can you pick up after your mother and keep calm like her. She has lots of patience with you and treated you as her son. Then, go find yourself. Emotionless. Great, that is a state of Wu Wei. Do you know how hard for someone to reach to this level of cultivation? Thus it's better than screaming and yelling at your mom.
  14. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    These three huge generalities seem to be mundane. However, there is a divine secret behind them which is not easily to be recognized by the reader. Hence, one must not look at it grossly and come to a hasty conclusion. They must be examined scrupulously to find its reconditeness. It seems to me you already had done so. However, there was a slight misunderstanding, on your part, about Tai Ji was being Kung Fu. I grant you that Tai Ji may be considered to be a form of Kung Fu. Unfortunately, most people seem to be looking at it this way by ignoring the major difference of the two. BTW That was my intention to point out the subtlety of the fine art in the next post.
  15. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    That's better...!!! Let me answer #1 for now because #2 and 3 are a little bit extensive. I need a little time for that. 1. It is not a matter of what general term to be used. The terms which are used is only a label to reveal what one really knows or don't know. Note: #3 may be answered follow by answering question #2.
  16. Hexagram 1- Heaven

    Earth is the Yin-est. It is similar to Heaven and nothing can change their attributes.
  17. Who I don't want to be my Teacher?

    Likewise to you. Why would you like to learn from a Karate master which he claims that he knows Tai Ji....??? Please clarify your question. "What terminology would you accept from someone?"
  18. Karma IS real after all . ( or is it ? )

    How could it be? You've never screw up. My friend....!!!
  19. Nope, we're definitely not. Otherwise, we wouldn't be talking to you this way. PS... It was fun in talking with you to follow your logic. Perhaps, your paradox.
  20. Hexagram 1- Heaven

    Hexagrams are formed by two trigrams. The reason the hexagram #1 has all Yang lines is because it's the Yangest of all the hexagrams. All the others are changeable if the trigrams were flip-flopped but not this one. No matter how the trigrams were flipped or flopped; it is always the same and holds the Yang attribute. Thus it emulates "Heaven" perfectly is because nothing can change Heaven.
  21. In this case, the teacher is more less ready. It was a matter of saving the face of the teacher....!!!
  22. TM.... I am following your thoughts by now. I'm amazed to see that you like to pull scenarios from thin air to illustrate your point. There is one thing I would like to quote from the TTC: "ζœ‰η”Ÿζ–Όη„‘": something came out of nothing. Here are two fools having a conversation with each other. TM: "Then I walk in and say, dude , it was a rock not a bird , See the rock on the floor ?" CD: "Then I walk in and say, dude , it was a bird not a rock , See the bird on the floor?".......
  23. Tzujan (from other thread)

    Perhaps,.......... the unformed(spiritual). Spiritual is always mystical to me.
  24. Don't understanding something means one doesn't know. Perhaps one may think one understands but it could be mistakenly understood as the truth. PS.... Apparently, people rise against you, in the forum, is because you have too many open loops.