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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Taoist Calligraphy

    No, no, no he couldn't be referring to 符箓法术 is because it's the opposite of Tao's way. I think you've already knew the answer, my Taoist friend. Taoist calligrapher is to practice in writing each chapter of the Tao Te Ching. One's mind will be cultivate to a state of tranquility and enhance the comprehension of the principles in the TTC during the process. Each stroke was executed with a steady and soft control in a calmly manner. Thus it is the revelation of a Taoist which has been cultivated to the highest realm.
  2. You know, TM I knew somebody feels very good when something was misunderstood.
  3. Yes, 傍門左道, the illegitimate practice too.
  4. Whatever.....!!! Chi kung, Tai Ji Quan, Shiaolin Kung Fu and so far......etc.
  5. Why should they might not even like each other...??? It is up to the teacher to make the class interesting and keep the students enthusiastic. Otherwise, the teacher is not qualify as a teacher and failed to teach a class.
  6. A master who teaches his students with the best of the art.....!?
  7. Taoist Calligraphy

    How about writing the "Tao" character with a brush as post #3....???
  8. I understand you now. You were talking about under the discipline by others.....
  9. I've detected the unwillingness here. It would not be considered discipline if one's heart was not really into it. Self discipline has to be done with joy and amusement. By just going through the motions of formality is not discipline. E. g. I'd seen a demo recently, showing someone was just going through the motion of the Chen Style Tai Ji, real fast, instead of the pragmatic movements. I didn't know it was done purposely or what....!!!
  10. Teaching

    Neither am I. I had been teaching the Yang Style for about sixth months in a senior center. It is fun to work with people who have great interest in the art. Keeping them enthusiastic by adding something new, each time, when an instruction was a repeat to alleviate the monotonous. Let them feel that they are not learning the same thing over and over. Keep in close contact with each individual. So, nobody felt one is left out. BTW Everything that one teaches does reflect one's personality. It is more relaxing, especially, it is on a voluntary basis.
  11. need assistance about historical things

    Have you read any modern interpretation by some well known and knowledgeable native scholars....??? PS.... We just cannot come to a standing still. If there is something that we don't know or not sure of, then we have to rely on some reliable sources.
  12. Taoist Calligraphy

  13. Tzujan (from other thread)

    In the Chinese language, 自然 doesn't use as the "nature of a person" as in English. Most of the time, 自然 was used as an adjective as "being natural" in Chinese.
  14. Chuang Tzu Chapter 3, Section A

    養生 is to keep oneself alive or maintain one's life in a healthy way.
  15. TM.... Your nick should speak for itself and all. Unfortunately, we don't see that at all. I hope you will hold up to its highest expectation. The way I see you now; you are more Yin than me. PS...... Please use less space in your writing, for the health of our eyes , if you don't mind....!!! May Yang raise within you.
  16. I've never expected an end to this. As a woman, she is always Yin by gender. As the height of the woman, the attribute of her height is Yang which not necessarily make her Yang. So, the conclusion with respect to the attributes is a Yin woman has a Yang height. Besides, you wouldn't determine the attribute of a woman by her height, would you.....??? We all see that your statements has more lies than truth, therefore, it's safe to consider the statements have lies.....!!!???
  17. TaoMaster..... Yang(陽) is positive Yin(陰) is negative.
  18. Introduction to Taoist Alchemy

    I cannot speak for the traditional way is because it has no basis. When one performs Qigong, the body will produce its hormones as required for its normal function. I've said that Qiging can lead to longevity rather than to become an immortal. I am saying that Qigong is the Ultimate Method of Breathing which is the basic requirement for all martial arts. Practicing Qigong alone will improve one's health. The ultimate goal for Qigong is to enable someone to perform abdominal breathing which was known as "sink chi to the dantian(氣沈丹田)". As soon one is able to perform this special breathing technique, then, one is ready to practice any method as one desires. Otherwise, don't even think about learning any form of Wu Gong(武功) at all. Perhaps, one may have to start with Qigong to begin with.
  19. Neidan vs Qigong

    No one can stay away from Qigong. It doesn't matter what method or practice that one involves in. Qigong is the Ultimate Method of Breathing(UMB). It is an independent practice of all but must be part of all. Yes, if, and only if, people think Qigong is just Iron Shirt or Tao Yin but it was not. Iron Shirt is a form of Neigong(內功) which is an internal practice. Again, it requires the aid of Qigong to get there.
  20. It is only relative.....more with respect to less and vice versa. More Yang-1 is Yang Less Yang-1 is Yin More Yin-1 is Yin Less Yin-1 is Yang.
  21. a little dark: How have the masters die?

    3bob..... Do you agree that an immortal was once a normal mankind; and the gods were not.....???
  22. Neidan vs Qigong

    This is only MMHO....... Let's see if I can clear the air about the confusion between Niedan and Qigong. The idea of Neidan(內丹, internal alchemy) is an emulation from the concept of Weidan(外丹, external alchemy). Many people had misunderstood that Neidan and Qigong are two different kinds of practices but not. However, one will know what is the difference by understand the definitions of the two. In the Chinese Taoist history, the idea of Weidan(外丹) is to manufacture a pill externally by baking it in an oven. This idea was borrowed by the ancient Taoists to emulate this concept inside the body. This way, the body will benefit the alchemy efficacy directly and it can be eliminate the external alchemy process. Actually, Naidan is a form of Qigong for refining the Jing, Chi and Shen(精氣神). For now, let's not go into the description of these three items. It is a new can of worms. So to speak. Neidan is only a name given to this procedure for the method by the Taoists. Qigong is the main process was used to refine and enhance the potency of Jing, Chi and Shen. Thus Qigong is only part of the procedural routine for the Neidan method. In Weidan, the ingredients were some earthy elements such as lead and mercury and etc. The main aiding ingredient is fire. In Neidan, the ingredients Jing, Chi and Shen; and Qiging is analogous to the fire, as in Weidan, for Neidan alchemy. In summary.... If one is performing Qigong or Chi Kung, then one is already doing internal alchemy already without realizing that the body is benefiting the efficacy of Neidan. Like somebody had already said....
  23. Love the One you're With

    The difference between being enlightened and not is only a split second away in the thoughts......
  24. Love the One you're With

    Many members were looking for the definition of "enlightenment"; and here is. It has to be experienced but not by searching. And this what I called enlightenment. Manitou had been experienced her sudden enlightenment of love. Congratulations....!!!
  25. a little dark: How have the masters die?

    The practice do deliver longevity. That goal seems attainable but working to become an immortal is not. The Chi Kung practitioners do change the state and function of your bodily form to attain longevity. I do, definitely, expect them to live longer but only die in very normal ways like everyone else such as old age.