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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. What have changed my life the most was by reading the following books. First, I had spent a few years of study the Yijin(易經) to comprehend the principles of Yin-yang(陰陽). Second, I had spent few more years investing the Dao Da Jing(道德經) to find out what Wu Wei(無為) was all about!
  2. Detox ?

    There must be something toxic in your system that need to be detoxed. However, it could be something that is mentally or physically! Can you think of something that might cause you to feel this way!
  3. Two of the types of Qi in Tai chi

    I know what he is telling everybody. One who knows physics and observant should be able to rebut his notion about chi. To prevent any conflicts that might offend some of the Chi lovers, I will reserve my comments. Of course, you are welcome to inquire for my point of view. Peace!
  4. Haiku Chain

    Thread must holding fast Before deletion occur To be continued
  5. Haiku Chain

    Deleted not good Lost of continuity With original
  6. Haiku Chain

    Deleted again Deleted, deleted. And Deleted not good
  7. Haiku Chain

    Appearing before Asking again and again Same answer again
  8. The four kinds of Chi to be cultivated in Qigong

    If one follows an unique definition of Chi in each field for consistency, then, there is no need to ask the same question again and again. The same question was kept asking. The same answer will come up again and again.
  9. Haiku Chain

    Still whispers guide me Stepping into destiny Reach the peak of realm
  10. The four kinds of Chi to be cultivated in Qigong

    IMHO If it is an opinion, then, it is something that someone is not sure of. Why should I post something that I am not sure of? I have used justification to back up my claims and done my homework!
  11. The four kinds of Chi to be cultivated in Qigong

    炁 is a matter that was never touched by fire. It is the primordial matter or the basic unit that makes up all the things in the universe. Then the character 气 comes into the picture as air that we breathe. The major source of food is rice(米) for the Chinese to give them energy. The Taoist realized that from eating and breathing are the source of vitality. So the character for the vital energy is 氣. 氣 is the combination of 气 and 米 What a coincidence ATP energy is oxygen and glucose! The translation about the compound character 先天. It was translated as pre-heaven and poorly translated to begin with. The correct translation is prenatal or before birth. The logic of pre-heaven or post-heaven doesn't flow. It is because heaven is heaven. There is no heaven before or after our times. Besides, 天 means sky not heaven(天堂). Chinese thought and treated the sky as their god is because the sky is high above. Thus the Chinese, initially, thought that everything was originated from the sky. In the same token, 後天 is postnatal or after birth rather than post-heaven.
  12. Christianity

    It's $950 to prevent having too many people get arrested and crowed the city jails.
  13. Taiwan

    Here is a different approach with the sounds of nature. It is suppose to be good for the soul and body. One may considered these six Tibetan sounds as a form of Qigong. Only, and if only, you believe in that breathing is a form of Qigong. 唵嘛呢叭咪吽 Om Ma Ni Pad Me Hum The sounds are really coming out deep from the dantain(丹田).
  14. The four kinds of Chi to be cultivated in Qigong

    Amen, brother! I bow to you on both knees! PS And @Cobie too!
  15. The four kinds of Chi to be cultivated in Qigong

    It is only a figure of speech. It means put a bullet through my head. It takes a little imagination with a Chinese speaker. Same thing with Qi. A slightly off tone, the meaning will be thousand miles away. How would you think about that? That is why I can't communicate with westerners and easterners. I am really suffocating when I am talking about Chi here. People always think of what they wanted to be meant and never tried to listen what others are saying. I am so sorry that the Chinese invented the character 氣 to confuse themselves and the whole wide world. I have never said that Chi is always meant air. It only means 'air' when we are talking breathing in context. PS @Cobie Thank you for being here to defend me!
  16. Taiwan

    These are the six sounds.
  17. Taiwan

    I thought that was what you meant! 火: hou doesn't seems to be close the sounds below. 它通過噓(xu)、呵(he)、呼(hu)、呬(si)、吹(chui)、嘻(xi)六個字的不同發音、口型,利用呼吸,充分調動臟腑的潛在自愈能力,以抵抗疾病侵襲,防止衰老。 練「六字訣」講究腹式呼吸,先呼後吸,呼氣時發音。 呼氣要緩慢、深長、均勻,以加大肺活量。同時,兩足開立,與肩同寬,頭正頸直,雙膝微屈,全身放鬆。 每個字念 6 遍,然後調息一次。 原文網址:
  18. Taiwan

    I don't quite understand what you are saying here! Here are the attributions of the organs 火: Fire 胃: stomach (土) 脾:Spleen (土) 胰: pancreas (土) 地音: Earth sound
  19. The four kinds of Chi to be cultivated in Qigong

    That was how the traditional teachers are telling the people the traditional way. People were already accepted as facts with no justification. Since the traditional way has no justification, it is easy to tell people simply something that to make a buck. I will not argue about that. I am only tried to tell it scientifically to convince myself. I cannot emphasize enough that Qi could be anything depends on context. I cannot and will not just take somebody's word, blindly, without any justification. That's all. If anyone who is tired of hearing of what I'm saying, then, please put me on your ignore list. I will say the same thing again even someone put a gun through my head. Peace!
  20. Taiwan

    Mandarin has being known as the National dialect in China including Taiwan. It was spoken in Peking(Beijing) as the National dialect of China. Actually, it was Pekinese, 北京話, becomes the National dialect. The office name is 國語, national language, under the Nationalist(Taiwanese) rule. Since the Manchurian took over the Ming dynasty in Beijing and the majority of the people speaks Pekinese. In order for the Manchurian to rule the majority of the people, they have to learn the main culture and speak their language. Nowadays it was called Mandarin is because that is what the westerners called it. Actually, Mandarin means the people of Manchuria. In English it also means the Manchurian language. However, the Manchurian have their own dialect should be called Mandarin. Since the Han people took back China, the Manchurian has to hidden their identity and changed their names to the Han format. Hence, the Manchurian culture almost extincted. The national language, 國語, has been known as 普通話(Common Language) in China. The Taiwanese uses the traditional Chinese characters and 普通話 uses simplified characters. Even though the 普通話 was unified in China but people still speaks it with an local accent. Sometimes, it is very difficult to understand. Just like you said in Taiwan! BTW China has 56 tribes or nationals. It has been said that China has 10 dialects. Each dialect has multi sub-dialects too.
  21. Okay! I think I know what you are getting at! Wu De is the virtue of martial arts. That is the reservation of a master to a certain extent not to hurt someone in a fight. By letting the opponent know that he could be hurt badly but the master won't make it happen. I think that is what you meant by metta. In martial arts, the primary thing is to practice the forms to enhance the strength of the physical body. One must have a healthy and strong body for combat. Secondary is to think about defensive fighting rather then offensive. If one wants to learn martial arts for offensive fighting to begin with, then one has taken a wrong first footstep. Yes, Taiji comes with both health and martial features whether I like it or not. I may not have the fighting experience but I do have the fighting strength to defend myself.
  22. Right, this is what was called 武德, the virtue of martial arts.
  23. Who or what is "satan"?

    This wu is 武:martial arts
  24. Who or what is "satan"?

    You(有) and Wu(無 ) are defined in Chapter 1 of the TTC. Since the phrase is from the TTC, thus the definitions of the two characters must be confined within the context of the TTC. 3. 無,名天地之始。 3. Invisible(無), was a name given to Tao at the origin of sky and earth. 4. 有,名萬物之母。 4. Visible(有), was a name given to Tao as the mother of all things. ********************************************************************************************************************* 我(wo) : I; me; myself 午(wu): noon.
  25. The good source is within your heart. Love and kindness comes within your heart. You just think like it and act like it by self discipline. That is your best source!